Trying Organics With Better Organix

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You'll have that place tip top in no time! Looks beautiful :)
it is, it has a 360 degree view of the entire bowl. I have all four mountains in view and so abundant water when it does rain. Now the plan is to catch the water as it runs down, slow it across the land, hold it to percolate through the profile, or onwards to be stored for later use, but first thing I need to do is crowd out these weeds with some good old cardboard mulch and woodchips, and get added organic matter down so we can begin to boost the lands ability to hold water when times are tough.

The force I had to swing a pick in to the ground can not be repeated without sustaining injury. It is as hard as granite and I dont fancy bringing in any more bloody tillage gear, which has clearly played a huge role in the way the land looks today.
The people here having been miss led by big Ag just as the bulk of the farming world have, on the advice of" experts", whose job it is to make sales of massive land crushing machinery, have convinced everyone that the reason plants dont grow is because the soil is too compacted and needs to be ripped apart by some metal forls and hundreds of HP. Not one of them has ever bothered to offer a reason as to why soil compacts in the first place, no chance for us to address the matter in a sustainable way, only spend our money on kit that is at the very root of the problem. And by problem I mean human minds, this is the problem, not tractors, not diggers, not horse shit, not even synthetic salts. It is us that ruin the land because we are by nature looking for short cuts and we cant be bothered to learn whats needed.
Farmers all over the world have stripped the living armor from the land, eg the plants, and so inadvertently, esp here, they have baked the soil in some of earths highest UV levels for many many years. There is no hope if you are less than a 10th of a pin head and full of water and so the soil is what I call dirt, it is brown stuff without living organisms of any value, only opportunistic bacteria are left, waiting on the next tilling machine to chomp up any glomalins that may have recovered since the last hammering.
Sure we see then lots of N being released, and plants in this situation grow fast, but if we want to cook a sausage, do we set fire to our whole house?
As i was once told by a good man, get the top two inches of the soil working, and the rest will follow. This means we put life back on top of the soil today, we cover the ground, we add living root systems, we add resources and we wait. In a short time we will have armies of tiny tillers, we will bring back the worms, enable the shredders and so on, these will dig all day for us, they will mine and scavenge nutrients for our plants, feed them and protect them, most of all never demanding vast amounts of fuel and cost. Why would I want to waste my life digging, when there are creatures put here by a god or other, whose sole purpose is to dig soil in a way that resonates with all the other biology. Yeah i can wreck a field in ten minutes with a tractor, make it look nice to the human minds who have been told by "experts" its the only way to grow plants, but if i want the soil glues and I want organic acids as buffers, a critical part of balance re soil pH, I must have life. I dont want to waste my money on short term sticking plasters like Lime, and I dont want the extra cost of my life because I use it.

The light here is extremely strong, the soil calcareous. We are really only a few degrees north of the equator. We get cooler night temps, but the day temps are really high in mid summer, up to 50 degree C. Cooler night temps, well last night for example 9c with a day temp rise somewhere to 34c right now. Thats a huge swing for any plant or microbe to manage. Son the night temps will rise and then we will have 40 degrees in the day with 30 degrees at night, this is all Celsius, i am European, but to make it easier, right now my temp differences are average 44.6F night to 93.2F day so a swing of about 50 degrees F.
Every part of the world has different challenges of course. Here vDiff is one of the largest. it will be interesting, I can not wait to test my ideas.
The nation here is paying the price for listening to so called wise men who went to school to learn how to sell you shit. Fuck sake even doctors do this too, go to school to be legal drug pushers, see Oxycotin, legal heroin, so I say beware the so called experts. i learned by getting my own head in to the questions i have, not by going to some big ag business funded school whose mission is to sell fucking tractors and lime and not to provide an answer as to why soil compaction happens in the first place.

Anyone that wants to know just ask.

Sorry that was meant to be a nice email saying its great here, but i went all ranty. Time is pressing me, I want it to look better but I know this takes time :-)


Lol was just curious because I ordered some nano breathe and got a free bottle of k+amino and 2 syringes. Wanted to say thanks for the great service and quick delivery. Havent used the product but I'm excited to
you are welcome buddy. KAMINO is an awesome product, it is 100% vegan, from plants to plants. It is massive counts of wild microbes, not lab ones, wild ones, street tough and ready to go. It has all vital L-Amino acids and is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, growth hormones and bio control compounds. Stinks like a skunks arse, but it works super fast on MJ and helps to boost branching, bud sites, increases trichome density through SAR and JAR stimulation, and reduces the risk of THC and CBD from being degraded to CBN through a clever use of ETR inhibiting enzymes known to cause premature ripening and or trichome damage.
it is very powerful, but it is also very gentle since it is resonate material, best way to feed plants is with plants naturally converted, not with salts imo :)
KAMINO is a top product, extremely versatile and super easy to use. I tend to run it to about week 4-5 bloom then cut. I sometimes run it later on longer blooming plants, but typically I cut about 60% through to avoid getting too much AHD which will delay ripening by a week or so. Great tho if you want to space things out for harvest. EG if you dont want to cut everything at once, you can hit some and then spread the harvest if you get me? This on all fruit too mate. Eg I grow lots of fruit for home use, I dont want it all ripe at once, this is a nightmare. So i spread it out and take fruit over weeks not days. The added bonus of this is that the fruit stays fresh for longer, its ETR that helps to make our fruit mushy :-)

