New Grow New Problems!

  • Thread starter SL8R
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@Nog i have liked most of your advice until your last post where you tell him to give up lol.
Might as well flower these out and see if you can make a full run veg and bloom and practice feeding these in bloom.i would say if they are starting to look better then upcan and veg another week then flip em to flowering.i think the fox farm soil is good for about 4 weeks of veg then it needs help via nutrients. But your well water being too high in iron can and will cause random problems. Cannabis really only needs about 1 to 2% iron to be healthy and if your 150ppm well water is mostly iron your probably much higher than 2%in your soil. Better off ph'ing your rain water or just use bottled water bro.
I have very high iron in my well,it works fine for outdoor plants but doesn't work at all for my container garden indoors.
Any time your pots get so dry the soil shrinks away from the side of the pots or the plants wilt its just creates problems with salt build up and nutes lock up.


Well just today after feed them yesterday nitrogen n better water there perked up looking ok not perfect nor even close .... but this is today . 2 days ago they looked wilted almost like no life green was fading away ...
Screenshot 2016 04 17 18 41 12


What sort of light are you using?
I have never seen a purple light before.
How many watts?
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Wow well thanks but when 10ppl say do and 10 say don't where am I suppose. Stand ... I mean hell one room I go o seem like it's all jokes and bs then get told get out room to find Info I need ... How can something b water logged if it has no weight of water ... How is it one forum says feed one says no ... Thanks for the help any ways ... I know I'm no were experienced as most of you guys but its hard to fi answers when ppl say do and don't ... So I failed my first indoor grow my bad...

Then worse part is you come to dog me on another forum kinda weird how you guys offered some help but there was so many differ advice now You come I. This forum like your trying make me look bad...

I'm not trying to make you look bad, it's frustrating when someone repeatedly asks the same questions without listening to any of the answers. You could've chosen a side and gone with it but instead, kept just asking the questions.
If you're unsure of the answers people are giving you, look to see if they have any grow threads and look and see for yourself how they're doing things and you'll know better if you want to take their advice.
I'm sorry if you took anything I said to you as trying to "dog" you, I've tried to help you all along, although I got frustrated and gave up on it for a while.
The only thing I said to you about being on that thread was that either that thread or the UK thread would be the last place I'd go to looking for serious answers on a site full of information, a serious and honest reply, that's all. Didn't I offer you advice at times on that thread in spite of this? Didn't most of us at some point or other?
I'm in the advanced stages of a debilitating disease and I can get short on patience sometimes because I'm in a bit of a living hell here but, I think everyone has been pretty patient with you and tried to help you. I honestly want you to be able to succeed, everyone should be able to produce their own weed if they want to.
No ill will here bro, none at all.

As a side note: @G gnome gave you some very good advice, buy yourself a grow bible, it's an excellent place to start. After you've been growing for a while you can make some improvements on what it teaches you but, for a lot of us, getting a good grow bible was the starting point of getting things figured out a bit. I went with the Indoor Medical Grower's bible from Jorge Cervantes.


@Nog My lights set up is cheap.

2x150 watt cfl
2x 75 watt cfl

120 watt 7 band 3 watt led light was giving to me...


You've been given good advice on several occasions in this thread and you've seemed to ignored all of it. Take an hour of you're time and watch some youtube videos or something if you don't want to believe anybody here.


@Nog My lights set up is cheap.

2x150 watt cfl
2x 75 watt cfl

120 watt 7 band 3 watt led light was giving to me...

The most important thing for indoor growing is a powerful light.
I see a lot of newbies spending money on timers, humidity gauges, fans, pumps, expensive nutrients, and then they just get a low powered light, the light is just an afterthought.

The first thing to buy is a good light, buy the rest later when you can afford it.

If you are going to grow in a small space I recommend a 4oo W metal halide, you can get a cool bulb for veg and a warm (more red in the spectrum) for flower, although you can use either of them for the whole grow cycle.

I mean if you are going to grow then do it properly, get a decent light, at least a 400 W but if you want to kick butt and have all the weed you can smoke then get a 600 or a 1000W.

Don't spend money on expensive grow shop nutes, put the money towards a decent light.
Water soluble fertilizers made for general plants work fine, the expensive hydro nutes have nothing they don't have.

A metal halide or high pressure sodium light gives off heat, which is good, as it makes the plants transpire water through their leaves which then makes the plant draw water up from the soil via it's roots, which helps prevent overwatering, which is what happened in your case I think.

For you I would say get a 400 W metal halide to start, and then after a couple of grows if you want more and bigger plants, then get a 600 or 1000 W.

I use a 400 W halide for clone mothers or young seedlings or clones.

These clone mothers are under a 400 W metal halide.
Just fed water soluble fertilizer from the supermarket, no special hydro nutes.


She looks great bud... so I can't do micro grow like few plants under a 300 or a 400 watt light I know them giant gals need the sun x10 for there fruits to mature n become dense... but can't I use roughly around 300 watts n finish a grow I mean I know it's not going to be a snow white strain or high I just am trying to grasp this touchy indoor op I've started ..


She looks great bud... so I can't do micro grow like few plants under a 300 or a 400 watt light I know them giant gals need the sun x10 for there fruits to mature n become dense... but can't I use roughly around 300 watts n finish a grow I mean I know it's not going to be a snow white strain or high I just am trying to grasp this touchy indoor op I've started ..

