Tnelz thread about whatever!

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Power OG

Power OG

Kill that fucker immediately! Lol. We call em tomato caterpillars where im from, and they are bad news for your garden. I usually execute on sight in my tomato garden.

@Power OG picked up that spinosad and gave my ladies a nice wetting. Hope it works out ok. Thanks again for the advice. The dude at the hydro shop mentioned neem oil, which i have currently. Ever hear of this working my dude?

Whoever mentioned dr.bronners, thanks for the suggestion, we actually use that round the house to fend off ants and wash our hands haha. So ill go ahead and foliar next time around in case the spinosad didnt work....heres to hoping it does. The ratio was 1/10 with water yeah?

@LadyL.Bean welcome, nice top soil mulch technique, very artsy-esque : ) . Hope you get to see a harvest soon. With the help of these gentlemen 'round here, im certain youll succeed
Yes neem is a good part of a ipm, but spinosad will wipe them out, just spray today and again in 3 days to wipe them completely out. Thenyou can use neem, spinosad, big time exterminator, or guardian as parts of your ipm

happy b

A huge thankyou to a friend, i wont name but he knows who he is, for going and grab me these i really appreciate it. Soaking some already. View attachment 538250
91 Chem bx = Chemdog 91 x Chemdog 91\tresdawg View attachment 538256
NYC Skunk = Mass Super Skunk x Chemdog 91\tresdawg View attachment 538257Positive vibes & Respect
Thank you Again to my Colorado Friends
Oh you lucky son of a gun.that looks like NEW Topdawg it?
i saw some insane seed posse Chemdog 91 bx3 and Chemdog D bx 3'so called" breeding stock,on Cannazon.
i hope your going to do a thread with those Topdawg P OG.
heres a wee pic of one of my yeti f3
20150919 163022
i had a real bad FG them more or less wiped out now but theres still a little damage on the leaves from the plant not being able to draw up proper nutrition because the roots were heavily damaged by the FG larves munching on em.
Danky Mcnugs

Danky Mcnugs

Anyone using liquid kelp/seaweed?? If so what brands are y'all using?
I've used both Zeus Juice and Fox Farms Kelp me Kelp you, just curious what works for everybody else...

Yeah bro kelp is my key to any nute regiment. I use nitrozyme. Its a bit expensive but I've always had the best results wih it in the past. The nectar for the gods poseidonzyme is the same thing as nitrozyme according to the nectar website.


Yeah bro kelp is my key to any nute regiment. I use nitrozyme. Its a bit expensive but I've always had the best results wih it in the past. The nectar for the gods poseidonzyme is the same thing as nitrozyme according to the nectar website.
oh yea i forgot i got both of those know how important it is and see how much my plants like it i was just curious to know if and what everybody is using...


@LadyL.Bean Welcome and very nice looking girls there!! They definitely don't seem lonely.
@Power OG & @NaturalTherapy Very nice, those will be a good watch!! I was able to get a few things in CO from TD and felt very lucky!
@happy b (since you popped in) nice looking pic; as always!
@Lazerus00 Guess there's some kelp and protein in the 1ml per gallon of floralicous plus I use :p. Don't foliar ever though I suppose. I use hygrozyme (only one I've tried yet) and would definitely say that type of product (which ever brand one uses) is a worthwhile addition.

@Stumpy420 Don't pass go, don't collect $200.00. Get a TDS and pH meter. (as lazerus also suggested) I'm not sure how you've been allowed or chosen to go this far without those essential pieces (for your system). When I had a fish store, if a customers' tank was not suitable to keep those fish healthy and happy; we would not sell them a fish / coral....period. I would not be able, in good conscious, to recommend you even start a setup like yours without those items. There's a high likelyhood that your issue changing nutes was pH related and not so much that the nutes f'ed you up (though still possible yes). IMHO, the lesson you maybe should've walked away with could be "don't change nutes without proper equipment". I'm of the philosophy that life hands you lessons to learn and such; if you miss what was being taught, chances are it will happen again with greater magnitude.

