What have ya got planned today?

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Premium Member
Gonna take advantage of the beautiful Fall weather and finish painting the shanty here at the new place. Got on it yesterday when I got here and slapped in a (used-$75, from Habitat) sliding glass door in the garden room/sunroom. Say "bye-bye" to the interior wood door that was installed >backwards<...pins out and had 1/4" gaps all around it/wouldn't fully close...especially after a rain. Hopin to also dig some dirt...and not too many rocks, please....

The hard work is paying off. Place looks 100 X better than when the BillyBob's lived here. Don't ya just love white trash?
Painting and plumbing, what a mess. I am a sloppy painter, and forget plumbing, still better DIY than getting a man out who don't show up charge arm and leg and works so so.. Have fun hope you neater than I....
sky high

sky high

I'm one of those "Jack of all trades, MASTER OF NONE" guys. I can do it all....but I gotta be REAL HIGH to do any of it. :D

Most of what I do is out of necessity...not desire. I'd rather do it a couple of times...buy the right tools I'll have forever...and do it RIGHT vs. calling some clown who spends more time padding the invoice than he does on the job.

There are some quality craftsmen out there but it's hard to find 'em cus they don't have to advertise and ar always booked solid. and ALL of 'em charge too damn much!


Plans today are as little as possible thing i'll stick close smoke pot and read and comment about it all day ...... till around 6 then a sweet 16 party for kids friend at a fancy little place , throw a few back and then i'll get up tomorrow and ........
sky high

sky high

And did I mention that we are painting a very nice and incredibly wild PURPLE color for the trim on the house?

"actin' funny, and I don't know why..."


Premium Member
And did I mention that we are painting a very nice and incredibly wild PURPLE color for the trim on the house?

"actin' funny, and I don't know why..."
Excuse me while I kiss this GUY!!!
I mean kiss the Sky, best to get kiss from wife, Sky then get high.......


Sounds like you are making good progress sky, keep on trucking. I have the honor of harvesting horse radish today. Usually takes two days and lots of tedious work. Hands, eyes and nose will burn. Makes a good gift when visiting though. I can't eat that much before next years harvest.
C-Man the browns are moving on to beds on the upper Colorado and landed some nice ones on Thursday. Going back up next week when they really move in. Another year of fishing is coming to a close. Been a good one for big fish though. Some are good and some aren't. Hope all have a good weekend.
sky high

sky high

Yeah, pute....we're kinda gettin there.....at least from the outside. Gotta lotta work to do >inside<...on both the house >and< self. :D After 2 years of inactivity I'm finally getting back in shape. Wow...what a ride.

You fisherguys will have to plan to visit next year. We're only a mile from the Arkie and my buddy who guides on the Colorado/Blue has been here twice and says there's some fun times to be had.

Mo' painting/home improvement fun around here today. Gotta get on it while I'm here/can. Just not enough days in the week anymore....especially with the weather starting to come into play.

Never seen horseradish plants. Interesting. Never really liked it much but always wondered "WTF does this come from?"


Horseradish is a root and impossible to get rid of once it's in the garden. You dig the roots up, use a carrot peeler to remove the skin, put in a food processor and add vinegar, salt and my wife might add something else.



red or golden beets, horseradish, a little salt and vinegar .
clear your sinuses and make a funny face, for sure .
good stuff ! !


Well..? I think I locked one of the chickenbirds out of the coop last night, Dave found her outside the coop this morning. She won't let me catch her, and I won't just leave the coop open for her to get in and the others out, so...? We have a bit of a Mexican stand-off goin'. Also, her sister (the bird in question is Eleanor), Guinevere, is brooding an egg. An unfertilized egg. I keep saying, "Guini! It won't HATCH!" And she growls at me, literally (I never knew a chicken could growl, well, they can)(they also sneeze and it sounds HILARIOUS, but also disconcerting), and is pecking me pretty hard when I try to get said egg.

That means that Guinevere needs cock! And I'm the gal to help her out. We've located three real cocks, but don't have a quarantine area. I'm thinkin' a small shed in one of our fenced gardens should be ok, though I prefer the upper garden and it may not offer enough distance. Otherwise, he's gettin' tossed in with all the ladies. He's a German-raised cock, so he'll probably try to do some astonishingly weird things with the chickenbirds.

this made me laugh, ty


You guys will probably be aghast, but I find that I actually prefer tending to animals than plants, by far. The chickenbirds just crack me up! So, we're probably gonna have to figure out some pig, and I've been wondering just how difficult a milk cow would be, that's something I've never had to worry about.

I understand you live in a pretty cold area, might be hard for pigs...if you get that figured out let us know if like to know how you did it.


