Vietnam Black Grow

  • Thread starter Billygoat
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Thanks for the comments, very much appreciated!!! I'm only posting some shots of mine so everyone can see what kind of phenos are in the Viet Black that Billy Goat is creating for you. He and I had seeds from the same source. What you see in mine, very well could be in any pack of BG's seeds.

Don't let my join date or post count fool you. I have been around a long time as well as BG. I joined Overgrow around Dec 99 about a month after BG. We have actually known each other via the boards for almost ten years. I could have become a Breeder on a smaller scale but decided not to. People who meet me for the first time are surprised I am able to do what I do. I'm now a preservationist of some hard to obtain strains.

An update on my girls......... I have 6fems and 2males leaving the last two unsexed as of yet. They were behind the others by about a week or two. One is looking like the Indica expression while the last is looking close to #'s 1&2 being very Sativa. Taking cuts today and getting ready for the main event!



Did some work with the VB's this morning. Checked the cuts and 13 had super nice roots. Got them transplanted into some container's with coco. There where some others that showed signs of roots. I'm guessing the rest of the cuts should be ready in about 3-4 days. I'm really surprised at how fast these are rooting.

Here's how I root my clones. Just for those curious.

Root Tech gel
root plugs, the soft ones
clone tray with clear dome
clone tray heat pad

Take cuts, dip them in gel. Then place them into the plugs and into the tray. I make sure there is water in the bottom of the tray and place the dome on the tray. They fog up and help with them from wilting. The heat pad helps with the roots popping.

I normally have good roots from 7-10 days after taking cuts.

Sexing. I notices some of the plants are showing sex. I'll look at everything and get some numbers soon. Ya, Harry has been around for a long time also. He know's his stuff also.

Looks like Harry has a number number of m/f's. Can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing the info Harry. How are you planning on doing your pollination?
Take care,


thanks for the update BG! glad to hear these babies clone well something to look forward to :)


Premium Member
Thank you all the info...just love it!


thanks for the update BG! glad to hear these babies clone well something to look forward to :)

Ya, I was shocked to see they clone so easy. I just got done transplanting the last two into coco. I'm really surprised at the 100% also. I don't know how many I took, but it was allot. I'd say the tray was 75% full. I can't wait to see these good in the coco mix. Thanks for stopping by.

Thank you all the info...just love it!

Not a problem. Helps me keep track of things. Plus, once I do finally get seeds done. Those have something to read and compare notes with. Plus, Harry has something to compare with his plants and it gives me something to compare with his. It's all a wealth of info.
Take care,


Just transplanted the last two clones into coco. That's a 100% root rate and pretty quick. I'm liking the fact that they clone easy and love the coco. One thing I have noticed and don't think I said anything. I do notice the plants that where in soil aren't doing as well. When the plants that went straight into coco are doing well.

I've noticed this with other strains. I think the round of clones should do "ALLOT" better then the ones started from seeds. Plus, I'm figuring out this coco.

OH, I did have a runt that I didn't kill off. I wanted to see what it would do and let me tell you. That plant has changed it's mind and is nothing like it was before. It's turning out to be something very nice.

I just watered and will get some pictures up later. The runt is looking like it might be something special. Guess will see soon enough.

Sexing, I'm still waiting to see what we got. Those damn plants are still giving me shit. I guess they didn't like going from soil to coco and never really bounced back. Either way, they should still show signs soon. Some look like females and some might be males. Will see by the end of the week. I should think.

Thanks for all the support everyone. Things are moving forward and for those of you just visiting the thread. Takes for stopping by. Before anyone ask. I don't know when seeds will be ready. I'm still waiting on sex and once I know. Then I will pair everything up. These are next to be flowered out and pollinated. So, it will take some time.

Thanks for stopping by and take care.


Been busy. You have no clue as to how much work i do each day, but here's a few pictures.

Here's a picture of the runt. I'm really surprised at this plant. It's very heathly and growing very well. I'm going to take some cuts and sex it. Here also is a picture of the clones I'm going to use for the seed crop. Once all the plants are sexed.

