Everyone Uses Microbes, Like It Or Not.

  • Thread starter Organikz
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for the record there was no mods ganging up on redlife,it was one mod dealing with a member who always starts shit and starts up the name calling bs.we can all disagree like adults without calling each other asswipe,cockface,penis muncher,ect(i could go on for hours lol).but that member also had a problem with pm,ing mods and saying a ton of nasty shit.jumpin knows that members past as well as any of us.
this can still be a good thread/discussion as long as the participants can keep from melting like a snowflake in phoenix az lol. the organic vs chem debate has always been a bit heated on these forums.and as time goes by and more forums come on line,,people are more spread out around all of them.it used to be the farm,icmag,and riu and before that overgrow was it.now ya got alot of people thinking its cool to post weed pics on facebook .


I like soup
for the record there was no mods ganging up on redlife,it was one mod dealing with a member who always starts shit and starts up the name calling bs.we can all disagree like adults without calling each other asswipe,cockface,penis muncher,ect(i could go on for hours lol).but that member also had a problem with pm,ing mods and saying a ton of nasty shit.jumpin knows that members past as well as any of us.
this can still be a good thread/discussion as long as the participants can keep from melting like a snowflake in phoenix az lol. the organic vs chem debate has always been a bit heated on these forums.and as time goes by and more forums come on line,,people are more spread out around all of them.it used to be the farm,icmag,and riu and before that overgrow was it.now ya got alot of people thinking its cool to post weed pics on facebook .
Penis muncher..... im gonna have to steal that....sorry


Very well said. Redlife asked some very good questions in his first couple posts on the first page without being rude or name calling. Still have yet to see his questions get answered by the OP. The thread title should be Everybody "has" microbes, like it or not.


for the record there was no mods ganging up on redlife,it was one mod dealing with a member who always starts shit and starts up the name calling bs.we can all disagree like adults without calling each other asswipe,cockface,penis muncher,ect(i could go on for hours lol).but that member also had a problem with pm,ing mods and saying a ton of nasty shit.jumpin knows that members past as well as any of us.
this can still be a good thread/discussion as long as the participants can keep from melting like a snowflake in phoenix az lol. the organic vs chem debate has always been a bit heated on these forums.and as time goes by and more forums come on line,,people are more spread out around all of them.it used to be the farm,icmag,and riu and before that overgrow was it.now ya got alot of people thinking its cool to post weed pics on facebook .
Lol I tried to warn him a few weeks ago when I was wildfire. He was calling someone a fa**ot and a lot more;) over who’s grow was better.
I said dude your trolling can’t involve name calling or you will be banned faster then me. Slowed him for a week then he went in full blast :phahaha


Very well said. Redlife asked some very good questions in his first couple posts on the first page without being rude or name calling. Still have yet to see his questions get answered by the OP. The thread title should be Everybody "has" microbes, like it or not.
i posted multiple sources proving that our endosystem (eukaryotes) relies on beneficial microbes to carry out things as simple as synthesizing proteins. If you can't see that the question was answered I don't know how else to explain...honestly.

How do you get cavities? It's not sugar. It's bacteria that live in your saliva which are the first step in digestion. If eukaryotes didn't have prokaryotes assisting them with basic functions these functions could not be carried out.

He was wind milling anyway...specifically what question would you like answered?


Let's flip it around...

in the world of science one must disprove before you can discredit. Now please disprove....i need information proving otherwise. show me where a plant was able to be grown in a completely microbe free environment.
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well crap ,i thought i solved the problem but didnt work i guess,,when i think a thread is crap,or a shit storms comes to play like this one did,i simply hit that unwatch button on top of thread,,you know guys there was a time when we grew the herb without the internet,shit if you think the cat full of shit move on ,hell by swinging your nuts to make the op seem like a idiot,your just making yourself look like a idoit,,shit do what i just did ,hit unwatch thread and done,,KEEP THIS IN MIND,IF YOU ARE THE GREATEST AND BEST SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD,WHY THE HELL YOU ON A WEED SITE,,i tell you why conversation folk,the one thing the human all have in common CONVERSATION, and talk about my spelling all you want,back in the day when i was coming up,education dont mean shit,back and shoulders did,lmao


Applying urine to athlete's foot is also a myth. Athletes foot is a fungal infection. I do know how to actually kill athlete's foot...it's not pee...Vinegar...The thinking of peeing on athlete's foot doesn't have anything to do with nitrate. Urea in urine is extremely acidic and loaded with nitrogen. This is where the idea came about but there isn't a high enough concentration. Apple cider vinegar also contains cultured lactobacillus that do attack fungus.