Premium Member
To be SOBER.:)
One day at a time.........

Heres my story for those who don't already know...

I am a recovering alcoholic,12 yrs. sober. My drinking was killing me.

No matter what i did AA meetings 2 30 day treatments in Hosp., just could not quit drinking. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. During the holiday season I sobered up for a few weeks. Someone left a gift wrapped 6 pack of beer on my porch, that was all it took, off the wagon I went.

I drank over 20 to 30 beers that night and became so sick I puked up lots of blood, happened before, but this time I really scared me. I told my future wife, she said enough's enough's your choice it was her or the suds. Once again I promised never again, went to AA, cried, prayed, white knuckled it out.

A few weeks later we took a drive our west kinda looking for properties. we turned off highway, up this mesa and the 1st for sale sign we saw, looked good. I went to door and the old man said get an agent. His wife invited me inside nothing special. I went out back and walked the property and was soon overwhelmed by the most beautiful place ive ever seen. I broke out in tears and had goose bumps, i knew this was where I belong and asked God to help me. I knew i would not be worthy of this if i continued to drink.

We did get the agent future wife loved it as well. I called my father for advise and a loan for earnest money to sign contract. He didn't go for it, cant blame him I was a mess and he knew it. Wife of the future believed in me it became her dream as well. She put her paid for house on market and within 24 hrs had a contract. We put earnest money on credit card and signed contract to move.

I called my dad and told him, he said if its in my heart we have his blessings good luck. I also asked him to be my best man at our wedding 6 months later. We moved all ready for the big day however my father had a stroke 1 week before and was in bad shape. I went to visit him he came around we talked hugged, I left him and he died 1 day before the big day.

We proceeded with our plans at Hudson Gardens in Denver, I was a sober mess. During the ceremony the lady doing the vows asked for my fathers presents to show itself and at that moment a butterfly landed on my chest right on my heart. After more tears, hugs handshakes a thunderstorm roared thru briefly. His blessing.

I still get goosebumps and tears of joy here almost daily. Mj has helped as the safer alternative and Ive replaced one drug for another but there no misery, doubt, fear, hopelessness, life so so good and iam so thankful for my loving wife, my garden chickens, goats, health, my blessings are endless.

So don't be afraid to follow and listen to your heart and do what you think is right no matter how impossible it may seem miracles do happen it happened to me it can happen to you Thanks all for letting me share this. it s does my just as much good as i hope it does you


It's hard to say anything after that.I will say thank you for sharing a very touching and moving experience.Lost my mom a couple of months back and it hit me like a HAMMER! GOD bless ya CM,:)


Premium Member
It's hard to say anything after that.I will say thank you for sharing a very touching and moving experience.Lost my mom a couple of months back and it hit me like a HAMMER! GOD bless ya CM,:)
Make your mom and your self happy, keep the plug in the jug, live life on life's terms, seek out joy in each day you'll be amazed on your journey how good it feels not feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired.
If you need to rap pm me.


Living dead girl
Bless you, too.

I've gotta send some money to a man today.
sky high

sky high

Dunno if you've ever heard of/heard Francis Dunnery's music or not 7th...... but Frank (guitarist for It Bites, Robert Plant) had a serious alcohol problem and finally got sober in the mid 90's....and tunes like "Grateful and Thankful"...among others...are him wearing his heart/experience on his sleeve and bringing his experience forward truthfully....

Read this.... then go to the 4 minute mark on the vid if you wanna hear the tune... (then go back and listen to "Too Much Saturn"...'cus it too is about his transformation/journey into sobriety.....

"Grateful and Thankful"

If we're grateful and we're thankful then we're spiritual
If we're hiding we're denying all the love inside
so don't let your spirit die
lay down your arms and we'll walk together
into the light

I cannot find the words to be all forgiving
it's gonna take some time
cos the old disease got a hold of me
and I need to apologize
and it's a myth to say we block things out
when we really block them in
Oh I'm so sorry baby
but I'm doing everything I can

If we're grateful and we're thankful then we're spiritual
If we're hiding we're denying all the love inside
so don't let your spirit die
lay down your arms and we'll walk together
into the light

I cannot get to sleep cos I feel so angry
it's gonna take a while
cos the old disease put a resentment in me
and the inability to smile
and it's a joke to think I'm hurting you
cos I'm only hurting me
and I've been beating myself for so long now
that it comes so naturally

love is the only thing that can set a soul free
fighting everybody don't do anything for me
love is the only thing
I need it, I feel it, I hope that we're gonna be
grateful for each other

I feel grateful, I feel thankful, I feel spiritual
I'm not hiding or denying all my love for you
it's the feeling of being alive
take hold of my heart
and we'll walk forever
into the light

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