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In my state...it's really hard to claim self defense even during an assault. The cops will tell you (on the sly) if you shoot somebody..best make sure their dead and then drag them into the house.


Well everyone,
I think I will return to my plants for this evening, we could spend a life time on this matter.
So peace to all my Brothers and Sister on the Farm .... Maybe we can show each other just a little more tolerance for what we look like, sound like or part of town we are from.
If everyone was baked this may not of happened.


I'd gladly share my last loaf of bread with a stranger that was hungry....before the goverment takes it.


Premium Member
Hereabouts its all pretty much white folks.
I hardly see any blacks. really don't know what's up with that.
worked with all sorts of different folks as an airline employee for 18 years sure was fun having all sorts of cultures.
we all pretty much got along and at times it was hillarous some of the stuff that happened.
I felt honored when a black fella told me.. You may be white but you got some coon in you somewhere....
Too bad such a fuss is made, when were all pretty much the same...


Fear Not!
In my state...it's really hard to claim self defense even during an assault. The cops will tell you (on the sly) if you shoot somebody..best make sure their dead and then drag them into the house.

My dad was a cop....He always told his friends and us kids that same thing!
I dont think I would ever shoot anyone unless they were in my house anyway.


Fear Not!


My dad was a cop....He always told his friends and us kids that same thing!
I dont think I would ever shoot anyone unless they were in my house anyway.
that's funny..ya it's definitely a tongue in cheek comment. I feel the same way..I hope and pray I never kill anyone..so's I can make it into the Pearly Gates!


Premium Member
when I took a concelead weapon carry class, glad I never got the permit, the fella told us even if you shoot someone in self defense be ready for legal action Either by LEO, or a civil suit.
Can be expensive defending yourself, Zimmermans toast. How will he make a living? Sell the rights? If sued wheres the money coming from?
Lot's would kill him if they had the chance.
Doubt he will be going out for ribs and catfish at the local southern diners....


Premium Member
Just curious any black folks on here??? I find it interesting to meet folks of all colors, just to see what's up. skin color should not matter but really folks it is the 1st thing one notices . it really don't matter as I decide what a persons like after getting to know them not by how they look.
Met the nicest black fella fishing one day. just went up and said hey. See him lots on the river and always say hello.
One time brought 2 black friends into the local bar/fly shop. Those guys are totally racist. My friends are so beyond that sort of ignorance they laugh at folks like that.
We walked in and it became silent, the looks could kill. my friend asked if this was where the KKK meeting was were here for the lynching, ordered a whiskey and after a few minutes they were all laughing and carrying on.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I find "Not Knowing" for sure rather refreshing... Puts things on A purely Logical & View Point level of conversation that is not based on the fear of insulting each other based on Racial Profiling rearing it's ugly head...
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I have heard many say Zimmerman should have stayed in his ride (to prevent the whole thing) but following someone that seems suspicious is not A crime (TVM keeps walking, Zimmerman keeps following but doesn't engage, TVM walks into home residence and tells family / friends he's being followed) From another alternative point of view, Are the people in Florida so fearful / uncaring of their neighbor that if T.V.M. called 911 on his cell (Instant G.P.S. Location within 30 Meters or so) instead of chatting with the girl, and dropped his hoodie and knocked on A door with the lights on inside, of which there were many or yelled and asked for help with / from A stranger (Zimmerman) with 911 on the phone instead of confronting Zimmerman could the outcome have been altered by that alone? T.V.M's actions didn't seem to be that of A helpless teenage boy with skittles and ice tea that was paralyzed by fear. Sometimes actions predetermine the likely hood of an end result... (confrontation takes 2 to tango) Food for thought


I'm a "black" lol ....I have friends in every race that visit my home and we talk serious and joke openly about a # of things and of course we smoke/dab it up big time! My feelings are this and I tell my kids, that being black we just have to live by/under a different set of rules out here ...it's not right but that's the way it is! I thought Zimmerman would atleast have gotten manslaughter!
Everyone is saying black people always playing the race card lol, the lawyer for the defense played the race card when he chose (6) white women for the jury and played upon there fears of black men during the trial ......."invisible racism" is the worst! Where I live it's a virtual melting pot, when I say I have friends in every race I'm not talking just one or two. I've had some of my white friends and ex-girlfriends tell me some of the racist things that have been said about me behind my back by people, co-workers, bosses, etc. that I thought were cool with me .....the N word is still getting heavy rotation in the US but it doesn't bother me like it does some of my peeps, you have to give words power and that's something I don't let get under my skin, hell some of my peeps use the word too damn much themselves to say anything!

It is normal to fear what we don't know/understand .....I can tell you that black guys are probably more terrified to be in your neighborhood than you are in theirs, trust me!


likes to smell trees.
Yay the black youth are now rioting in los angeles. Any excuse will do! Sucker punching random people, destroying property, and looting. Way to represent! It totally makes sense that because a kid got shot in Florida, we should hurt innocent people and damage their hard earned assets as well.

Funny. I don't remember white people rioting when O.J got off scott free.

racism is retarded. but what is more retarded is retaliating in senseless violence.


I have heard many say Zimmerman should have stayed in his ride (to prevent the whole thing) but following someone that seems suspicious is not A crime (TVM keeps walking, Zimmerman keeps following but doesn't engage, TVM walks into home residence and tells family / friends he's being followed) From another alternative point of view, Are the people in Florida so fearful / uncaring of their neighbor that if T.V.M. called 911 on his cell (Instant G.P.S. Location within 30 Meters or so) instead of chatting with the girl, and dropped his hoodie and knocked on A door with the lights on inside, of which there were many or yelled and asked for help with / from A stranger (Zimmerman) with 911 on the phone instead of confronting Zimmerman could the outcome have been altered by that alone? T.V.M's actions didn't seem to be that of A helpless teenage boy with skittles and ice tea that was paralyzed by fear. Sometimes actions predetermine the likely hood of an end result... (confrontation takes 2 to tango) Food for thought

Could a, would a, should a ....I think everyone has those moments ....it's fucked up when those decisions cost you your life!


Hard to speak until you walk in someone shoes .....I'd say eating out of the garbage is disgusting but that's because I never reached that level of hunger in my life!
I know how people in my community are treated, I don't look, dress, or act thuggish, or stand on a corner but I get the same treatment of the peeps that do when I leave the city!


Violence is a natural defense mechanism, a child being bullied who doesn't get help ...that's all I gotta say!
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Yeah, Could a, would a, should a, just walked to my door with A dude behind me where he could do no harm instead of tryin' to punk someone that might be packin' heat in Florida for following you... Not A wise decision from my point of view but in Ca. we are all white, Know no black people, have no guns and nobody dies... LOL
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I personally know at least a dozen 190lb. or so 17 to 18 year olds that could literally "Beat" someone to death with their bare hands on any given day... (Usually there @ Indian Gaming Casinos or Staples Center fighting in A Cage for the fun of it) to achieve A level of inner confidence through physical fitness and training without the need for weapons or gangs. This poor helpless 190lb. 17year old just don't fly when you truly no what A 190lb. 17 year old is capable of. I don't know were you live but maybe there just cut A little rougher around here...
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