Would Mitt Romney be Worse on Medical Marijuana than Obama?

  • Thread starter oscar169
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If giving in to the GOP at every negotiation is acting, "on the left" then Obama is pretty far to the left. Truth of the matter is that Obama's an honorary Republican. I'm not going to argue with you because your messages are never ending diatribes, but I will say anyone who thinks Obama's record is consistent with that of a liberal president is full of it or not paying attention. Obama's policies are just to the right of Nixon's!

That's why I don't think Obama would be much different from Romney.

I think he was trying too hard to be Clinton here--he seemed like he thought he actually had the ability to build good faith between himself and the GOP. I have said a hundred times that Obama's been naive when it's come to stuff like this. I don't think it makes him right wing--rather a few of thse were hard learned negotiation lessons.

Sure, be upset about that--but you don't throw the guy under the bus because he gives in to the side who creates policies you don't like.

If this exercise were a negotiation--YOU would be giving in to the right by throwing their opposition under the bus. Think about that for a second.

If you really don't like what the GOP has done/is doing/will continue to do--then you really need to ask yourself if your breath is best spent talking shit about Obama, or trying to get people to vote for him despite his not being absolutely perfect all the time.


I think he was trying too hard to be Clinton here--he seemed like he thought he actually had the ability to build good faith between himself and the GOP. I have said a hundred times that Obama's been naive when it's come to stuff like this. I don't think it makes him right wing--rather a few of thse were hard learned negotiation lessons.

Sure, be upset about that--but you don't throw the guy under the bus because he gives in to the side who creates policies you don't like.

If this exercise were a negotiation--YOU would be giving in to the right by throwing their opposition under the bus. Think about that for a second.

If you really don't like what the GOP has done/is doing/will continue to do--then you really need to ask yourself if your breath is best spent talking shit about Obama, or trying to get people to vote for him despite his not being absolutely perfect all the time.
I think you grossly misunderstand Obama's personality and agenda. Obama is a religious, socially conservative, fiscally liberal black man. Black communities are NOT friends of MMJ, gay marriage and other socially progressive/liberal issues. Such is the case for Obama. The image of him perpetrated by the media before his campaign with a few pics of him holding what appears to be a joint were completely false.


Revolt...into what? Gonna take more than a buncha people marching and protesting
Yes sir, it's going to take us losing something we are not willing to live without, like facebook lol, to get our lazy, entitled, complacent asses off the couch and dethrone the ruling class. Or, perhaps it will take a natural or man made disaster of biblical proportions to change the direction things are going on this soon to be one world government planet.


I know he's not a champion for marijuana per se, and that does stem from his social conservatism. Actually most often I adapt my arguments to respect the fact that most people do not understand or acknowledge that Obama is socially conservative. In fact, you are the first person to actually address me and say this on the internet or in real life.

Sad but true.

That said I still believe the guy thinks it's a bunch of bullshit. It just comes out of his statements. This is a guy who understands the history of the prohibition of alcohol. He gets it why it was repealed. We were losing the "war on alcohol", badly. The two situations couldn't be more analogous, and he understands that (I can't find a quote but I feel as though I've heard him reference this comparison, I am from Illinois so I've seen Obama for quite a bit longer than most).

He doesn't agree that it's the government's place to be making this decisions, and he understands that its an absolute fiscal clustrfuck-nightmare-snowball of gargantuan proportions.

He is not going to come out as a champion for MMJ because that isn't his "political identity" its not going to win him an election--and while for us "playing to the election" is about as appalling as "teaching to the test" or something similar--it is really important that we understand this is a process which is underwritten and guaranteed by the American people, not the candidates. We, as a whole, make it political suicide to do some of these types of things. Even if we hadn't it's also important to think of Obama's perspective--he needs to think about what he believes America will look like if Romney wins rather than him. This is a perspective that only he can really have, and it's a difficult one to try and wrap your head around adequately.

Do you stand up for the right thing, sink yourself, and end up putting someone into office (and essentially being willfully complicit with it) who you believe and know for yourself will do something wrong?

Or do you tell the people what they wanna hear, so that you can try to do what you know needs to be done--irrespective of what you had to do to get there.

The top one certainly sounds more noble--but it doesn't get a whole helluva lot done.

I'd say Obama is socially conservative, but that he doesn't believe social norms should come down as a dictat according to rule of law. The reason I identify so much with this is the same reason I think he believes it. I've experienced a very culturally and socially diverse upbringing.

