SOSERious.... Rock Candy Grenade Escaped

  • Thread starter soserthc1
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hahah Sos, i always forget about my ink when i take shots, theres always a dozen orso that i have to chuck just cause of it. In the first couple shots, what the deal with the funky leaf tips??? Did they grow like that bro. Lookin ritcheous none the less my friend. Thanks for the update

As I look back picture two has cut leave tips from a fim that didn't take also but I will get you pictures of the dif pattern of internodes and leave growth.... my bad


As I look back picture two has cut leave tips from a fim that didn't take also but I will get you pictures of the dif pattern of internodes and leave growth.... my bad

Lol, I noticed the leaves.....I see that all the time! Another tip on bottled Co2, open the valve very slowly. If you just open it you can split the seal inside. I split my seal once, took the regulator back to the shop and they looked at it and laughed.....then pointed to the (2) extra seal washers attached to the damn thing with a ziptie haha


Lol, I noticed the leaves.....I see that all the time! Another tip on bottled Co2, open the valve very slowly. If you just open it you can split the seal inside. I split my seal once, took the regulator back to the shop and they looked at it and laughed.....then pointed to the (2) extra seal washers attached to the damn thing with a ziptie haha
Wanna of them don't I feel dumb moment's . huh. thanks for advice brotha... soser


Things are coming along nicely SOS, good job brother! Glad to see you asking so many questions too bro, thats how we learn. Keep up the goods! Peace brother! Motiv
Thanks for stopping brotha Motiv with your positive energy, glad you came thru... yes I have found that if your unsure just ask and no question is a stupid question if you don't know. The reason we all come here 1- the cannabis plant we love 2- the knowledge of others. 3- because this is the greatest forum around. Peace and Respect to you friend, hope you day is a good one. SoSer
Ur bad, not at all bro, i was just curious as to diff leaves.
Well I should of noticed them leaves and gave the info on them before the post , I do that alot as I really like to keep that center cola going , instead of just topping and killing it. I have noticed alot of people just cut that top of and end up with just two main stems shooting up, I like to get at least 4-5 main then fill it in..... peace to you ken , have a blessed day - hope the weather isn't as shitty as it is here today. Rainy humid days suck - I 'm dreading my next electric bill but it will be all good in 36


Bro, the weather is fuckin terrible over here, rain, humid as fuck, and my girls out there are throwin fits left and right. Where the hell is the sunshine??? I agree with ya bro on the mains, i like as many as possible. I very rarely let a girl go in natural form unless is a test grow. Top em crop em and chop em hahaha. lots of tops for me bro. I hear ya on the bill this next month, frieken dehumidifiers runnin like crazy, flower room, even veg is off the charts lately, and ofcourse the drying room. 3 dehumis runnin plus ac's wont be a nice bill

Peace right back at ya brother!!!! fuck the rain, just smoke more


Day 22 update all three plants have been on Alien feeding regime with a few added ingredient's but mainly Alien's regime , Unfortanely all but one of the three ARC'S were male , so I do apoligize for the bodhi genetic's in the Alien forum but better than showing off just one plant, but a special plant it is for sure these pictures were just takin on day 22 half way thru the 12 hr cycle and as you can tell they are loving the prim sea green ..... enjoy
Arc 4 bud view day 22


side view and top view has been fimmed twice creating 5 main tops and three smaller ones shooting up. They were given a hair cut yesterday of the sink (Thanks meeks) leaves and the large top leaves that were blocking light penetration but as I look down on it , it seems to need a little more of a cut but from the side seems ok
Arc 4 day 22 top
Arc 4 side view day 22


And the two snow leopard number two seems to be a shorter - well not seems is a shorter pheno with side branching and number 4 is a main cola plant with very little side branching , these plant does not take to topping or fimming very well and the stalks are no where near as vigorous as the Alien Rock Candy and the bud production is behind the ARC's but the crystal and resin production are about the same.....
Snow leopard 2b day 22
Snow leopard 4b day 22


Looking for a little info guys/gals please as in the past I have heard many of you talk about giving your plants a hair cut in order to get the most light into the canopy of the flower (not sog) My remaining ARC 4 is a beast with 8 tops on day 14 of flower problem is that one stalk is giant , with the biggest fan leaf's I have ever seen. They are blocking two of the lower bud sites from receiving the most lumes available. I was always under the impression the sugar leaf's are need for photosym , so I am unsure about cutting them or removing them. Can someone advise me as what to do, My best guess would be to trim them like i do with clones allowing the leaf till still remain productive but also to allow more light in two the other two.... advice would be greatly appreciated.... peace soser

yo man, another thing to think about is pruning off the lower bud sites. I never leave any bud sites near the bottom of my plants. that way it forces the plant to put all of it's energy into the top colas resulting in bigger buds and no larf. This is something that takes patience and practice. you don't want to cut off too many bud sites or you will end up yielding less. I usually take off all but the top 4 bud sites on each branch all the way through the first week and a half of flowering. By this time they are stopping stretching and you don't wanna prune off anything else. there are some great articles on this technique all over the web.


