The Great Amendment 64 Debate

  • Thread starter SoCoMMJ
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Im not trying to agitate a certain group of users on this site with another comment again. So hopefully there attack mode will be at a mild roar in regards to this post, with that said, I was asked by Rob Corry to share this info on some different site forums so save your attacks for him;

Rob Corry told me that I should post some issues for clarification . RC Quotes
"64 is move in the right direction for the marijuana community.
DUID is already rampant. This wont change. 64 changes nothing for MMJ people in almost all aspects. There will still be a very good defense , AND THE SAME defense, for the MMJ user who is charged with DUID. No one should be driving 3 hours after smoking , but you still have the same defense before and after 64.
MMJ laws and 64 are 2 different laws with no overlap. 64 allows all others access to cannabis. He could not see a reason for us Not to be in favor of 64...." end of RC quote.

On the business side of 64 we cant stop it. Big business is here and they just change hats as needed . The big names navigate to where there welcome and someone always takes there $$$...
I went over the issue in great detail with RC and I am now in favor of 64. 64 is a good for me as a MMJ user and my new business ventures also. Those who position themselves correctly stand to profit like you never had before . Those who dont will find their product worth very little as far as $$$, MAYBE, hopefully you like your strain better than the possible new pesticide free GMO Dime joints which are like nothing I've seen but one time in my lifetime, which I now know was GMO'd out of the Univ of Tenn..... Nothing natural even comes close and cost 3 times more to produce. American entrepreneurs are so very intuitive and creative.. Their ideas are unprecedented in marijuana industry. I can only touch on this because of contracts;;; If you have the real G-13 ( you know if you do), 1988-1989 please DO NOT LET anyone know... less than 1000 seeds were made. Pls be very careful as you will have trouble from dangerous people if you show the G-13 Plant, trust me on that one.... you'll need an awesome microscope and rDNA knowledge to get at the gene you seek, hopefully you havent wasted all your g-13 seed stock trying to get the gene . I can POSS get at gene on the ORIGINALS and poss F1,s if you have plant stock or seed from F1's or originals . contact me if you need help, its not cheap and environmentally and legally dangerous w/o the right preparation.... Reproducing any illegal GMO will get you big trouble, BIG trouble, federal agents who's only job is to find illegal GMO breeders! GMO breeders are very easy to track, find the lab/microscope and they found you. Read up on safety and testing if plan on tissue or pollen handling PLEASE ! This is very dangerous! We dont know the organism used in this experiment.

Before I get a bunch a private messages, G-13 plant ID, obvious characteristics.
Seed to harvest 85 days, ( so it doesnt over grow the room), at over 14oz - 2lb - 1000w vs t5.
200 gallons of roots/plant,
.01 grams will put the user on his hands and knees asking to buy some 13 after the CS gas effect has cleared from his face and his head rush has cleared. Your kind bud just turned to swagg,. Yep thats the real G-13, that you has just identified.

If the real G-13 or another GMO replica gets to the public Our priceless strains will loose some money value for sure. I wondering if heirlooms and land race strains will gain in value at this point.

For those of you who say I have exaggerated these specs you dont realize that you have/had the F2's. F1's came from Virgina ( that guy went to prison, less than 1000' seeds were made), the F1's came from Amsterdam 10'000 seeds that I knew of... I can prove it., very soon.

And my most important message /opinion . I am not going to release this until its duplicated or someone else releases it to the public. Its very dangerous if you do. GMO needs major testing before being released to our environment. These organism could have unthinkable consequences without testing first. And to further stress the importance that you follow this advice I have not read any documentation at this point as to what organism Tim spliced in this GMO. please use EXTREME caution with the pollen. Yes, I was dumb ass breeding this shit in a basement before I realized and was also made aware of what it was by the Feds as to what I was breeding.
Sorry if I appeared as to offend some of you guys with my ego, wit, knowledge, attitude, the book being written about my story or whatever it is about my long winded comments like this one that bothers SOME users, my apologies again. And for those who like my tips and personal web site thanks again.

