What's The Best Advice You've Ever Had?

  • Thread starter dan1989
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So what nute line would you prefer and what do yougive in veg if no veg bites. and what's the cal / mag myth?
I'll field this one...

Nutes need to be clean, if you want clean cannabis. Cannabis is a hyper/dynamic accumulator, so impurities tend to get concentrated in the cannabis plant. I prefer pharmaceutical grade nutes, balanced to cannabis.

Bloom nutes in veg will produce short, stocky plants. I run 9:16 micro:bloom in veg, only one ml/gal difference in the micro. It's not much of a change but the effect is noticeable.

Cal/Mag, which is generally calcium-nitrate and magnesium sulfate (in a bottle) is usually thrown at any plants which are showing magnesium deficiency. Epsom salts is the only thing needed, for mag deficiency (significantly cheaper), and the sulfur in epsom salts is useful for terpene production. Cal/mag is probably the number one overused, bottled 'fix' in the cannabis industry.

Cal/Mag has also been overused by people using r/o. The common myth is that you need to add cal/mag to r/o (or half tap) to get pH stability, or to be able to use a meter to check it. Your nute line should contain everything the plant needs and adding even a tiny pinch of nutes allows meters to be used on it appropriately. Use r/o only, so you can add nothing but food for the plant, plus a bit of pH adjustment.

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Get a PH pen (bluelab is worth it) and get ph+ and ph-. Keep it within the range of your medium and your plants grow WAY better. And my worst fiasco still produced some pretty awesome bud.

KISS is definately a great idea.

And I am sticking with the general hydroponics trio. It is easy to use, it doesn't smell like a carps ass and it works.


I'll field this one...

Nutes need to be clean, if you want clean cannabis. Cannabis is a hyper/dynamic accumulator, so impurities tend to get concentrated in the cannabis plant. I prefer pharmaceutical grade nutes, balanced to cannabis.

Bloom nutes in veg will produce short, stocky plants. I run 9:16 micro:bloom in veg, only one ml/gal difference in the micro. It's not much of a change but the effect is noticeable.

Cal/Mag, which is generally calcium-nitrate and magnesium sulfate (in a bottle) is usually thrown at any plants which are showing magnesium deficiency. Epsom salts is the only thing needed, for mag deficiency (significantly cheaper), and the sulfur in epsom salts is useful for terpene production. Cal/mag is probably the number one overused, bottled 'fix' in the cannabis industry.

Cal/Mag has also been overused by people using r/o. The common myth is that you need to add cal/mag to r/o (or half tap) to get pH stability, or to be able to use a meter to check it. Your nute line should contain everything the plant needs and adding even a tiny pinch of nutes allows meters to be used on it appropriately. Use r/o only, so you can add nothing but food for the plant, plus a bit of pH adjustment.

how much Epson salt is a safe dosage per gallon for OG's ? im going to cut out my cal mag plus and give it just epson salts.


My advice about Epsom salts and cal mag is to learn about plant nutrition and water alkalinity.

You have to know what's in you water, medium and fertilizer and how these elements affect your plants to know if you need Epsom or cal mag.


Magnesium deficiencies are common in young plants and are quite evident. I use organic soil and do find that easy on additives is often best and maintaining drainage and gentile air movement is better than extra food or water which is food in my organic way.
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