Also: I can convey early, early....very early; taste / smoke findings for Urea.
Though note it is only with the "original" formula (both 3-9 and 3-6) and not the modified given earlier. It helps that I've been able to "Get used to" my bull for the last couple years with nitrate. I do remember that I had noted a better taste when going from my wrong methods to correct methods (urea > nitrate at same time). Since the re-visitation of the formula gave the results I had trying to get back to, but remembering that change to flavor; that is why / how the formula was modified to the method and application posted (using). I.e. going back to nitrate for 6-9 and modifying the urea formula as much as possible without losing benefit. (NO3 up, NH4 down, Urea down, Ca & Mg up).
I will give another taste / smoke update for the modified formula (posted) when I get enough samples to compare there. As well, I also plan to continue experimentation with this overall method to see if it can be further 'tweaked". I'm terrible at describing smell and taste too btw.

Anyway; my earliest and most general statement would be to say that: With the original formula overall Terpenes (flavor) seem to be less "diverse" and less "pronounced" as compared to Nitrate. Cannabinoids are altered as well to a moderate extent; but I have no scientific means to say how. When medicating with nitrate bull then switching to urea bull; it was as if I was smoking a totally new strain.
To my surprise the control of my anxiety was significantly improved. Similarly with pheno 1 0f 2 headband there is a possible change (more heady); though I do not have enough time with that strain to say much. Interestingly with that headband; it had pretty much no flavor with nitrate and most said it just didn't taste (however the other pheno is delicious). Trying the urea headband; i can distinctly taste some diesel funk and even a skunky (yes skunky) flavor. I would still say the overall flavor profile is narrower; though with that particular headband, i kinda like the change.
Tr;dl Preliminarily, Terpenes down / narrower; Cannabinoids up / changed.

As an aside, I didn't get the last bulls flushed as well as i prefer (my own fault). I noticed a little "bitterness" that was NOT in my test of urea (3-9), so I'm relating that for the moment to a flush issue. Does anyone by chance know which element may cause this? I'm wondering about P,K and Mg specifically. (has no snap crackle)

Hope everyone has a good weekend!!
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I use a normal regular kelp meal. I aerate it in glass jars with water for a week or two and straight pour on the kelp water...
...dont really buy products anymore...
Nice!...yea i am noticing by your post that your going el' natural! So do you ever foliar with that aerated kelp?


I do go with natural options... main difference being a cleaner flavor and its cheaper in the long run although it is a bit more work. Many folks factor grams/watt, but I dont consider that a measuring stick for anything... I consider grams/watt to be incomplete nonsense... now, continue the math and you're going places...when you get grams/watt, in my opinion, you need to refer to your electric bill... How many cents/kWh do you pay? factor it. total added watts used @ x kWh = elect cost
now look at your nute program... factor cost and divide by usage in 1 run... add it to the total of elect cost
Now you can begin to calculate dollars spent/grams produced....
I have a high amount of grams produced with relatively lower dollars spent giving me greater profits if that was what I was going for...

in some small cases where bag appeal and density arent major factors, cfl grows can crush it in terms of $/gram


Anyone using liquid kelp/seaweed?? If so what brands are y'all using?
I've used both Zeus Juice and Fox Farms Kelp me Kelp you, just curious what works for everybody else...
Ohhh boyyyy!!! Got em for ya WACHTERS' SEA PRODUCTS...been using for almost 30 yrs, top of the top... Sea Spraa sea weed, not kelp(cheapy) no disrespect))... but laminaria species, way more effective, and Liquid Health Daily Multiple (sea weed) complex, and Wachters' pro formula C , a chlorophyll supplement...ive been saying all along , veganic nutes... KISS...KEEP IT SIMPLE & SAFE...If u wanna know more...
cw...been doing for long time...


I use Ascophyllum nodosum specie of kelp and I'm rather confident that the grand majority of manufacturers of quality products use exactly the same

I have no doubt those are good products you're mentioning... but what I do doubt is the unnecessarily high price tags... I prefer to decompose or ferment items myself and save the money.
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That one right there is a great substitute for the aloe powder... sometimes the aloe powder can get a bit clumpy...
Do you know what they're using as a preservative? is distilled... I use pure undiluted or diluted with water...makes plants Real happy...


I use Ascophyllum nodosum specie of kelp and I'm rather confident that the grand majority of manufacturers of quality products use exactly the same

I have no doubt those are good products you're mentioning... but what I do doubt is the unnecessarily high price tags... I prefer to decompose or ferment items myself and save the money.
It may not be bout price... One of my motto's is, a bottle of Dom is not a bottle of Korbel or Moet...


I absolutely do.... mixed with a 200x aloe powder and coconut water with a splash of my premixed agsil16h (one of my few purchased items)
I LOVE coco water!!! as a light spray

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