Take care,




i have some idea of how much work u do look how clean that floor is ....

they look really nice bg look how emerald green they are....

they look alot alike yours and harrys plants cool seeing them develop together.

the wider leaf pheno is interesting as well........

are you going to flower them first before making the female selection?

im going to smoke a bunch of this when they are released and go eat vietnamese food.



Really love the serations on your runt Billy! Wonder if it's a male? My runt turned out nice just like yours, but is still unsexed as of yet.

As far as pollination goes, I'm going to use a controlled open pollination. I'll collect the pollen from all the males and save 2/3 of each in pure form and combine the remaining 3rd of the males. I'll then dust select flowers on each plant and have some non seeded buds to do a smoke test.

This should be an exciting grow to follow as well as being in the garden once they start putting on weight!


i have some idea of how much work u do look how clean that floor is ....

they look really nice bg look how emerald green they are....

they look alot alike yours and harrys plants cool seeing them develop together.

the wider leaf pheno is interesting as well........

are you going to flower them first before making the female selection?

im going to smoke a bunch of this when they are released and go eat vietnamese food.


Thanks, I try and do my best to keep the place clean. I don't like a dirty place. I've been over friends grows and have called them pigs. They don't like it and wonder why they have issues like bugs.

I'm going to flower them all together and just get rid of any weak plants. I don't have the time right now to do any real selection. Plus, I think using all the strong plants will give a larger gene pool. I'll leave it up to the grower's to select. I'll do my own selection in the greenhouse next year.

Thai food. Guess I'm going to have to try some. Never eaten any thai food before.

lookin good bg! thats a beautiful runt :giggle
Thanks, it's looking really good.

Really love the serations on your runt Billy! Wonder if it's a male? My runt turned out nice just like yours, but is still unsexed as of yet.

As far as pollination goes, I'm going to use a controlled open pollination. I'll collect the pollen from all the males and save 2/3 of each in pure form and combine the remaining 3rd of the males. I'll then dust select flowers on each plant and have some non seeded buds to do a smoke test.

This should be an exciting grow to follow as well as being in the garden once they start putting on weight!

Check out the new picture below. Took the picture today. While I was pulling cut's off all my other plants. This runt is looking awesome and really taking off. Look at the leaf now!

Good luck on that control pollen. I've never had good luck with it. I hope it works out for you. I'm curious as to how yours all work out. I'm seeing some differences in mine. I think the open pollination will work out great.

I'll post pictures of my females. Once they start buding out. I'm going to through in some extra spare clones to get dusted by the VB males. Should make some nice new hybrids.
Take care,


Those runts can sure surprise you! Yours looks awesome, just like my first two I posted. I'm having trouble rooting due to cold room temps, or bad rooting gel. I'm using Olivias and haven't had problems in the past. The clones are on a heat mat but the room itself is unheated.
If no roots by the weekend, I'll just have to lst the first two and cut back the other moms and use them. My goal is to get the seeds anyway and not really flower them to the end.
Though I want some samples so I'll have to assess things as time goes on.


Hey Harry,

sorry to hear about your rooting issue. I hope something did pop for you. I've been down that road before. Hopefully you can get them to pop and then you'll be fine. Ya, your right about the pictures. The runt is looking more like yours. I really can't wait to get these outdoors next year. I'm thinking they will yield pretty nicely. Only, problem I see with them. I'm worried, they are going to get big outdoors. With free range to grow upwards and larger root mass. I'm thinking 15 footers for sure. Hopefully, my plans all work out and I'm in my new greenhouse then.

Good luck with your project. Hopefully you get your seeds. I doubt I will take them to the total end. Unless, one female really sticks out and catches my eye. Then I will have no choice. I'm guessing this is going to be trippy smoke like the Betty. Guess, will see soon enough.
Take care,


It's not a big deal. The rooting hormone was the problem being old. Got a new bottle of clonex and will be using a new method for rooting my cuts. Once they root, they'll take off in the coco so I'll be back on track. Thanks, I'll get my seeds eventually!

These do get huge outdoors! Best bet is to germ early to sex them, take cuttings, then put small seedling outside around Aug 20th. You'll still need a greenhouse to finish them.
Inside you can minipulate the light cycle to reduce time.