Ask away if not, and hope you enjoy it buddy


it is, it has a 360 degree view of the entire bowl. I have all four mountains in view and so abundant water when it does rain. Now the plan is to catch the water as it runs down, slow it across the land, hold it to percolate through the profile, or onwards to be stored for later use, but first thing I need to do is crowd out these weeds with some good old cardboard mulch and woodchips, and get added organic matter down so we can begin to boost the lands ability to hold water when times are tough.

The force I had to swing a pick in to the ground can not be repeated without sustaining injury. It is as hard as granite and I dont fancy bringing in any more bloody tillage gear, which has clearly played a huge role in the way the land looks today.
The people here having been miss led by big Ag just as the bulk of the farming world have, on the advice of" experts", whose job it is to make sales of massive land crushing machinery, have convinced everyone that the reason plants dont grow is because the soil is too compacted and needs to be ripped apart by some metal forls and hundreds of HP. Not one of them has ever bothered to offer a reason as to why soil compacts in the first place, no chance for us to address the matter in a sustainable way, only spend our money on kit that is at the very root of the problem. And by problem I mean human minds, this is the problem, not tractors, not diggers, not horse shit, not even synthetic salts. It is us that ruin the land because we are by nature looking for short cuts and we cant be bothered to learn whats needed.
Farmers all over the world have stripped the living armor from the land, eg the plants, and so inadvertently, esp here, they have baked the soil in some of earths highest UV levels for many many years. There is no hope if you are less than a 10th of a pin head and full of water and so the soil is what I call dirt, it is brown stuff without living organisms of any value, only opportunistic bacteria are left, waiting on the next tilling machine to chomp up any glomalins that may have recovered since the last hammering.
Sure we see then lots of N being released, and plants in this situation grow fast, but if we want to cook a sausage, do we set fire to our whole house?
As i was once told by a good man, get the top two inches of the soil working, and the rest will follow. This means we put life back on top of the soil today, we cover the ground, we add living root systems, we add resources and we wait. In a short time we will have armies of tiny tillers, we will bring back the worms, enable the shredders and so on, these will dig all day for us, they will mine and scavenge nutrients for our plants, feed them and protect them, most of all never demanding vast amounts of fuel and cost. Why would I want to waste my life digging, when there are creatures put here by a god or other, whose sole purpose is to dig soil in a way that resonates with all the other biology. Yeah i can wreck a field in ten minutes with a tractor, make it look nice to the human minds who have been told by "experts" its the only way to grow plants, but if i want the soil glues and I want organic acids as buffers, a critical part of balance re soil pH, I must have life. I dont want to waste my money on short term sticking plasters like Lime, and I dont want the extra cost of my life because I use it.

The light here is extremely strong, the soil calcareous. We are really only a few degrees north of the equator. We get cooler night temps, but the day temps are really high in mid summer, up to 50 degree C. Cooler night temps, well last night for example 9c with a day temp rise somewhere to 34c right now. Thats a huge swing for any plant or microbe to manage. Son the night temps will rise and then we will have 40 degrees in the day with 30 degrees at night, this is all Celsius, i am European, but to make it easier, right now my temp differences are average 44.6F night to 93.2F day so a swing of about 50 degrees F.
Every part of the world has different challenges of course. Here vDiff is one of the largest. it will be interesting, I can not wait to test my ideas.
The nation here is paying the price for listening to so called wise men who went to school to learn how to sell you shit. Fuck sake even doctors do this too, go to school to be legal drug pushers, see Oxycotin, legal heroin, so I say beware the so called experts. i learned by getting my own head in to the questions i have, not by going to some big ag business funded school whose mission is to sell fucking tractors and lime and not to provide an answer as to why soil compaction happens in the first place.

Anyone that wants to know just ask.

Sorry that was meant to be a nice email saying its great here, but i went all ranty. Time is pressing me, I want it to look better but I know this takes time :)
Lol, you give some of the best speeches! Thank you for persevering and fighting for the soil and thus all of our very exhistence :) May we all strive to be as exuberant in our acts of sustainability! :)


Sun was out for about 2 days.... I'm ok. Weekend vacation starts tomorrow, west coast beaches. Then Disneyland. Joy oh joy.... I'll be staring at shit in Disneyland high as a dab can get ya. I heard a Japanese company has a bulb for the Solistek, precision acoustic resonance. I think that's how it's splelled. Ha!

