Nomads Landing 2013 Season

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Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

6-18 Update pics
I am just gonna post the pics here with additional comments in the next post... this is our third attempt in the last 2 days

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Bed 1 Blue Dream

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Bed 2 Sensi Star

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Bed 3 Blue Dream

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Bed 4 Sensi Star

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Bed 5 Sour Diesel

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Bed 6 Pineapple Express

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Bed 7 Pineapple Express

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Bed 8 Ogre

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Bed 9 UK Cheese

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Bed 10 Sour Tsunami

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Bed 11 Maui

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Bed 12 Humboldt Purps

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Bed 13 OG Kush

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Bed 14 Brandy's OG

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Bed 15 American Crippler

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Bed 16 Blackberry Kush

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Bed 17 Cheese Quake 50-50

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Bed 18 Grand Daddy Purple

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View from the South

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A Brandy OG Male droppin all over the place.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

6-18 text

Up to this point, we have been feeding guano high N, alfalfa, and compost teas. Our frequency of applications has been slightly irradic. We really need to do a top dressing as well. We have hit the reactive vs. proactive stage, but that is the way she goes. This is our first year with dry nutes and teas only. For the past 8 seasons we did soup style, with guanos and compost teas kinda backwards we now know but... From Fox Farm to Age Old plus Epsom Salt, to Earth Juice. So all in all we are extremely happy with the dry ferts only and are looking forward to tweaking the program. By the way we have started to hit a N and K def. It's been pretty warm in the greenhouse, 95 - 105 during peak heat. We finally found a condom to fit our boy... good thing too, the winds have started to pick up. We've got the chicken moving in their tractor on the way to the fodder field that will hopefully take hold before the jack rabbits mow it down, saw one there munching away. We were also visited by some quails whom were feasting along side the greenhouse.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

8-18 Update Same dealio as before gonna put the text on the next post.

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Bed 1 Blue Dream

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Bed 2 Sensi Star

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Bed 3 Blue Dream

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Bed 4 Sensi Star

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Bed 5 Sour Diesel

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Bed 6 Pineapple Express

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Bed 7 Pineapple Express

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Bed 8 Ogre

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Bed 9 UK Cheese

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Bed 10 Sour Tsunami

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Bed 11 Maui

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Bed 12 Humboldt Purps

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Bed 13 OG Kush

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Bed 14 Brandy's OG

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Bed 15 American Crippler

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Bed 16 Blackberry Kush

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Bed 17 Cheese Quake 50-50

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Bed 18 Grand Daddy Purple
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

8-18 update text
At this point we were just happy to be able to snap some shots. We've been top dressing 2pts blood meal 1 pt guano... Still been hitting the N and K defs. Been clearing the girls out like crazy. It's been over 3 weeks now and as soon as we get through the bunch it's time to start over. American Crippler has increased in waviness, and both her and Brandy are starting to drop fan leaves, yellow to brown then the ground. The mites have started to congregate... aw man... we have started to vacuum but it takes a couple of days. We've also been pulling down on the girls SD, BD, the express, the purps, and og have all been getting real close to the plastic. The GDP in bed 18 is about 3 weeks into flower now, the early start was thanks to some cloudy days we had at the end of July, not quite enough to snap the more Sativa doms though. We also need to get our hands on some bark mulch, the sand has acted as a medium with the top dressings and the roots of many have grown up into the dressings. Also our first application of top dressing was to heavy, leading to N gassing, broke up the organic chunks of goo, worked in gently, all good. The girls are about at 16 gallons every other day now.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

On a up to real time post... the bugs have been outta control, the vacuum and previous neem applications have failed to provide the controls necessary. So yesterday we atomized Spinosa an organic bacteria that targets pest arthropods by exciting the nervous system to the point of dysfunction, contact spray or ingestion and if ingested 100% mortality rate, not beneficials except for honey bees, thank goodness they are all outside. .There is still some life but man... there is a major, major death rate within the first 24 hours, say 1o00:1 dead to alive mite ratio. Of course with the bugs another app in 4 days. The actual key here for us was the atomizer, with girls this size, and THIS FAR IN FLOWER, a sprayer would have been a bad idea.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

