Tim Tipton: The CO MMJ scam

  • Thread starter Mr.Sputnik
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Hahahaa. Your continued LIES about Timothy Tipton have gotten Nowhere beyond this lousey thread! Oh yeah, who was recently recognized by the Colorado Supreme Court as a Patient Advocate and Caregiver??
From being recognized by the the Colorado Supreme Court as a Patient Advocate and Caregiver to being a light salesman,what a joke.Something just don,t sound right here by this wanna be fake ass lawyer.Tim is still telling his lies about being an attorney-at-law so be aware of this lie by tim.


This 'attorney' should take his own advice and 'educate himself'.

Threatening to name the board owner and members in a libel suit is pretty ambitious.

It is hosted on UK servers with a mailing address in Spain.

You would have to be able to prove your case in UK civil AND commonwealth law as well as Spanish civil law; quite possibly the EU Court of Justice may want to be heard too.

A big undertaking, considering the strict personal privacy laws compared to the US that would thwart attempts to actually identify folks in these other countries.

In the US, libel/defamation is defined by state, with varying statute of limitations and applications. Your state law hold no jurisdiction in foreign lands.

It would have to be done at a federal level ... but your government does not recognize State MMJ legislation, I doubt a federal attorney would be sympathetic.


I always feel bad for the other TT.

Here is today's google search for:

tim tipton

thcfarmer is number 3. Number 2 is an unfortunate guy who shares the name. Number 1 is Westword.

I always feel bad for number two.
But I'm sure there's are real POS with my full name, too.


he nails it.

This 'attorney' should take his own advice and 'educate himself'.

Threatening to name the board owner and members in a libel suit is pretty ambitious.

It is hosted on UK servers with a mailing address in Spain.

You would have to be able to prove your case in UK civil AND commonwealth law as well as Spanish civil law; quite possibly the EU Court of Justice may want to be heard too.

A big undertaking, considering the strict personal privacy laws compared to the US that would thwart attempts to actually identify folks in these other countries.

In the US, libel/defamation is defined by state, with varying statute of limitations and applications. Your state law hold no jurisdiction in foreign lands.

It would have to be done at a federal level ... but your government does not recognize State MMJ legislation, I doubt a federal attorney would be sympathetic.


Wow, I've never encountered this guy or even heard of him until I stumbled upon this thread. If he thinks that this thread is doing no harm he is sorely mistaken, I've never even met you Tim, and if I ever saw you I would walk the other way. This industry doesn't need your bullshit. So in conclusion, Timothy Tipton marijuana Timothy Tipton marijuana Timothy Tipton Marijuana . Everyone who ever searches for your name will know the havoc you can bring upon an unsuspecting person's life.


Hahahaa. Your continued LIES about Timothy Tipton have gotten Nowhere beyond this lousey thread! Oh yeah, who was recently recognized by the Colorado Supreme Court as a Patient Advocate and Caregiver??
I checked the Supreme Court for this information,and they all say the same thing that they don`t know of him or is on file as anything he posted.To be a advocate and caregiver you have to go through the health Department.I checked to see if he is an attorney of any type at the Attorney Regulations at 303-866-6410,same thing, he`s not.To write the Supreme Court about complaints with tim tipton or any of his new fallower that is using the courts name for more patients(profit) you can go to www.ColoradoAttorneyGeneral.Gov.Then go to file a consumer complaint. Then Go to Private Bussiness.Then summit your complaint.
My rights as a mmj patient was violated by one of his fallowers Janet Sweeny too, which will be handled the same way so that people can be aware of who to watch out for when it comes to privacy for the patient.I tried telling janet about tim in response I got a Cease and Decease notice over the internet,and then she put my information on her web site.I,m not a lawyer but I will fight for my rights to privacy as a mmj patient of the state.


Premium Member
Oh Boy another caregivers cup sponsered by our favorite mmj advocate and spokesperson TIM TIPTON!!!
Its just amazing he has not taken the long walk off the short pier...


TIM TIPTON aka Timothy Tipton, aka Timmy "tippy toes" tipton, aka comidnightrider, aka commjexpert <hahahaha> The person on here who has blatantly ripped and screwed people over is still around?