What I've learned in that time is that both great people and absolute garbage come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and creeds. We'll do the best work if we pull that together rather than drive a lawful steak between it.

This is why things like gay marriage rights matter so much--not because of the actual thing, but because of the disconnect it causes. Its one less reason to work together as Americans, and that is the absolute last fucking thing we need right now.


Carlin nails it. Bill Hicks did too.

To watch and listen to Carlin and hear the people laugh, clap and cheer is odd. ...in a way. Carlin is not really trying to be funny. He is stating the truth.

The "Big Club" he talks about is Bilderburg/Rothschild/Rockefeller/JP Morgan, etc.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Ill say this man, ill say this......i dont know about you man........but im gunna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames!!!! ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kahn Seanery

Kahn Seanery

Even tho it may not change anything ...
We really have to appreciate what an explosive element this election is....
I agree that even tho obama is a liberal at heart... he really doesnt stick to one philsophy ..
As another already mentioned he somewhat did his best to work with the reps...and ultimately a unique president..
But didnt fight enuff for the middle to lower class..
If he was more "righty than nixon" than the rupubklicans wouldnt disagree with him so often..
In worse case they just dont like him cause hes' black...(i doubt it)
The way it was taught to me that republicans are for trickle down economics...
Cutting taxes for bussinesses, reganites , supply side ,, and conservitaive...(same)
Wheras democrats are trickle up economics...
Lowering taxes for middle /lower class, keynsianist.. and liberal.. (change)
Even tho i do believe in republican ideology in my mind... at heart im a liberal..
And i believe in change and closing the gap ....
But if i were wealthier id probly be a republican since im not for handouts ..0r uneeded gov spending..
Even tho reps come off gready ...their ideas are pretty solid..


Who the president is has more to do with window dressing than substance. This country hasn't been for or about the common man in a lifetime- OUR lifetime, in fact. Sadly, few see enough reason to stand for change. Until that last changes, we will get what we deserve; more drivel, more stupid sound bites, less substance and more unseen corruption. It is the way with all great empires as they teeter on the brink of oblivion, and America is no different.

The problem is not whether our government is too big, it's about whether it WORKS. And merely smaller won't work. Neither will just bigger. That leaves BETTER, and frankly I don't see either side of the aisle giving up enough personal prestige to support the other side in doing anything meaningful here.
Kahn Seanery

Kahn Seanery

Who the president is has more to do with window dressing than substance. This country hasn't been for or about the common man in a lifetime- OUR lifetime, in fact. Sadly, few see enough reason to stand for change. Until that last changes, we will get what we deserve; more drivel, more stupid sound bites, less substance and more unseen corruption. It is the way with all great empires as they teeter on the brink of oblivion, and America is no different.

The problem is not whether our government is too big, it's about whether it WORKS. And merely smaller won't work. Neither will just bigger. That leaves BETTER, and frankly I don't see either side of the aisle giving up enough personal prestige to support the other side in doing anything meaningful here.

Your right in a way ,,, its a pop culture,..
I would add... that the U.S. is the first country to write a constitution
based on ideals , rights , freedoms...
There are newer constitutions in other countries... but these ideas were based off
our constitution... westernized ideas..democracy...
Believe it or not ... some people like the way it is....
Mostly the succesful people ...who understand the system and are educated...
The others ...(me at one point)... somehow blame the government , and use them as a scapegoat..
For their own problems.. shortcomings... lifes not easy granted..
The truth is tho that all these ideas of democracy were thought up long ago ...
By Sacrates, aristotle, and plato ...They understood already values and problems of democracy ...
But understood the importance of the laws...sacrates gave his life for the laws ..saying they were like parents , who raised him, yet the people enacting it were corrupt at times....
There were laws and constitutions for thousands of years...
Hammurabi's code being one of the first
Jon locke and the other writers on the const. understood the importance of having a untied nation under one government ....
A bigger country ..with a strong government..
These things all pushed us into being a major player in the world..taking out britians tyrannical domination,,,now were the richest country by far.. maybe not for long.
It wont be long before are own freedoms do us in ... (china will win)
You got to understand we are the government,,,and without out it or the laws ...
There would be no schools, highways, parks... itd really be fuct .... the poor wouldnt stand a chance...no court system police... no minimum wage...
Blood fued would insue... criminals would go wild.. the poor would die..
Remember its not what the country can do for us its what we can do for our country...
ULtimately without these ideas, civilzation, laws.. we would be mere savages...
Or would we better off as Noble savages..??? Rousseau style..