DSC 0008 Medium Here is a shot of a lower grand daddy nug from today. Lower ie. at the 6 ft. level
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

65Top dressed with compost and worm castings today. Dead leaf removal. Hanging bud flop branches, prewatered 8 gallons each, followed by another 12 gallons each. No fires tonight, at least until monday, but we are supposed to get 55mph wind gusts and inch of rain tonight. Sensi is swelling... pineapple express smells like a freakin Dole factory, and the trichomes on grandaddy are purpling nicely.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Update 10-1
Pics - Text to follow

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Bed 1 Blue Dream

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Bed 2 Sensi Star

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Bed 3 Blue Dream

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Bed 4 Sensi Star

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Bed 5 Sour Diesel

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Bed 6 Pineapple Express

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Bed 7 Pineapple Express

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Bed 8 Ogre

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Bed 9 UK Cheese

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Bed 10 Sour Tsunami

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Bed 11 Maui

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Bed 12 Humboldt Purps

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Bed 13 OG Kush

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Bed 14 Brandy's OG

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Bed 15 American Crippler

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Bed 16 Blackberry Kush

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Bed 17 Cheese Quake 50-50

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Bed 18 Grandaddy Purple

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Shot from the South

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Shot from the North - The ladder is 8'


nice work nl.those sensi star are big but they sure look slow to bloom compared to everything else.gunna be a heavy harvest in your future lol.thanks for sharing,peace
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

10-1 Update text
OK now that some events have come and gone we can chat... 2 of our neighbors, both with plots 73 on one and 65 on the other, had caught a third neighbor's tweeker 40 something year old son in the 73 plot greenhouse about 9am whacking down girls... he had 3 cut before he was found and chased. In fear for his life the tweeker's parents called 5.0, or 6 anyways, the cops pretty much let everything pass, no justice for farmers here. We were asked to help in the immediate harvest of the violated greenhouse. Then as we finished that up, getting ready for dinner as night fell, the neighbor with the 65 plot called, and wouldn't you fucking know it, they had 13 plants cut and successfully stolen. Again, no time to eat, we helped them harvest as well, man what a night. This POS is still out there, we have no worries at our farm, for various reasons, but anyways, needless to say the whole event took quite a bit of time. Both of these farmers were out of town, and there was one helper covering both plots at the time of the crime. We finally finished the applications of Spinosad, and after the first app, we still had yet to find a single live double spot. The whole mass infestation is dry and crumbly, now we will gently vacuum their little carcases off the girls. Again gotta seriously give it up to the Atomizer, this thing seriously rocks, you will never pick up another sprayer again. The girls took another watering today, 20 gals each. The we had to burn last night and appears we will be between 28-30 for the next 4 days. The furnaces have no problem keeping the single skin 28K cu ft greenhouse 60+F in below freezing temps. Major bud flop is happening everywhere. Next on the agenda is branch support, and dead leaf removal. Grandaddy's trichs are swollen and cloudy, with the trich stems at a deep rich purple which is just starting to enter the heads. Following closely behind is the Pineapple's, and then the Blackberry. We still have condensation on the ceiling in the mornings, but getting all the vents open as soon as the outside warms up clears out the condensation relatively quickly. We will post some nug shots then farm shots as well as text. Thanks everyone for kicking it with us and being supportive. It really means alot.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

nice work nl.those sensi star are big but they sure look slow to bloom compared to everything else.gunna be a heavy harvest in your future lol.thanks for sharing,peace
Thanks for the props. The ones up top on the Sensi bed 4 are soda cans. Bed 2 Sensi is more like a glass bottle comparison.


Living dead girl
Wow! I know that many LEO are unsympathetic, but after everything I've been through, I not only won't hesitate to call my local LE, I feel strongly they'd be on that asshole like white on rice.