Quote from Lino and Rob Corry "VOTE YES ON 64".


#1) your posts are very hard to read, why the broken english and poor sentence structure?
#2) this cloak and dagger aspect of your offerings is irritating at best, if you have an education in the horticulture field please give the specifics, if your work has been peer reviewed please give us a link to the review.
#3) dropping as often as you to into MUMBO JUMBO KIND RAINBOW BROTHER speak erodes your creditability instantly, sorry but I AM HIPPIER THAN THOU and have been involved with G~13 in Oregon since at least '84 so your timeline isn't correct and your absurd explanation of the "REAL G~13's" drop 'em on all fours, effects is a joke right?!? As a daily smoker of the finest cannabis for over 30 years, that fantasy of yours is a doozy, complete as all good fantasies are with "Boogie-Men", Mysterious goings on that are vaguely referenced but never explained, and of course a HERO bestowing "secret knowledge" to the besmudged masses,..... "Knowledge he alone has, and must be believed or risk certain death" sorry but i tell bedtime stories every night i don't listen to them or as they say "i don't drink the Coolaid, unless i made it"

i'd love to talk with you more , i'd like to have my doubts rebuffed by fact, fact that can be referenced, and reviewed, and i'd be happy to chat with you about your GMO's hang up too, see i'm related to the head of the Agriculture department at the University of Minnesota and have conversations about the "evils of GMO's" with them often,........sorry but your assertion that there are "FEDS interacting with you, or anyone working with GMO's" prior to their seeking patents is pure fabrication, this is taking place at most Universities with an Agriculture program every day of the week, so let me ask you very directly, Lino, How exactly did Federal agents (which arm of law enforcement was it again?) come to talk to you about activities taking place in your "Basement" grow,...........and your not locked up?


Also, please tell Rob Corry to Pimp his own opinion, he has worked very hard to build the creditability he has, and having you agree with and then also push his unpublished position doesn't make either of you look good, to be honest IMHO if its true it makes him look like a real looser to have you shilling for a man of his credentials,............!


But he's the only person in CO who knows where some magical rainforest is, here in CO. Him and the FEDS chill there on Sundays and talk shop and genetic modification


Who Rob Corry?

Just kidding, just kidding, knowing Rob and having previously retained Rob's services, i know he's not hanging with FEDS anywhere!

compassions farmer

I have a great feeling this is gonna pass with flying colors! Almost all my neighbors friends n family are voting for this even most nonsmokers.
I am a stage four cancer patient from Pueblo West Colorado....My wife suffers from MS
and MJ helps us both a lot but my wife needs way way more than you can possibly afford retail. Plus there is not one dispensary in Southern Colorado worth a darn on price and the buds are terrible.
We belong to a gardners collective down south where we all work together to provide our own medicine. We work on a completely nonprofit base to help folks provide medicine for themselvees and folks in need free. Most of us are at best novice gardeners but we have a couple real kind gurus for technical n genetic support and our gardens rival anything out there. The master gardner solves any big problems for a good meal and has amazing talent makes its super easy for us.

Anyone in need is welcome we are currently expanding a dozen large gardens within the Co Springs/Pueblo area and are looking for new members in need both as workers n simply receivers. Also thinking of expanding north towards Denver and south into northern n central NM by new year so anyone in need let us know. We can all out grow our problems together.


We are doing our very best to organize and represent the north here Sam. Give Margie a hug from me....We need a couple seriously talented growers to provide support in the north Denver area. Surprises me how much talent is available but how few are willing to help people grow without pay involved. Kinda sad, nonetheless,our gardens are filling up quickly thanks to all the love from brothers down south but we lack the technical expertise right now.


