What have ya got planned today?

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Absolutely! I been harvesting with the monthly full moon as I always do...took down 2 Blue Dreams, a Vietnamese Red X Chocolate Thai, a UK Cheese Head Berry Kush BX''d, Super Blueberry X Medicne Man(Natural Therapy creation, and its yum yum dank sweet potent as hell BlueberryMed Man hybrid to the nth...), and a Lemon Sour Diesel all 6 footers or bigger the last 4 days so I been a Scissor Hands Bluzboy bro! And while trimming last night I watched the 1972 grindhouse schlocker travesty called "Blood Orgy Of The She Devils" that starred all the best strippers in LA of 1972......really a community effort here by local disrobing talent of 1972 LA I got to say......I believe ED Wood wrote the script and this might have been the last film he was involved in right before his death from acute alcoholism and writing and directing bad movies ...I need to look it up....nobody could write and direct grindhouse schlocker travesty's better than ED Wood....even Roger Corman could not maych making movies so bad they are now considered comedy like ED Wood did or could do.....by the way Indica Buysh, Ed Wood was WWII pacific theater decorated combat Marine veteran that was a cross dresser....he wore pink panties during all the action he saw in thepacific on Guadacanal and Okinowa bro....the guy was right out of the Twilight Zone JR Juice..... makes the best worse junk trite trash movies you ever saw though for trimming while very high...

Little more info than I needed on Ed Wood (pink panties). Good to hear everything going well and you thriving. As always nice harvest going on with you and I like your selections. I'm sure our brothers are appreciating all your efforts. Have a puff or two for me Brother.


Little more info than I needed on Ed Wood (pink panties). Good to hear everything going well and you thriving. As always nice harvest going on with you and I like your selections. I'm sure our brothers are appreciating all your efforts. Have a puff or two for me Brother.
if you get a chance, see Johnny Depp as Ed Wood in the movie "Ed Wood".....its really interesting in a strange way and Depp's performance as Wood is really outstanding, belive he was nominated for an Oscar for his performance...Wood was straight, tough as hell decorated Marine, liked loose bawdy women, but he had been a cross dresser since a child and just liked to put on women's clothes....the guy was definitively bent and a few screws loose buddy, that's for sure, but his movies are hysterical from their badness....almost like unintentional SNL skits 70 to 80 miniutes long...
brother JR Juice, I hope you are having just a splendid day, the very best and I send you the very best as always!
Your mile high bro, the Bluzboy


if you get a chance, see Johnny Depp as Ed Wood in the movie "Ed Wood".....its really interesting in a strange way and Depp's performance as Wood is really outstanding, belive he was nominated for an Oscar for his performance...Wood was straight, tough as hell decorated Marine, liked loose bawdy women, but he had been a cross dresser since a child and just liked to put on women's clothes....the guy was definitively bent and a few screws loose buddy, that's for sure, but his movies are hysterical from their badness....almost like unintentional SNL skits 70 to 80 miniutes long...
brother JR Juice, I hope you are having just a splendid day, the very best and I send you the very best as always!
Your mile high bro, the Bluzboy

Not a big fan of Depp for some reason, but I will check out the "Ed Wood" movie on your recommendation. Really didn't bother me that he was a cross-dresser, after-all EGA is something that is earned and not given. Brother we all have a few screws loose after we went thru for sure. Thank you for your thoughts of me and the compliment. Keep yourself squared away and wired tightly Brother.


Just in time for the rain. Got a hose connected to one of the downspouts on the house as well...



Not a big fan of Depp for some reason, but I will check out the "Ed Wood" movie on your recommendation. Really didn't bother me that he was a cross-dresser, after-all EGA is something that is earned and not given. Brother we all have a few screws loose after we went thru for sure. Thank you for your thoughts of me and the compliment. Keep yourself squared away and wired tightly Brother.
Will Do! Trimming still and I watch real bad movies during trimming cause I do not have to pay attention to the film....if I watch good movies during trimming...I end up cutting bits and pieces of my fingers off from watching the movie too much and not watching my fingers locale holding the cola in relation to the snipping of the scissors...so its best for the old Bluzboy's finger health and their literal longevity, the length kind in inches longevity, to stream schlock travesty film while de-fanning and any wet or dry trimming.......or my finger longevity is in serious dire threat of being pruned and hedged by Moe, Larry, and Curly in one guy. me,... with a pair of sharp scissors.......
Have a great week!


Premium Member
Just a beautiful day in the HIGH mountain desert. all new drip irrigation for garden, easy set up will not leak...
all coffee ed up Raskels OG is mighty tasty..
.must get brooder set up for arrival of 15o meat chicks arriving tomorrow........
Got the spring fever feeling GREAT!!!
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

Cleaning out 55 gal barrels, 10 a pop on craigslist
And tapping my foot on coinbase, slow fucks
Just a beautiful day in the HIGH mountain desert. all new drip irrigation for garden, easy set up will not leak...
all coffee ed up Raskels OG is mighty tasty..
.must get brooder set up for arrival of 15o meat chicks arriving tomorrow........
Got the spring fever feeling GREAT!!!
2nd the spring fever


Morning like minded folks....I survived Easter. No drama, no out of control drunks and no pot. Drag!! To many kids and distant relatives to break out the buds. Watched the Ten Commandments for the upteenth time last night. Wife insisted so I sat through it again. Good movie but 4 1/2 hrs! Kinda like the Wizard of Oz.....a family tradition,

Today, I have already walked the dog and checked in on the garden. Now will enjoy a beautiful spring day in Colorado. My neighbor in the hills just informed me that we had a grass fire a few hundred yards from my cabin up there. Like Cali we need moisture or its gonna be a bad fire season. Thinking I should put some water on the lawn down here in the city. Just checked and the r/h is 16% and dropping! Having a hell of a time trying to keep it up over 50% in the basement. Venting outside just sucks all the m0isture out of the basement.

Will try and find time to take a quick trip to the hills for a couple of days of fishing sometime this week. The Colorado is already blown out and muddy but Williams Fork is a tail water and is still fishing well. Big Rainbows are coming up from the Colorado to spawn and I will be waiting for them to give each and every one a tooth ache. ha ha!

Cataract surgery in two weeks.....oh joy, can't wait. I am serious, will be nice to see out of my left eye again. Surgery itself is only about 10 minutes...its all the prep before and after that is a pain in the ass.

Guess I have rambled long enough this morning.....hope all have a great day.


I spent Easter day in my music room jamming and spliffing.....and thinking up ways to sue Kansas for something......boiled an egg painted it up nice and hid it from myself....still have not found it yet....ate Chinese carry out, walked 4 mini dachshunds on a great big long walk in the outback where the wild things are and I don't have to pick up their poop......then I watched them race the greyhounds kenneled next door up and down the greyhound 1/4 mile long pens.....funniest damn thing you ever seen...especially after a Gorilla Glue #4 while walking them around earlier...that was my Easter...today is dry trimming and more Blues jamming in the music room....hone my chops...then late afternoon pilates for my back/spine therapy around 4pm...then walk them dachshunds again...


Premium Member
Library and the dog track, good places to meet hot chicks....if you looking..


Premium Member
is your avatar a barred rock cock?
Looks like it.....
Cock a doddle...We had one named Stu. one time we had visitors at the chicken run. a lady asked wheres stu? He came running out at that moment jumped upon a barrel and let out a coca doddle dooo.....

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