the coffee shop

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Black Lab

Black Lab

greetings fellow farmers, just back from Cali., what a great, diverse place. i can see myself moving out there some day.
time to get to work.:cool:
Glad you enjoyed your visit. I've always said if I could find somewhere better I would have moved there. You really can't beat California for overall lifestyle and weather. I moved here from Canada 37 years ago from Banff, Alberta. I went from the coldest weather I have ever known to paradise :) Left for skiing in Colorado for a few years but always came back to SoCal. Hope you had some good herb and weather while you were here.


cutco knives can saw a can and then a tomato...I ruined many of my moms...she always popped a cork and then clobbered me on the hear with a wooden spoon...she broke almost all of them on me...


Living dead girl
You must know my mother, then. She broke all of hers across mine.


my mother thought the fuller brush man was heaven sent...he sold her brushes with a lifetime warranty...she broke one trying to hit me on the noggin but I scooted under the sink and it his the sat on the toilet crying because she knew as I did she was gonna kill me...I somehow knew to behave more civilly from that point forward...
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Boo sorry to hear it has been a rough week for you. I hope things look up this coming week. This song always cheers me up, though I usually listen to Jerry play it.

Chickenman, that video to Santana made me laugh, thank you.

I know a lot of you guys like Cali, and I know exactly why. I actually lived out there for a few years, San Diego to be exact. But I ended up moving back to the snow and cold, where I grew up, and have never been happier. I still get people who ask me why I moved back; the simple answer is I feel where I live now just has more to offer. While SoCal is cool, I can certainly think of other places I would move before I moved back there though. But the reality is I think everywhere has something to offer, its just what suits you. I hope all you farmers can find happiness where you are.


Premium Member
thanks SG, great way to start my day, will have a high time today, living the good life.. Well I know.....

Had the memorial for my friend Saul yesterday at the local grange hall.
stories abound about this incredible life this man lived.
He was a martial arts expert and instructor who practiced Eastern philosophies, he wrote books on The Zen of goats, and many other subjects, which was his life raising 4 pack goats from the bottle to full grown, those goats loved him and I am sure he is with them. his wife promised him at his death bed to complete the almost finished works and have them published. He escaped the Nazi's and fled Germany to the USA as a Jewish child of 5 years thru the French and Dutch underground...Was lucky to have survived.
. The day he died one of his students was coming over for his Certificate of another level. His widow presented it to him and said
Saul made him work for it and he don't just hand them out, he earned it.
His meditation's, teachings, lifestyle of joy and happiness was told of,, he was a warrior but also would cry easily. He lived an amazing life and they were married 34 years despite 24 years in age difference they loved each other more and more each day the very end.
Still have mixed feelings, go back and forth sad, happy to know him, pissed off at the way our county takes care of it's citizens with such poor health care, wondering if the shot of adavan may have killed him as he suffered a heart attack and they held him down despite his pleas to get up, when they administered the shot he died within seconds I asked paramedic WTF? he said that's normal, the reaction to the sedative, but I am certain he died after shot, weather that had anything to do with it who knows autopsy results are pending. dunno will they cover it up or what. 2 ambulances were sent. the first did nothing as they are not equipped for advance life support, took forever to get to us and they did not even administer oxygen, just a shot and that was it.
Also tired, the emotions drain oneself and the stinking thinking of drinking crosses my mind just a ts, that's normal for an alcoholic , but I do what I need to do to remove the thought and keep on track.
Another thing I must do is stand up for the widow and others and meet with Hospital manager and report the Er's nurses actions when she came into the room 5 mins after us being told Saul died that she needs information now and were really busy here very insensitive, rude and so very wrong..
Live today like its your last day, you never know..
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Premium Member
Boo sorry to hear it has been a rough week for you. I hope things look up this coming week. This song always cheers me up, though I usually listen to Jerry play it.

Chickenman, that video to Santana made me laugh, thank you.

I know a lot of you guys like Cali, and I know exactly why. I actually lived out there for a few years, San Diego to be exact. But I ended up moving back to the snow and cold, where I grew up, and have never been happier. I still get people who ask me why I moved back; the simple answer is I feel where I live now just has more to offer. While SoCal is cool, I can certainly think of other places I would move before I moved back there though. But the reality is I think everywhere has something to offer, its just what suits you. I hope all you farmers can find happiness where you are.

I could use the wind to dry my eyes....Thanks. Beautiful.....


Living dead girl
The ones I mourn for most deeply are the ones who didn't get a chance to live a life. My grandmother is hanging on, and she is now completely out of her mind. She doesn't even know her name anymore. It is TIME for her to shuffle off this mortal coil. We were reminded of that yesterday while visiting Mission Dolores in San Francisco, no one aged over 62yrs was seen in the cemetery, and many, many young people were noted, including many infants. THAT is what gets to me, being perfectly honest.

