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same here only going fishing, no use fighting the urge, cold overcast 35, still got to go.....
Wishing you a great day of fishing!
Seeing as we fried the bottom end on our 50-HP outboard. So we can only fish from the banks or docks. Silver trout are out on salt-flats right now....wish I could go out there.:grumpy: :(
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Wish I had the option to go fishing. Shoveled my house and my neighbors twice today already and will have to shovel once more before the day is out.


Living dead girl
Well since you guys started putting up some pics of SoCal beaches I will share a few of the way I enjoyed the beach (or as Sea would say, "the bitch").

View attachment 375036 View attachment 375037 View attachment 375038

I have others view points, images that I like better, but I can't seem to find them at the moment. Maybe I'll get them up at another time.
Heheh, not me, mah maw. That second pic, that's a HELL of a rip current goin' on there. There's another smaller one to the left. Public beach, people get themselves in trouble, or is it relatively trouble-free?

Well... guess I'm making an emergency drive out to Concord today. Just about finished with my first, and today my only cuppa. Not to bring the vibe down but, sometimes, some people can *really* be serious fucking assholes. I don't know why it still catches me by surprise, but it does. Some folks are very good at masking themselves, that much is for sure.


Drive safe Sea! Me I spent the morning at the dentist having that bugger tooth taken out, MAN THE "CRACK" that I heard in my head upon finally removing it scared the crap out of me. time for more gauze :(


G'Evening, y'all. Got lots done today around the yard & house. Put my new sand blaster to work on a steel sign that sits on the front of the house. It had been tooo long since it had been stripped. Now it's primer coat of paint, waiting on color coat tomorrow....maybe the day after. Depends on the weather and how lazy I'm feeling.;):happy:


Drive safe Sea! Me I spent the morning at the dentist having that bugger tooth taken out, MAN THE "CRACK" that I heard in my head upon finally removing it scared the crap out of me. time for more gauze :(
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Heheh, not me, mah maw. That second pic, that's a HELL of a rip current goin' on there. There's another smaller one to the left. Public beach, people get themselves in trouble, or is it relatively trouble-free?

Well... guess I'm making an emergency drive out to Concord today. Just about finished with my first, and today my only cuppa. Not to bring the vibe down but, sometimes, some people can *really* be serious fucking assholes. I don't know why it still catches me by surprise, but it does. Some folks are very good at masking themselves, that much is for sure.

It is a public beach, but that particular spot is very quiet and pretty much locals only. I can't say I ever heard anyone getting in too much trouble there.

I constantly find myself surprised at the assholes out there. Like you I never understand why it still surprises me, I don't expect anything else from people, but it still does. Sorry you are having to deal with assholes.

Those beach trails look a little like Trail #6 at San Onofre that takes you down to the nude beach.

Not San Onofre, but I have been there. Nude beach sounds like a good idea, not so much in reality.


Great white sharks love it in that san o beach area,thats my fish cleaning spot in my boat on my way home from kelp beds around oceanside,lol,my buddy is an old san clemente guy and he says they buried a whale on the beach there a long time ago and the whites have been coming ever since.


Good morning farm. Its a cold one. Let the ole' bitch out and she immediately starts barking. So I layer up and go to shut her up and get some wood. The damn dog was barking at an owl- It didn't fly until I got within about twenty feet- very pretty. He/she gave a couple of hoots before I made it back in. Cold morning to be an outdoor critter.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Another morning spent shoveling. Only thing is it wasn't snow; it was ice, a pile of slushy, wet ice. Damn near broke my back; and that was only after doing my house. I did several other of my neighbors homes too. I can definitely say I got a good workout this morning. I hope the rest of you who have to shovel have an easy time of it. For those of you in warm weather, just revel in how lucky you are not to have to shovel yourself out.


Living dead girl
I think a flamethrower might have been better for your back, wow.
Those beach trails look a little like Trail #6 at San Onofre that takes you down to the nude beach.
There's a nude beach down at San Onofre? I never knew that. I knew about Black's Beach in SD. I've been down via Trestles, but haven't been to that beach since I was in high school.
Drive safe Sea! Me I spent the morning at the dentist having that bugger tooth taken out, MAN THE "CRACK" that I heard in my head upon finally removing it scared the crap out of me. time for more gauze :(
Oh my God, that sound is TOTALLY unnerving. I am pretty much phobic about dental work. It's always very, very painful, even just getting the numbing shots is painful and the pain lasts at least a week. I now ask that they just give me the little blue pills, knock me OUT, and give my husband the after care instructions. I seriously need to go, I think I've got a cracked tooth, but.... :o I'm a-feared! I get nauseous just thinking about it. :(
I constantly find myself surprised at the assholes out there. Like you I never understand why it still surprises me, I don't expect anything else from people, but it still does. Sorry you are having to deal with assholes.
Yeah, not me personally, but the waves they caused. Then again, what has happened is indeed going to have a very personal effect on me.

Today, gettin' mah hairs done. No phobia involved. :D


yep, was a rough night for sure. Finally just got up at 4 :( hopefully it will only suck a day or two


Fear Not!
morning Urban I recommend you medicate heavily
I hope you feel better quik
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DSC 0012

Can be there in 45 mins. time....
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