Boycott CTI and him. They are one in the same.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
IMO this is just another example of one of these older non-violent, non-confrontational, hippy like scam artist that has gone a long time, or all their life for that matter, gettin away with petty little bullshit stuff against friends, relatives, associates and no one calling them on it. These guys hide behind the law, double talk, and the fear of some kind of law suit being brought against you for doing anything to them...well, I have met a few of ya and we are all on the shady side of the law in this game so i say game on..someone should just beat the holy shit out of these guys and tell them to move along..it is amazing how peoples motivation and desire to be parasite changes at the end of a good ass beatin with the promise of more if it continues...I hate to say that violence fixes anything but my life experiences sure tells me it does alot to set things strait and put people in check alot more effective than a threat of a lawsuit or even arrest.

He is definately not the only parasite out here in the scene so beware



Premium Member
Violence sucks, but in his case a good ass whippin with a bag of doorknobs would be in order. Just watch, I bet his caregivers cup will not happen. Think its at The Oriential, wherever. Someone should let them know something may happen at this event and it would be wise not to go ahead with this event due to possible retubution, picket, or total boycott of venue if allowed to showcase this asshole


Living dead girl
I checked the Supreme Court for this information,and they all say the same thing that they don`t know of him or is on file as anything he posted.To be a advocate and caregiver you have to go through the health Department.I checked to see if he is an attorney of any type at the Attorney Regulations at 303-866-6410,same thing, he`s not.To write the Supreme Court about complaints with tim tipton or any of his new fallower that is using the courts name for more patients(profit) you can go to www.ColoradoAttorneyGeneral.Gov.Then go to file a consumer complaint. Then Go to Private Bussiness.Then summit your complaint.
My rights as a mmj patient was violated by one of his fallowers Janet Sweeny too, which will be handled the same way so that people can be aware of who to watch out for when it comes to privacy for the patient.I tried telling janet about tim in response I got a Cease and Decease notice over the internet,and then she put my information on her web site.I,m not a lawyer but I will fight for my rights to privacy as a mmj patient of the state.
Ding her fucking ass right back with a hardcopy C&D! Send it registered and certified.

What a cunt.


anyone else notice that this guys "brilliant" idea for a light bulbs GLOW IN THE F'N DARK?!?!

just what growers need, light bulbs that glow blue (460nm) for 12 hours after you turn them off. (barring a PFR/PR experiment) ..fucking ace.

OH yeah the glow in the dark shelf paper is a cool idea. i dont know about in my grow space, even if it is supposed to be a non-par green....

the Rave called Tim, they want their gimmicks back.


Tim must be running out of money for him to be doing another caregivers cup .Let me guess,you must donate meds to tim to be part of this.Then he will keep about 75% of those meds for future profite in his pocket.Then he will get someone to sell those donations or smoke it up with his so called friends.Then he will charge you to try donated meds at this event for more profit off the hard work of the patients of the state .If any donations are made to tim make sure you get a signed receipt.Then if possible find out who is getting your donated meds.I`m still hearing of tim using the courts name for donations(profit for his pocket). I`ve seen this happen at every event he has had. He even tried paying a friend of mine off for some work my friend did with donated meds even after my friend told tim he wasn`t a patient and was not a smoker.Tim still gave him donated meds as a pay off. I,ve seen people get into his events without even being a patient, just as long as there is a chance of tim getting some kind of profit off them.I wonder if tim claims any of this on his taxes(soon to find out).

DON,T BE ANOTHER VICTIM OF tIM tIPTON OR HIS NEW GROUP OF FOLLOWERS! By the way tim, right back at you (good luck with your career). I DON,T BELIEVE IN LUCK,I BELIEVE IN HARD WORK AND THE TRUTH! I"ll let you (timothy tipton of NRAD) believe in luck you scammer,thief and law breaker. Soon we will all be fortuntate enough to see you leave or go down for all the bad things you did to all the true hard working patients you owe.