He is not going to come out as a champion for MMJ because that isn't his "political identity" its not going to win him an election--and while for us "playing to the election" is about as appalling as "teaching to the test" or something similar--it is really important that we understand this is a process which is underwritten and guaranteed by the American people, not the candidates. We, as a whole, make it political suicide to do some of these types of things. Even if we hadn't it's also important to think of Obama's perspective--he needs to think about what he believes America will look like if Romney wins rather than him. This is a perspective that only he can really have, and it's a difficult one to try and wrap your head around adequately.

I think there is another important factor in why President Obama has not championed mmj, he is the first black president and his primary goal, I think, was making it out of a first term. Bill Maher and others have addressed this and I agree, the racist right in our country would really like to say something like:
"We tried a black president and it didn't work."
Essentially attempting to negate or stiffen another black president, or maybe any minority for that matter. The president has had to walk on thin ice this entire time, shit 25 percent of our country thinks he is a Muslim and from Kenya because of the ridiculous soundbites, can you imagine what they would say had he been any more progressive towards mmj? Holy fuck!

Romney on the other hand, will truly destroy our country from within.......he sees the U.S. like any other corporation in decline and would like to take advantage of what is left of our credit to deepen his pockets, and then give us the ole Bain Special.........
Darth Schwag

Darth Schwag

The best thing that could happen in the prez race would be for Obama to step aside and let a better Dem beat Romney. But, that won't happen! What we can count on is continued corporate manipulation to send more jobs overseas and let Wall St extort Americans. This will forestall any real economic progress for several more years. Hence, tax revenues languish and this queer idea of cannabis regulation starts to look tasty. Meanwhile, more politicians swing to our side. It is a matter of time. 56% want cannabis legal and 67% want MMJ.
Kahn Seanery

Kahn Seanery

Its gotta chnge from the ground up ..
If people were willing to pay the price of american made goods ...then we wouldnt have that problem...we simply cant afford it,..

Its smart economics at best ... and its the mj dispenciaries and rec clinics that will vote against legalization ...theres to much money being made without legalization..

At this point if jesus took office we probably still be in the same boat..
Its up to u too decide if your happy with it...
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

"You got to understand we are the government,,,and without out it or the laws ...
There would be no schools, highways, parks... itd really be fuct .... the poor wouldnt stand a chance...no court system police... no minimum wage...
Blood fued would insue... criminals would go wild.. the poor would die..
Remember its not what the country can do for us its what we can do for our country...
ULtimately without these ideas, civilzation, laws.. we would be mere savages...
Or would we better off as Noble savages..??? Rousseau style.."

:) !clap! you fucking sheeple you. lmao jking.


Getting America "back on the right track" is all just some people talking. No major changes are going to happen at this point short of a large scale disaster or well organized, violent revolution. We didn't get to where we are by accident, it was all very well planned and executed by the ruling class and everything is right on schedule.


I think there is another important factor in why President Obama has not championed mmj, he is the first black president and his primary goal, I think, was making it out of a first term. Bill Maher and others have addressed this and I agree, the racist right in our country would really like to say something like:
"We tried a black president and it didn't work."
Essentially attempting to negate or stiffen another black president, or maybe any minority for that matter. The president has had to walk on thin ice this entire time, shit 25 percent of our country thinks he is a Muslim and from Kenya because of the ridiculous soundbites, can you imagine what they would say had he been any more progressive towards mmj? Holy fuck!

Romney on the other hand, will truly destroy our country from within.......he sees the U.S. like any other corporation in decline and would like to take advantage of what is left of our credit to deepen his pockets, and then give us the ole Bain Special.........

I think you and Bill hit the nail on the head. I believe the "Taking America Back" and "Restoring America's Honor" phrases are just euphemisms used by the racist right.

Look at the article in the LA Times on the 31st. it reads "Just an Average Joe?": Obama's reelection effort is relying on the vice president's everyman appeal in battleground states"

Why wouldn't Obama have average joe appeal? He was raised by a single working mother, dabbled with pot and occasional blow, and worked his way to the upper teirs of American society with out using "Daddy's money".

Oh yeah, thats right. He's muslim, born in Kenya, and wants to give all the white mans money to lesser deserving minorities.

If Obama even took a stance on MMJ, it would only be used as fodder against him. And quite frankly, in the state this country is in, MMJ issues are not that high on the priority list..

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