She be looknig sweet Sos!! Sugar creepin out on them leaves already, she gonna be a frosty lil hunnnie im thinking. Have you ever thought about runnin a squat 5 gal cloth pot? youll have a touch less depth, but.... itll be wider and so will your girls bro. Just a thought my friend. Thanks for the update mang, lookin nice and porper brother



yo man, another thing to think about is pruning off the lower bud sites. I never leave any bud sites near the bottom of my plants. that way it forces the plant to put all of it's energy into the top colas resulting in bigger buds and no larf. This is something that takes patience and practice. you don't want to cut off too many bud sites or you will end up yielding less. I usually take off all but the top 4 bud sites on each branch all the way through the first week and a half of flowering. By this time they are stopping stretching and you don't wanna prune off anything else. there are some great articles on this technique all over the web.
thanks for the pruning ideas , for some reason i did not do it with snow leopards but the arc and most of my plants are done , i dont go crazy but i trim off about 8-12' off bottom ..... OYY. thanks for stopping bye bro... appreciate it


She be looknig sweet Sos!! Sugar creepin out on them leaves already, she gonna be a frosty lil hunnnie im thinking. Have you ever thought about runnin a squat 5 gal cloth pot? youll have a touch less depth, but.... itll be wider and so will your girls bro. Just a thought my friend. Thanks for the update mang, lookin nice and porper brother

thanks kendog wait till you see them girls tomorrow at day 27 they went insane on me in 4 days and yea i think about all different ways to grow but got 2 delima's currently 1 - only one hydro store around here and it creaps me out going there 2- i am in a rented home and about to get my own home again, as the recession took my last at cheap , sold it for 280k paid 309k and could of got 399 before crash but shit happens, so after 3 years renting will are currently getting another house end of lease jan. So after I move and got my own digs. I'll go all out with a few tents or a room. So I roll the way I do know , works well but always could be better and keep the idea's coming. So when I set it up I know what works best for my fellow farmer family. Thanks as always for stopping buy bro... respect soser


Soser I had the pleasure of smoking my Rock candy yesterday and is truly one of the best tasting and wonderful trips I have been on lately Best of luck and ENJOY!
Half way home Medusa 26 down 30 to go, cant wait looks incredible best looking plant I have had the pleasure to grow. I know its probally in your thread but how long did you run her. And how is the high up and movivatinal like the disc , or stoney .... thats for the positive vibs ,MUCH RESPECTED .... rap soon girl...peace soser
Fat girlz ya got there soser! Lookin real nice bro! Keep it up! Smokin flame in no time!
Yea excite bro , didn't have a run this summer missed it and hate paying for something i can do cheaper and better.... ain't know cali -colo-mich around here... thanks for kind words bro.. i'll hit you on the pm tomorrow...respect soser


thanks kendog wait till you see them girls tomorrow at day 27 they went insane on me in 4 days and yea i think about all different ways to grow but got 2 delima's currently 1 - only one hydro store around here and it creaps me out going there 2- i am in a rented home and about to get my own home again, as the recession took my last at cheap , sold it for 280k paid 309k and could of got 399 before crash but shit happens, so after 3 years renting will are currently getting another house end of lease jan. So after I move and got my own digs. I'll go all out with a few tents or a room. So I roll the way I do know , works well but always could be better and keep the idea's coming. So when I set it up I know what works best for my fellow farmer family. Thanks as always for stopping buy bro... respect soser

Good to hear ur gonna be settin up in your own crib, really makes a diff when it comes topeace of mind. Happy for ya mang! Cant keep folks down, we always gotta be lookin at the bigger pic, and moving forward when it comes to everything, grow included. Strive my brother, we all behind ya. Enough of the mooshy shit, wheres our updates hahaha



Trichome Engineer
Half way home Medusa 26 down 30 to go, cant wait looks incredible best looking plant I have had the pleasure to grow. I know its probally in your thread but how long did you run her. And how is the high up and movivatinal like the disc , or stoney .... thats for the positive vibs ,MUCH RESPECTED .... rap soon girl...peace soser
Yea excite bro , didn't have a run this summer missed it and hate paying for something i can do cheaper and better.... ain't know cali -colo-mich around here... thanks for kind words bro.. i'll hit you on the pm tomorrow...respect soser
No thread just ran her and aliengrape,lemondog 9 weeks in flower act I will find my bud's it was only a gallon sexer and very nice taste really tasty,strong giggly high for the first half to an hour next hr got energetic That's why I liked her will let ya know ! No matter what i am sure you will enjoy:)
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