I washed my hands of tipton 6 years ago and i see that he is still a patient coyote, Not surprised :evilgrin0040:. Be aware all that come in contact with Timmy boy!!!


timothy tipton is now going by the name of Colorado Mountain Man along with his other fake names like Colorado Midnight Rider,Robert Chace,and Wisdom Sage.I,m also hearing he is looking for more victims to donate meds.He must owe someone money or is out of anything worth smoking.GROW YOUR OWN MEDS TIM TO DONATE YOUR OWN MEDS AND HARD WORK YOU SO CALLED CANNIBISS EXPERT(YEA RIGHT,NOT TO ME).Your no grower by far, that`s why you screw over so many hard working patients for there meds in exchange for lies.All for profit in your pocket or for your damn habits.There are alot of ways to donate to patients without having to deal with tim and his fallowers.DON`T BE A VICTIM OF TIM TIPTON.He owes so many people he has to keep changing his name but he can`t change his looks so be aware of tim scumbag tipton


FYI - Robert Chase is a different crackpot - an unfortunately brilliant and paranoid guy who has a fondness for going down to denver and making us all look like confrontational conspiracy theorist assholes. (Chase is the one person I've seen repeatedly break decorum in public hearings by calling state senators Nazis).

As for Tipton, in three years in this industry, *he's* the one person I've been warned about more than anyone else - over 20 people known to and trusted by me have gotten fucked by this asshole. Tipton's always come correct with me, personally, but I've caught him trying to get his hooks in a couple times and shook them out quick.

Has anyone looked into anything with his ex-associate Erin (I believe her last name was Marcove?) She's the grandmother who "killed herself after her grandson ate a medicated cookie"... given the company she kept (she worked with Tim every day at his shit hole out near Denver), I have my questions about that story...

timothy tipton is now going by the name of Colorado Mountain Man along with his other fake names like Colorado Midnight Rider,Robert Chace,and Wisdom Sage.I,m also hearing he is looking for more victims to donate meds.He must owe someone money or is out of anything worth smoking.GROW YOUR OWN MEDS TIM TO DONATE YOUR OWN MEDS AND HARD WORK YOU SO CALLED CANNIBISS EXPERT(YEA RIGHT,NOT TO ME).Your no grower by far, that`s why you screw over so many hard working patients for there meds in exchange for lies.All for profit in your pocket or for your damn habits.There are alot of ways to donate to patients without having to deal with tim and his fallowers.DON`T BE A VICTIM OF TIM TIPTON.He owes so many people he has to keep changing his name but he can`t change his looks so be aware of tim scumbag tipton


FYI - Robert Chase is a different crackpot - an unfortunately brilliant and paranoid guy who has a fondness for going down to denver and making us all look like confrontational conspiracy theorist assholes. (Chase is the one person I've seen repeatedly break decorum in public hearings by calling state senators Nazis).

As for Tipton, in three years in this industry, *he's* the one person I've been warned about more than anyone else - over 20 people known to and trusted by me have gotten fucked by this asshole. Tipton's always come correct with me, personally, but I've caught him trying to get his hooks in a couple times and shook them out quick.

Has anyone looked into anything with his ex-associate Erin (I believe her last name was Marcove?) She's the grandmother who "killed herself after her grandson ate a medicated cookie"... given the company she kept (she worked with Tim every day at his shit hole out near Denver), I have my questions about that story...
I met Erin thru tim.I seen tim use her for all he could get from her.At a one love event Erin came up to me crying and saying tim would not even give her a judges pass after all her time and money she put into tim.Then as I was giving her a judges badge tim walked up asking what we were talking about.I told tim that we were talkin about how he (tim)doesn`t pay people for there hard work or donations,that`s when tim blew up on her screaming get her the fuck out of here.Tim looked at me and I said that I was not going to touch her.Then he asked my friends to kick her out,I told them to leave her alone,she did nothing wrong.Tim then started to act like a bitch,turned all red and then started to shake as if he was having a panic attack as he walked away screaming someone get her the fuck out of here.Two weeks later she called to ask for help to get what was owed to her by tim.Then her grandson ate a medicated cookie.She said before that, that tim was not even answering her phone calls.Her cries for help that was promised by tim was ignorned by him.Then tim asked everyone to give a prayer for her about 6 weeks after he kicked her out of his event.How much lower can you go tim you heartless scumbag(timothy tipton).I partly blame you tim for her break down.REST IN PEACE ERIN M.
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