Lol have fun at Disney Land brother and your vacation. :)


Sorry didn't mean to repost.
Hey my friends , it's been a while.
Motto I better your house is a gassy smelling place with all of these beans your growing.
It's Looking great already, I got me a couple peppers starting to show their heads. The growing season is here my Dudes...

Lol indeed it does smell gassy.. Luckily Phresh Carbon filters are bomb diggity and help out with the smells in rooms. :)

Amen to negative pressure and carbon filters. LOL

IT BE TIME TO GROW SOME PLANTS!!! What pepper plants you got going this year???

Hope you and the family been well


our newest field, work begins next week to plant it up.

and then one of the orange fields we are recovering now

then we have some other fruit trees we grow here, Almonds and lemons of course as examples

Mmm they all look lovely.. Nice photographs.. I just got my fruit tree's finally set in and in there final home.. I planted some perennial flowers around them and I need to get some Marigold seeds for sure. :)

Hopefully I will see some blooms soon.


Granny Smith Apple

Pro-Mix Recycled Media

Mrs. Granny got her big butt dragged into her new home and is coming out of winter.. All Tree's was removed from there containers and placed into there final location.. I amended the area with my Worm Bin Castings and
Bio-Media Pro

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Any extra soil will be used for other portions of the homestead to fill in random holes. :) All tree's received an initial drench transplant watering with Bio-Hydrate and Root Better

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New Growth and Recent flowers.

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20170409 135236

Thanks for viewing :)



Sweet Heart Cherry Tree
Better Organix

Pro-Mix Recycled Media

Mrs. Sweety Pie is coming back strong from being left out in winter and hanging out in the containers. :) She be looking fine oh fine and already popping new flowers.

20170409 135319

Look at that foliage in the wind.. LOL :)

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Push that growth out you dirty girl.. LOL :D

20170409 135441

I hope to have some cherries this year and great growth..

Time will tell.


Tongue Of Fire
Better Organix

Pro-Mix Recycled Media

My Root Pouch Mafia received a top dress of worm castings from my local bins. In some pictures if you see little balls it be my worm eggs. LOL :D

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20170409 141516

Heart Shaped Foliage still looking good. :)



Sugar Snap Pea's
Better Organix

Pro-Mix Recycled Media

They are climbing and grabbing each other for any support and loads of new growth. :) Just been giving de-chlorinated water as needed.. Lots of storms lately so the media has been staying moist along with receiving worm castings I sprinkle Bio-Media Pro in the top dress.

20170409 141545

Currently Mobbing Two Root Pouches of Sugar Snap.. I have new containers from the tree's so time to find some new things to plant. hehe :D

20170409 141521

Love how they wrap each other and the recycled Bamboo Sticks. :)

20170409 141539

Most likely the containers will go to future Moringa Tree's since I am planting some seeds.



I didnt realize u guys were uk based until i went to 5 hydro stores and they didn't know what I was talking about. Most of them didn't have shit for organic either
We are based in mainland Europe bro, Estonia and Spain. We are in some UK stores with our products,

and we are still very much growing that side of our business. I recently moved to take on a new project so all that went on the back burner while I got set up here among the citrus and medical plants.
We are back on track tho so I will be flying in to the UK in the next few weeks to visit stores etc. We should have a wider coverage by the end of summer. We will never be in all stores, preferring to work with those stores that add value to client experiences, but we will try to get one or two per county to stock our products. it really depends on how well they accept us I guess, but we have a growing user base and for this I am extremely grtateful.
We are a bit weird in the plant world, we talk about plant nutrition the same way human nutrition is discussed. after all, the recipient of food is a cell or cells, no matter plant or human. Better Organix is based on that all important NPK, Vitamins, Enzymes and so nutrient acquisition for plants, but delivered through diverse resources. We dont simply use a fixed base and then tinker with ratios of NPK like many. BOX it is Proteins, Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates and Gases, all the things life needs, and for what our plants cant do alone, we have called in the support of wider organisms, naturally occurring beneficial microbes, and these help to up regulate our plants resistance to common stress vectors, eg pests, drought, heat and they allow our plants a greater range when it comes to locating those much needed growth elements.
While mother nature has some 3.6+ Billion years of case study material on growing with living biology, most humans are still trying to wrap their heads around beneficial bacteria or fungus. Bio Organics is somewhat of a recent field where humans are concerned. You are on the leading wave now mate :)
Peace and if you have any questions, do reach out, here or via the website contact form
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