And so I'm going to change the tack of this thread for a moment, if you folks will allow me. I turned 50 this last week, and have had a hankerin' to go and live some life while I'm here to do that living. To that end, Sea says, "Let's go have us some FUN!" (I am all about fun. :D ) I love my husband, but spending yet another birthday sitting at a quiet table looking at each other and talking about the stuff we talk about at home wasn't doing it for me, I don't want to just go eat out with my husband, I want to have fun and I want to have fun with HIM. And so, we did.

Yesterday's itinerary began in the Mission District of SF. I've never been there, and now I have. Lovely place, fucking crazy parking. We had lunch first at a joint called Morning Due, I had what they called the Dutch, which was eggs Benedict served with smoked salmon instead of Canadian bacon, and the hollandaise was somethin' *special*. Noms.

From there we walked over to the Mission, and right then a young lady who was celebrating her quincinera was exiting the basilica. I was quite surprised to see that the original chapel still stands, and the painting and other artisan work done by the Indians was restored beautifully. The basilica itself rivals some of the most beautiful churches I've seen in Puerto Rico, just stunning. But wait! We've got more to see and do.

Off we go to the Academy of Sciences. Got lost for a minute, but Dave has a GPS in his head so we got found pretty quickly. Unfortunately, we got there an hour before closing, but we chatted a bit with one of the ticket-takers, and next thing I know he tells us to tell one of the ticket sales girls that he said it's ok for us to get the student discount. A whirlwind tour of the new facilities, fish, check, rainforest, check, snakes, check, shark, check. I enjoyed it, but I was surprised that it seems so much smaller than what I remember of Steinhart. Ok, FUN AND DONE.

Time to make dinner reservations at a place called El Mansour, one of two restaurants I found in the City that have... BELLY DANCING! Got our reservation, but we've got over an hour to kill. Let's go to... the beach! So we drove down along Golden Gate Park (another place I've never been to/through) and then we hit a surprisingly crowded beach down on Hwy 1. A bit cold and windy, but good enough for smokin' a joint, yeah? Yup.

Then, what was truly the highlight of my day, my year I think in fact--El Mansour. It's a traditional Moroccan restaurant, with real Moroccan service staff! I've never had Moroccan, so another first for me, and it was DELICIOUS. And the thing was that because of how the food is served, you don't end up absolutely stuffed by the end of the night, you're pleasantly un-hungry and wishing for more belly dancing. About an hour into the meal was when the 'show' started and oh my goodness, was she a beauty! She danced for at least an hour, I danced a bit with her (but Dave didn't realize I had the camera on the video setting so he turned it off while I was trying to get more video, we got a moment but that was it), clapped and yelled while she got other guests to step up and dance a bit with her, which sometimes was pretty hilarious.

Because of how you're seated, everyone must become friends, irrespective of our personal feelings on the matter because in a place like that there is no room for the personal bubble. That alone gave me great pleasure and enjoyment, especially watching some women squirm with the idea of "how are we going to seat 6 people at that table?" Which, btw, everything was just my size.

I loved it so much that I wanted to stay for the second show, and then they kicked us out.

I could talk about the food, but this post is getting long enough as it is. But I want it to serve as a reminder to fucking go out and live some LIFE. That way, when, not if, you kick, people can at least be happy that you enjoyed yourself. ;)


Living dead girl
Thank you. More like happy BELLY DANCING DAY! I fuckin' love watching belly dancers. And you better believe I tip well for a good performance. :D


Fear Not!
It's great to hear you had Fun Sea :)
I need to take my wife to SF..she needs to have fun too.
But she would be pissed if I took her to that restaurant!


Living dead girl
:( That's a real shame, Ken, because I really did have a BLAST. Who doesn't enjoy looking at beauty? Who doesn't enjoy a good performance? Maybe we should all go, I'll get her into the groove. :D

I was surprised that it took a while for the rest of the crowd to get going. At the beginning, no one even clapped (except for two women who appeared to be either Pakistani or Indian, women probably my age), so I clapped as loud as I could and then I yelled, and that got 'em going. I love doing that, manipulating the crowd. Fucking CLAP, damn it! Let the performer know how you feel!


Fear Not!
lol...I gotta meet you someday Sea! You are one Cool chick! :)

Yeah my wife would enjoy it, IF it was her idea..
But not if it was my idea


Living dead girl
If I post pix of the dancer, y'all'll have you some fun.

Link to the restaurant's page showing their dancers. Last night's dancer was Yasmine. Delightful girl.
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