Well finish your current grow, that's if the plants don't die n you,
but prepare better for the next one.
You can use 300W to finish your current grow, looks like you don't have an alternative, but for the next grow, assuming you are not going to say this indoor growing is too hard and give up, then get a more powerful light.
Don't mess around with pissy cfl's, they are not made for growing weed.
If you are going to grow weed then mean business, don't piss around with kids toys for lights.

[Even if I kept them under 4 ft or what ever is necessary]

The idea with indoor growing is not to grow tall plants, as unlike the sun indoor grow lights lose intensity quickly the further distance from the light.
So even with a 1000W light if you grew a 4 foot plant, by the time the light reached the bottom buds it would have lost most of it's intensity, and the bottom buds would be small and airy, and not develop.
Not to mention the leaves on the top of the plant would block a lot of the light from reaching the bottom branches.

The idea with indoor growing is to have an even canopy, rather than let the plants grow in their natural christmas tree shape.
You obviously know this as you have tied down the branches in the plant above.

You have wasted enough time on this grow, 2 months veg is a long time to veg, nothing better is going to happen if you keep veging.
Just flower them out and get what buds you get, and move on to the next grow.

Ps. I looked at the link you posted to the cfl micro-grow.
The buds looked leafy and not much pistil development, a sign of low light.
Waste of time growing on such a small scale.
They got about half an oz of questionable bud for the expenditure of $200.
That's kid stuff they were doing there.
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Well finish your current grow, that's if the plants don't die n you,
but prepare better for the next one.
You can use 300W to finish your current grow, looks like you don't have an alternative, but for the next grow, assuming you are not going to say this indoor growing is too hard and give up, then get a more powerful light.
Don't mess around with pissy cfl's, they are not made for growing weed.
If you are going to grow weed then mean business, don't piss around with kids toys for lights.

[Even if I kept them under 4 ft or what ever is necessary]

The idea with indoor growing is not to grow tall plants, as unlike the sun indoor grow lights lose intensity quickly the further distance from the light.
So even with a 1000W light if you grew a 4 foot plant, by the time the light reached the bottom buds it would have lost most of it's intensity, and the bottom buds would be small and airy, and not develop.
Not to mention the leaves on the top of the plant would block a lot of the light from reaching the bottom branches.

The idea with indoor growing is to have an even canopy, rather than let the plants grow in their natural christmas tree shape.
You obviously know this as you have tied down the branches in the plant above.

You have wasted enough time on this grow, 2 months veg is a long time to veg, nothing better is going to happen if you keep veging.
Just flower them out and get what buds you get, and move on to the next grow.

Ps. I looked at the link you posted to the cfl micro-grow.
The buds looked leafy and not much pistil development, a sign of low light.
Waste of time growing on such a small scale.
They got about half an oz of questionable bud for the expenditure of $200.
That's kid stuff they were doing there.

Yes I see that the buds are not dense n full potential, still think on small scale trial I could learn a lot... I do agree about flowering out. They have perked up even better wife said ... I have feed a low dose N on sat would it affect if I flowered out and when I flower do I need feed soon as I flip lights... I have big bloom and tiger bloom Fox farm for flowering I am trying find how n how much to feed them


Yes I see that the buds are not dense n full potential, still think on small scale trial I could learn a lot... I do agree about flowering out. They have perked up even better wife said ... I have feed a low dose N on sat would it affect if I flowered out and when I flower do I need feed soon as I flip lights... I have big bloom and tiger bloom Fox farm for flowering I am trying find how n how much to feed them

Yes but a couple of cfl's are not small scale, that's just silly kids playing around.

Small scale is a 400 metal halide.
Anything less and why even bother.

A low dose of nitrogen wont affect their flowering, MJ needs nitrogen in flowering anyway.
Too much nitrogen can make buds leafy, but you have to give them a fair amount to make that happen.
But for the first two weeks of 12/12 they wont be growing flowers anyway, they will be stretching and growing new stems and leaves and getting to the start of growing flowers.
They need nitrogen in this phase.

I think you need to stop talking and put those plants into 12/12 immediately.
All your questions have been answered I think, to now's the time for action.


@tobh he runs or did run Micro grows. Pull his threads up and read through. Good reading in those posts.


I thought he did good for what he had I mean ... I dunno I want to flowering soon any ways the kritikal has 3 more nodes taller/longer .. she is gonna almost max my lights...


She has risen tho, the slight N seems good . We did use distilled water with it. I have 2 weeks before they will start to need other nutes @Nog then I do I keep the same amount of N and mix other nutes in together ?


If you have a flowering fertilizer, it should have nitrogen in it.
Read the fine print on the label.
Or google it.

The main element they need for flowering is Potassium (K), but they also need some Nitrogen (N), and a bit of Phosphorous (P).

Off the shelf fertilizers for normal plants have all these mixed in, but if you are buying fertilizers from a hydro store, they may have one element, say K, in one bottle, and then you have to buy a different bottle to get the N.
Just a way to make you spend more money.


Do I laugh or do I cry? That hurt to read. I don't have any advice I'd pray on it. Ask God for forgiveness and get absolved of this.

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