Mornin "freedom fighter" ;) hows your innards treating you love? Still trimmin up and cussin but auntie is better so we'll be that way this weekend with hardware. Hope to see ya then. Hear ya been having all sorts of trouble? Stay safe n be well.

whispering mary

Now ya made me concern myself in sign back here snoopin some too Ss. Grapevine has been a buzz with our friends drama but he wont answer his door for me or return my calls. PM me Ss so we can speak or call me. Hope he is safe and well and knows he is loved regardless his nasty ways. Already placed my vote for 64.


Surprises me how much talent is available but how few are willing to help people grow without pay involved. Kinda sad, nonetheless,our gardens are filling up quickly thanks to all the love from brothers down south but we lack the technical expertise right now.
Surprises me how many female mouths are out there, but how few are willing to give a man a blowjob without pay involved. Kinda sad, but at least there are plenty of pros out there that know the score.

"Well we all pay for sex one way or another. At least hookers are honest about the price." Dr. Cal Lightman.

This is where I see most collectives (or communes) fail. Nothing in life is free, compensation takes many different forms. For some it is the warm fuzzy feeling they get, others it's the warm fuzzies money gives them, and things money buys.
Do not be so surprised that you aren't getting free help from the competition to do something in a legal grey area that they have an advantage in.

Especially don't be surprised when there are numerous Tim Tiptons out there preying on the good-hearted to be their grow slaves for nothing in return.

I hope, at least, everyone in your 'collective' gets to meet the patients. I'll be interested to hear how long it makes it. Any pics?


Read an interesting article in the paper today. If 64 passes you should (under state law) not be subject to drug testing for marijuana either applying for a job or once you are employed. Certainly you could be terminated for using while at work but it would be the same as alcohol while off work. I would think this would motivate anyone who uses to vote yes. Know a lot of peeps that were afraid to apply for a red card because they thought it would hinder their career opportunities. Hopefully 64 will alleviate some of those fears.


Read an interesting article in the paper today. If 64 passes you should (under state law) not be subject to drug testing for marijuana either applying for a job or once you are employed. Certainly you could be terminated for using while at work but it would be the same as alcohol while off work. I would think this would motivate anyone who uses to vote yes. Know a lot of peeps that were afraid to apply for a red card because they thought it would hinder their career opportunities. Hopefully 64 will alleviate some of those fears.

I didn't see that in the 64 "scripture." I'll have to look again. Thanks.


Whether or not it is in scripture is inconsequential IMO, when someone takes it to court and wins. Making it so any adult can legally posses, grow, use MJ would then mean it's discrimination to screen based on that in entirety. Will there be a cutoff? Don't know.

But what it does do is get the ball rolling. Many people with cards aren't out there to get caught and change the law, getting to court is just a consequence and the cards are the first line of defense, in my experience. No telling when everybody can grow, how many will ASSERT their RIGHTS in all aspects. Employment will most likely be the first fertile ground for lawyers on both sides. Testing is a 1.6 billion dollar a year industry, that isn't going quietly. Entrenched in government for a quarter century.

"But the benefits were always at best a bit murky. The oft-cited research, the so-called Firestone Study, was actually a 1972 speech given to lunching Firestone Tire and Rubber executives by an advocate for helping employees overcome "medical-behavioral problems" like alcoholism. The advocate, whose name has long been forgotten, mentioned drugs only in passing and never identified the source for the statistics or anything else that might make the numbers credible. Truth be told, employment experts say there has been virtually no research indicating that drug tests improve safety or productivity on the job."



this off topic sorry, GMO was brought up in regards to 64 and the future of MMJ GMO , so not to change the "Amend 64 topic", so to answer many eMails and GMO questions ;

