What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
- 21,593
- 638
Now we are talking. Data does not get destroyed when crossing the event horizon.Black holes man... Black fuckin holes...they devour everything in their path and then shit out this cosmic dust but we don't know where all the stuff goes that they consumed. Steven Hawking theorized that all data goes into a black hole "dirty" but came out of a white hole "regenerated"? On the other side.... but it's all so puzzlingly terrifying. And dark matter does it exist some say yeah some say no is it just CERT saying no so they can secretly fire up the God Particle again? WTF man? WTF
It changes everything.
Also, you know when you have a lot of fun and time does in fact fly, it’s not just a feeling, it’s you actually experiencing time dilation, caused by the gravitational pulses from the 2 super massive black holes in our solar system.
They are slowly crashing into each other.
I’m here for it.
That shit is amazing.