So.....why Are You Here??

  • Thread starter putembk
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I would assume Trumps stance would be similar to his view on lgbtq stuff. Personally he could care less, do what you want. However, given the official party platform that was passed and him desperately needing that far Christian right vote....don't think things will be so good for pot smokers. I get a pretty strong impression the states rights argument is moot and they would be stepped on.

Edit: that sounded weird to me. Basically he needed the Jesus vote that is typically reliably republican. They did not back him at all, so the moral crusaders got quite a bit more input than normal into the official party stance. Given that he opted to forgo his personal beliefs on gay issues, I would expect him to go with whatever will appease that large block of constituents he needs to pick up that are social conservatives.
I would hope businessguy Trump sees the money, but he is allowing chris christie to support him, and that's stupid. Jon Stewart summed it up pretty well.
Shitty quality but I'm sure it can be found elsewhere.

-Uncle Jonny’s Super Kush Totally Chillaxed Sticky-icky Informative Marijuana News Report


We can hold Christie off with 3-4 dozen doughnuts long enough to tear down.... ;-)

In all seriousness....

On a commercial scale.... a regime' change could spell disaster.

But for the small time/personal grower...change will only come if you allow it to come.

I can't speak for others...but I will play the game no matter what...just as I always have. Legal or not.

IMO, all "they" are >ever< really doling is outlining "how we play" and if there's any REAL money to be had playing.

grab yer balls and go, kids!


On a commercial scale.... a regime' change could spell disaster.

But for the small time/personal grower...change will only come if you allow it to come

I agree. However I have always said a politician will not go against the will of the people. Democrats, especially, won't change anything as they might loose votes.
IMO, Cali and Colo have set an example of how money can be made on marijuana. Lets face it....they need the $$$

SMOKE (grow) on brothers and sisters.....pot is here to stay.


I remember after hurricane sandy when Obama visited Christie.... Pinky and the brain


I'm here to interact with like minds and contribute however i can without trying to piss off too many people too often...I have been given much more then i have gifted, so i am still around to reciprocate the love. Thanks again a million times over to those who have shared their love with me and I hope to give back one way or another....

With that said here are some pics of the gorilla glue @putembk gifted me

Excuses are pointless but, here goes anyway, SORRY about the shitty phone pics but they were much worse without the flash
20160726 194756
20160726 195142
20160726 195142 1
20160726 195250
20160726 195250 1

I'm hesitant to say a photographer could make this nug look much better BUT I'm a smoker so on to the next...
The smells coming through are as faint as the visuals, slight skunk, a lil chocolatey, with a wee bit of kush...surprising smooth expansion though....
Taste was eh, eh smooth but this little gorilla really shined in the potency with a 2 hour long 7ish rating on desirable head effects and a solid 8 on body stone
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I'm here to interact with like minds and contribute however i can without trying to piss off too many people too often...I have been given much more then i have gifted, so i am still around to reciprocate the love. Thanks again a million times over to those who have shared their love with me and I hope to give back one way or another....

With that said here are some pics of the gorilla glue @putembk gifted me

Excuses are pointless but, here goes anyway, SORRY about the shitty phone pics but they were much worse without the flashView attachment 619564 View attachment 619565 View attachment 619566 View attachment 619567 View attachment 619568
I'm hesitant to say a photographer could make this nug look much better BUT I'm a smoker so on to the next...
The smells coming through are as faint as the visuals, slight skunk, a lil chocolatey, with a wee bit of kush...
Taste was eh, eh smooth but this little gorilla really shined in the potency with a 2 hour long 7ish rating on desirable head effects and a solid 8 on body stone
Just for reference @putembk that wifi you grow is a solid biased 8 all around because i love experiencing a true representation of a real deal holy field DIESEL and the fuely funk in the fire og makes that wifi an 8 to me which improves on the White....your DIesel IS an all around 9 right their with Lucinda....for what it's worth I hope you know I still appreciate the gift and don't mind at all smoking on that Gorilla Glue I mean no disrespect but if that's the GG#4 with all the hype, they can keep it... I would replace that cut unless you see something I don't, maybe it needs "Dialed" in but based on the consistency of your other cuts I doubt it's the environment or grower...
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Well I'm smoking more to test the cieling...that first smoke report was after literally three hits, now I'll smoke a whole bowl ;^} now thanks to the body high tolerance I really want to see if it's much different in the body because this has potential to be some decent sleepy meds...


I came here to stay in touch with peeps from other sites pretty much. Most have gone now but have always liked the people that have stayed around. We all seem to be on the same page. This site always seemed to be focused on the growing with a lot less trolls. Lots of the old peeps from Spain where here at 1 time or another. If that GG4 isnt up to par grab another one locally. I swear everyone I have ran into has it in their garden here. Me included.


Well, I'm here today cause it's to fucken hot to go outside. Will wait a little longer and hope the clouds come over again. Got 1.3" of rain in about 45 minutes yesterday. Nice downpour! Sure did cool things off.

I am gonna cull my "so called Gorilla Glue" cause it isn't!! Disappointing!! More of a Chem Hybrid. Thank you ass hole from another site. Trade me my Wi Fi for your fake!! Some people!! Must think I'm a fricken idiot. Fool me once....shame on you.....fool me twice....shame on me.....won't happen again!

Back to my seek out new and exciting strains. Wish I could have some of the wonderful cuts back I have culled in the past. If I only knew what to keep I wouldn't be looking now......
Ouch I should have read the whole thread first...hope I'm not fueling the wrong fire...


Well I'm smoking more to test the cieling...that first smoke report was after literally three hits, now I'll smoke a whole bowl ;^} now thanks to the body high tolerance I really want to see if it's much different in the body because this has potential to be some decent sleepy meds... well I may be eating my words here but the ceiling is pretty high in a great way with this Gorilla Glue @putembk...the potency may be a 9+ , I went ahead and blazed two more bolws...
20160726 212944
20160726 213319 1

It's real smooth and the ash is white and I am super stoned, now it's a waiting game....


Dabbling in Oil
I have PTSD from some crazy stuff that happened to me when I was drinking.
I am too weary of making friends because the people that tortured me were people that I thought were my friends.
Cannabis was the only medicine that ever helped me with my ptsd and I was diagnosed bipolar as so many others with ptsd are, even though I have only one of the symptoms, depression. Psychiatrists are quick to judge patients and just toss out a diagnosis to get the medication ball rolling. They used me as a guinea pig for 15+ years giving me powerful tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants.
I struggled with alcohol and drug addiction and then decided to give it all up and just smoke cannabis.
I am here by the grace of God alone.


Does potency TrumP lack of bag appeal?

Hmmm.....thanks for the imput Psychonaut47. I feel the same way regarding the GG. Still don't know if this is the real deal. Wish there was a local grower that I could compare with. I don't want to represent something that isn't what they thought they were getting.
This plant carries a heavy stone but I am disappointed in everything else. I probably will drop it no matter what strain it turns out to be. I don't have the space to carry something that is a step down from what both I and others expect. Bag appeal is nice but the real test is what is in the bowl.

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