I'm getting to many Emails to answer all you guys and to make it worse some of you are using my Personal mail cause I'm found on websites. I dont mind but remember, I'm not able to get to your mails quickly. I'll address the main Majority topics from a small hand full of users of this site rite here;
GMO questions:
coming soon on my site,
GMO lecture, JR H.S. ... For those who buy produce and dont know how to immediately ID GMO, Organic, and other food, fruit, vegs and plants when they are in your hands. This lecture is for you.
My GMO - pathogen lecture slides on my site soon: Questions and comments regarding DNA propelling;
Yes I understand you guy's about/regarding helium bombardment in to the callus. And the tool you're speaking of is just refereed to as a Gene Gun by scientist in the lab. Now even tho it is not to many who research this, keep in mind 3 reason why these experiment shouldnt be tried at home.
1.) APHIS agents will change your life!
2.) although we are few something will eventually go wrong because of statistical numbers, and even in lab something will propagated incorrectly or out of its test environment.
3.) PHD risk. I agree! no one will do that. BUT WAIT, you dont need a "Gene Gun" and high tech lab.
I know of a good starting point to specially modified bacteria to transfer the gene of interest into the cell. And a new experiment: from immature embryo's at flower level ,( and is such a resemblance to premature birth in humans it startling) , you'll use identical embryo washes and the pathogens of inculcation are 'so identical to animal embryo handling' its freaky, I get goose bumps every time this is successful which is mostly reading about it rather than successful rDNA transgene occurances. Full details and formulas/recipes are in the eBook. But dont try this at home.

I got some slides up, and I will be posting a college 101 lecture and notes soon. I'll go in to plant hormones deeper on my site and if you want to go further.

I'm not ready for molecular structure lectures, but will release my slides and my research notes . this is for a Professors to instruct, not me. I just dont know how deep I ready to go, but on my site is where I'll post SOME notes.


#1) your posts are very hard to read, why the broken english and poor sentence structure?
#2) this cloak and dagger aspect of your offerings is irritating at best, if you have an education in the horticulture field please give the specifics, if your work has been peer reviewed please give us a link to the review.
#3) dropping as often as you to into MUMBO JUMBO KIND RAINBOW BROTHER speak erodes your creditability instantly, sorry but I AM HIPPIER THAN THOU and have been involved with G~13 in Oregon since at least '84 so your timeline isn't correct and your absurd explanation of the "REAL G~13's" drop 'em on all fours, effects is a joke right?!? As a daily smoker of the finest cannabis for over 30 years, that fantasy of yours is a doozy, complete as all good fantasies are with "Boogie-Men", Mysterious goings on that are vaguely referenced but never explained, and of course a HERO bestowing "secret knowledge" to the besmudged masses,..... "Knowledge he alone has, and must be believed or risk certain death" sorry but i tell bedtime stories every night i don't listen to them or as they say "i don't drink the Coolaid, unless i made it"

i'd love to talk with you more , i'd like to have my doubts rebuffed by fact, fact that can be referenced, and reviewed, and i'd be happy to chat with you about your GMO's hang up too, see i'm related to the head of the Agriculture department at the University of Minnesota and have conversations about the "evils of GMO's" with them often,........sorry but your assertion that there are "FEDS interacting with you, or anyone working with GMO's" prior to their seeking patents is pure fabrication, this is taking place at most Universities with an Agriculture program every day of the week, so let me ask you very directly, Lino, How exactly did Federal agents (which arm of law enforcement was it again?) come to talk to you about activities taking place in your "Basement" grow,...........and your not locked up?
Sorry , I'd love to answer your question, but its a contract violation of the book and a business contract violation also;
QUOTE; and your not locked up?
BTW - in context , it would be "you're" not "your" as used in the quoted question and my apologies for my grammar as well, but from the content of the your last post's in this thread it would be hard for me to please you. And I'm glad about your work with the Agriculture department at the University of Minnesota so why would you not know of me from the USDA in Rocky Ford Co , the central hub, Where the patents are approved of that you speak of , where GMO is currently tested by the USDA , where CSU and other research is being conducted by the USDA, the only place where organics seed, food and USDA organic certs, etc are given is here in Colo... With my name on the sites that I given out its not hard to figure it out who I am. So with your great research abilities taught to you at the University of Minnesota you should go figure out who I am so you can figure out something else positive to say about me before your wisdom fills your mouth and our brain's.

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