Premium Gardener
The rippers make me glad I'm chopping tonight! Hopefully it's all still there when u get to the garden!

Thanks for the detailed and inspiring grow!

Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Wow! I know that many LEO are unsympathetic, but after everything I've been through, I not only won't hesitate to call my local LE, I feel strongly they'd be on that asshole like white on rice.
Yeah when we lived on the San Juan Ridge the LEOs came one year, our scripts weren't posted with the garden which was highly visible to all the folks heading towards bullards bar. The DA changed the county's limit in mid-season, and the community basically said we are going to make them come and take us all down individually... again this happened mid-season. So when they came to visit us, they were all up in the grow, actually complimented us on the quality, then they let us choose which ones were coming down to be in the new compliance (was 10 a rec, to the state min. of 6 in flower), and then they helped us carry the girls to our dry area and preceded to help us hang our girls on the drying racks. I should note the farmers keep the community economy alive in the off seasons in Eastern Nevada County. They are all really into taking duckets from other counties and spending it locally in theirs.
Here in Siskiyou we have been visited every year except this one so far by the LEOs and usually a county official ie. cps, h&s, etc. Expect for last year, last year they brought a double sworn officer who took pictures and said call him next year so he can come and check it out before the neighbors call. One of our neighbors saw the same officer over there in Humboldt, on one of those documentary/reality grow shows setting up for a raid. So far so good, we always stay legit.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

The rippers make me glad I'm chopping tonight! Hopefully it's all still there when u get to the garden!

Thanks for the detailed and inspiring grow!

Thanks Outwest. We got a lot of our greenhouse mod ideas from "Big Slugger", heating ideas came from necessity of change, our grow style we modified this year, by putting a program together based off Subby's Super Soil, and the 3LB. Then about mid way through we moded it again towards the Rev's TLO. Dia has been trying to get us to go the dry fert, and tea style for a few years. Me being a Taurus am always reluctant to walk through new doors. First was Fox Farm, then we went back and forth between Age Old, and Earth Juice. Now just teas, and fish for our liquids. We saw a few outdoor TLO grows last year that really just rocked, and we surely can't complain about this year. Our issues for the most part were self inflicted in the sense of reactive vs. proactive, but hey... ya get busy and shit happens...what do you do then... keep it goin. We are always looking for more inspirations wether they be new or old, our cups are never full. Thanks for the support, we greatly appreciate it. Stick around more to come.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

get that shit in the barn brother.
Right on Mogrow. Serious thanks on the props, it's always a long road. I wish we could whack down, but it looks like the Sour Diesel is going to keep us till the end of November again. Last year she went till 11/24. I've been checking the GDP daily, so close... so close. our neighbor and friend Chalata Doug said damn she looks so done... but under the scope all the heads are swollen and cloudy, supported by Jolly Rancher grape stems, as soon as the heads fill with the purp, she'll be ready, maybe another week.
We have a pack of farm dogs that protect the shit out of our place, even the LEOs get on the mic and say "Call your dogs, call your dogs...". lol... That and we have other forms of protection that the enforcement is also aware of, this is a rural area as we lost two dogs this Spring to a Mountain Lion.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Update 10-1 nug progression shots

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Bed 18 Grand Daddy Purple

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Bed 1 Blue Dream

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Bed 2 Sensi Star

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Bed 3 Blue Dream

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Bed 4 Sensi Star

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Bed 5 Sour Diesel

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Bed 6 Pineapple Express

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Bed 7 Pineapple Express

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Bed 8 Ogre

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Bed 9 UK Cheese

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Bed 10 Sour Tsunami

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Bed 11 Maui

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Bed 12 Purps

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Bed 13 OG Kush

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Bed 14 Brandy's OG

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Bed 15 American Crippler

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Bed 16 Blackberry Kush

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Bed 17 Cheese Quake 50-50
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