Truckin Into My First Grow..

  • Thread starter Trucker
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If you would like to slow stretch while at the same time strengthen your stems..

Start practicing pinching stems over time and when you feel more comfortable.. :) Just pinch and leave them straight.. Makes the stems much stronger and once you get a feel for it you won't be topping your plant's either over time. :)

Pinch just enough for that pop feeling. :)

No rush of course.. You are doing fantastic.. Learn at your own pace.. Just offering advice to a friend.

Remember practice makes perfect.. Do a tester plant and practice doing only one initial topping.. Then you do pinch and pinch and supercrop methods.. It allows faster veg times because essentially the plant is not stunted while it develops new nodes from topping. :)

Plus better Canopy Management once you get a feel for it. :)

Happy Growing

If you have anymore questions just ask.. I can explain more

For this first run I am just doing the manifolding an leaving them be. On my next run I am going to experiment a bit more with other techniques :) I am sure I will be twisting your ear when that time comes.


I did a quick check on the girls this morning getting everything ready for lights out early today. When the lights come back on I will have switched it to the 3100k light on the 12/12 schedule. I am feeding them their first amount of bloom just before lights out along with their normal nute feeding.
Here is a couple quick pictures from this morning.
20160703 075929

20160703 075900


The one thing I am pretty sure I am going to have a problem with is humidity during flower. Right now my humidity stays right around 64% but from what I have read humidity goes up a good bit during flower.
I currently have a small dehumidifier outside the tent right at the point of the air intake to the tent. I am figuring I will probably have to put it in the tent at some point during flower to control humidity and get it down in the 50% range so I am not having to deal with mold issues. At least I hope I don't have to deal with them.


With rH up to 65% you have not much to fear. Only when they start really packing on the weight and swelling is recommended to keep the rH at about 50%


To note on your dehumidifier as long as you place it in front of your intake air.. You shouldn't have to ever add the dehumidifier in the tent.. I say this because as you know dehumidifiers put off some heat. :)

Play with your dehumidifier and you will dial it in outside of the tent. Only time I feel you need one inside the rooms are if you are dealing with sealed and bigger rooms. :)

Otherwise Great advice from @Toaster79 .. Air movement is key.. :)

Great job on the grow.



Cant really dial it in as its a cheap small dehumidifier that just has an on off switch. I will probably have to invest in a better adjustable dehumidifier in the near future.


Cant really dial it in as its a cheap small dehumidifier that just has an on off switch. I will probably have to invest in a better adjustable dehumidifier in the near future.

Put in a small RH gauge for high and low.. When tent first turns on look at what your average night time humidity is.. Most likely you will only need to run it during there nighttime hours. :)

Mine generally kick on once lights go out.. :) you can set them up even on a timer system in future if you don't wanna plug back in everyday... With lights on I never have humidity issues from the lights and air movement so I would assume may be similar for you. :)

Run it a full night on or however long you want.. Document the RH if you left on all night when the tent turns on.. :) you can then see how much it is pulling etc on average to help know how much to run and when until you can invest in better.

Hope this helps some



Put in a small RH gauge for high and low.. When tent first turns on look at what your average night time humidity is.. Most likely you will only need to run it during there nighttime hours. :)

Mine generally kick on once lights go out.. :) you can set them up even on a timer system in future if you don't wanna plug back in everyday... With lights on I never have humidity issues from the lights and air movement so I would assume may be similar for you. :)

Run it a full night on or however long you want.. Document the RH if you left on all night when the tent turns on.. :) you can then see how much it is pulling etc on average to help know how much to run and when until you can invest in better.

Hope this helps some

It runs 24/7 daytime rH is 64% night time rH is 68%. Before I added the small dehumidifier it was 72% daytime and 79% night time. That's why I was figuring I would need to put it in the tent during flower because of its efficiency or lack there of lol. My temps stay at 77f during the day and 73f at night so I was figuring the small amount of heat from it would at most raise it about 2 degrees but I could be wrong.


It runs 24/7 daytime rH is 64% night time rH is 68%. Before I added the small dehumidifier it was 72% daytime and 79% night time. That's why I was figuring I would need to put it in the tent during flower because of its efficiency or lack there of lol. My temps stay at 77f during the day and 73f at night so I was figuring the small amount of heat from it would at most raise it about 2 degrees but I could be wrong.

Ah yeah your temps are under control. :) I was thinking you had one of the bigger units.. Hell yeah put that thing in there near the intake air..

Some of my hps rooms will run in high 80's F at all times with no issues as long as air movement.. :)

I generally try to keep mine around 50-65% RH is a good number IMO. Just try to prevent cold temps and keep air movement and I can already see you going to have some big girls. :)


how they grow so fast?! lol. awesome tent man. i feed grow/veg nutes the first couple weeks of flowering, or through the stretch, and switch to flower nutes once the first buds are starting to form, but your brand probably has plenty of N in the bloom nutes if they state to switch as soon as you go 12/12


Yeah the tent is in the basement so temps stay pretty well in check but the humidity is a bit high down there. Only other place I could have put it was the attic where humidity is a lot lower but the temps would kill me at over 100f ambient.
Thanks for all the tips and advice I really appreciate it from everyone on here :)


how they grow so fast?! lol. awesome tent man. i feed grow/veg nutes the first couple weeks of flowering, or through the stretch, and switch to flower nutes once the first buds are starting to form, but your brand probably has plenty of N in the bloom nutes if they state to switch as soon as you go 12/12
lol I don't know to tell you the truth they just keep growing :) I am just along for the ride and they are in control.
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