It's not a big deal. The rooting hormone was the problem being old. Got a new bottle of clonex and will be using a new method for rooting my cuts. Once they root, they'll take off in the coco so I'll be back on track. Thanks, I'll get my seeds eventually!

These do get huge outdoors! Best bet is to germ early to sex them, take cuttings, then put small seedling outside around Aug 20th. You'll still need a greenhouse to finish them.
Inside you can minipulate the light cycle to reduce time.

maybe a light dep as well for the early ticket.


Morning everyone.

Just wanted to update a little bit. I'm going to list what I think I have now for sexes. One I know for sure and a couple others are looking to be, but I want to make sure. Some I won't know for a bit. Since I had to strip the mother plants. Damn soil, gave me to many issues. Glad I'm over that stuff. Here's a list and I will update it as I know. These are going to take some time flowering out, but I would think. Seeds should be done sometime during the winter months. As long as there aren't any issues.

Also, I'll take pictures of the three I have in the flower room. Got some large leafs and already up to 11 blades. I'm hoping to see maybe a 13 blade plant in there. I've only seen this a few time. Any ways, the list is below and i will get some pictures up later.
Take care,

VB#1 ?
VB#2 ?
VB#3 ?
VB#5 Female
VB#8 Male, looking that way.
VB#9 Male, looking that way.
VB#10 ?


northone do you mean the more indy dom looking ones ? with wider leaf structure?

nice one on the sex bg ...

killer pheno's here we come...


The shorter fat leaf phenos will be more of an Indica expression from the Chinese side. My #8 is short and has very wide leaves. Although I'm looking more towards the Sativa expressions, I'm still going to hit #8 up with the two pollens. I'll be preserving a wide range of phenos, but mostly the Sativa dominant ones.


Morning everyone,

thanks for your comments. I'm thinking about mixing it up and letting the grower's do their own selection. This will give a larger gene pool to work with also. I will later on next year. Work on two lines with these and see what I can do, but that won't be till I have my greenhouse up. I think there could be some nice jewels in this bunch. Like others have already posted. There is work to be done here. I will keep a close eye for hermi's, and since I work with mostly sativa's. I think I've got it under control. Thanks for all the comment. Here's the update with a bunch of pictures. I'll try and get back to anyone with questions later on in the day. Lost of work today.
Take care,


Well, I took some pictures and looked at the plants I'm sexing now. Wish I had them all in there, but like some of you know. I had issues, so I'm waiting on the clones to root and then i will get the rest all sexed and figure out when I'm going to place them in the pollen room.

VB#9 Is a male. Looked a little weak, but I'm going to run him with the others and see if he looks better second time around. Remember, these where in soil. Then switch to coco and ran into some problem, so I want to make sure he get's a fare shake before the cut.

VB#8 Is a male. This one is a stud for sure. The growth rate. The plants whole structure is just so nice. The plant has a awesome main stem. Plenty of support with this one. Easy going and handled the stress pretty well. I noticed the pollen shacks coming on strong also. I will be looking forward to flowering this one out with the females. I think by looking at the leaf. You can see the Chinese indica in there. Picture below.

Here is the stud I'm talking about. Picture below.

Last picture of the male. Picture below.

VB#5 Is a Female. This girl is looking good. Handled the stress pretty well and is growing just great. She is looking like a Christmas tree and branching out nicely. This girl should do well outdoors. She had a nice main stem and looks to support her well. I don't know how the side branching will do, but maybe they will get stronger. Picture below

This is the last picture of the female. She is a little different from the male. As you can see from the picture below.

Well, that's about it. OH, please disreguard me talking about rooting clones. I got a bunch already rooted. Just waiting for them to get bigger to sex. I was thinking about another project. Man, I'm loosing it. lolol

Take care and hope everyone enjoys. Have a nice weekend.


Looking nice there BG! Looking very similar to some of mine too. I was doing some LST on my #1&2 VB's preparing to get the party started next weekend when I noticed #2 is turning purple. All the others are green. I'll keep a close eye out for deficiencies causing it but my best guess is the cooler fall nights. All plants are getting the same nutes and treatment. Should be interesting come Oct. when there should be nicely formed flowers.

BillyGoat, when do you figure you'll start your flowering? The anticipation of seeing these flowered out is killing me!!!
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