Vinegar soothes the sting of a jellyfish sting because its dissolves the organic compound.

Step lightly...can't come into a thread loud and wrong and talk about how stupid the OP is... lol

anyway you guys have fun continuing to try to take the thread apart. It's fact and you can't change that!

@GrowGod you out of palms yet? lol
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Lol I tried to warn him a few weeks ago when I was wildfire. He was calling someone a fa**ot and a lot more;) over who’s grow was better.
I said dude your trolling can’t involve name calling or you will be banned faster then me. Slowed him for a week then he went in full blast :phahaha
Wait you were wildfire...nah...that guys was cool as fuck though!!!!


Last thing I want to bring to light and this isn't a dig. Bad info was posted at an informative thread.


"Autotrophic bacteria eat uneaten fish food and produce ammonium. This and ammonium chloride feed the nitrifying bacteria. Nitrosomonas bacteria oxidize ammonia to produce nitrite. The nitrite feeds the Nitrospira bacteria that oxidize nitrite to nitrate."

Can I ask why someone would think any living thing would eat it's own finished biproduct? Seems like it would be a pretty self reliant little organism huh? If microbes ate ammonium nitrate leaching wouldn't exist...man oh man...how many years you been doing this again?

Just think about what you said...a micro-organism can eat it's own end product? So why does the micro organism need a symbiotic relationship? Microbes eat DNA.
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Atheletes foot is caused from lack of bacteria and the reason pissing on your feet is proboly the best thing to do is your urine is ammonia nitrate. The ammonium nitrate causes the bacteria to populate and then its good bye atletes foot...

Now where its gets funny is the organic ppl that take it to far do this, use urine for N. Then they want to bitch about salts, guess what urine is LOADED with its salts...kinda a monkey fuck on how far you want to go.

Take no till in canna, its loosely ripped from big ag. Yes no till is actually tilled but its a blade not a disc or a plow. They use it to chop roots apart. So no till is done so it keeps soil moisture in, and prevents erosion. Ground is tilled just not phsically turned over. You can blast 2 ton a acre of anhydrous ammonia per acre, freeze kill everything in the soil come back in 2 weeks retest the soil and its " teaming with bacteria"

Problem is alot of people think canna is its own method. Hell even every canna plant that we buy is g.m.o. because it has ben manipulated bred for traits. But get in the canna world and holly shit batman normal acceptable science methods this plant cannot be g.m.o. even tho if look up the definition in websters of g.m.o..

toss in the baited gag about monsanto being the ruin in too is hilarious.

Wake up people did monsanto cause cali to over produce, being greedy and cause the market to crash price wise in the same year cali goes recreational?

Hell no, everyone is the reason it is the way it is not monsanto. Its too easy to blame everyone or everything but honestly everyone is canna are the ones responsible.

Meanwhile I am busting my ass sending those awful monsanto, gene spliced, hermaphrodite,colchine soy beans right to market to be made into tofu hahahahaha the irony hahahahahaja

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So here is the deal. The forums been around 17 years plus.

To many shit heads want to make threads to argue shit out when majority of the time they have zero idea what is the argument.

How many help with spider mites show up every summer in august when the person could of hit google, instead 25 newbs a week make 25 threads on spider mites, fucking failures....

The big ppl done left and went on insta gram. It works easier than any forum.

It also becomes a no moderation zone unlike hear so yes you can get better information but you damn sure better be sincere if you get salty or toss some baited bullshit question to someone who knows exactly whats going on you just may get a answer most do not have the skin to handle.

The forums are nice...let me ask you this who would you trust a hobbiest or a commercial grower who has tested, who has a controlled environment unlike 98% of everyone hear?

Forums are dead and the reason is because there are too many dick stretchers that want to make themselves heard, make there ego fatter along with there head or are just ignorant people that will never get the plant talks.

If your waiting for chlorosis on your leaves to tell you its cal mag deff, or if you think making your plant taste like shit to a bug, vs knowing what brix means or even bust out the killers so the bugs die not hide in the shadows regalia or grendevo then yes its the same bullshit jack off shit show its been for the last 4 years.....

You want the trueth there it is from a grower with 32 years experiance 17 years ish in the forums. Dude we are tired of it, seen it, done, no longer give a shit about any of it except what we are doing on our own.
@Ecompost how do you feel about this statement? @MIMedGrower and @whitepistols both boldly claim that microbes thrive from salt based ferts.

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