Been having a few problems

  • Thread starter DazedNconfused78
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You are one of the few people I seen here who understands you can not flush nutrients out of the buds from running water thru the rhizosphere. It is extremely troubling to me that so much false science gets spewed around these forums. Once those nutrients are in the buds, water will not remove them. The only reason the leaves will die off from flushing is because the nutrients are being used for bud growth. I've seen tissue sample studies that show the EXACT SAME amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, etc. in the buds from plants that were flushed for 2 weeks and plants that were never flushed.
Thats right. Leaves act as (among other things) storage centers for nutrients. The reasons leaves die off and turn colors is because IT IS BEING STARVED. Just do t give them an excessive amount of nutes and youll be ok. SCIENCE!


@DreamwalkerJ the netting i bought is just too lightweight to tie to. I did buy some 1x2 boards awhile back to tie to. I drilled a bunch of holes in them so i could tie wire ties to it. It has to sit on the edgs of the grow tray so they don't fall down inside of it. When i put it in there it just seemed like the wood would be to close to the branches. Can i time the branches down so they are really close to the wood? You think it would work? The lowest branches are above the wood. But of course a bunch of the leaves hang dow onto the wood.


@DreamwalkerJ the netting i bought is just too lightweight to tie to. I did buy some 1x2 boards awhile back to tie to. I drilled a bunch of holes in them so i could tie wire ties to it. It has to sit on the edgs of the grow tray so they don't fall down inside of it. When i put it in there it just seemed like the wood would be to close to the branches. Can i time the branches down so they are really close to the wood? You think it would work? The lowest branches are above the wood. But of course a bunch of the leaves hang dow onto the wood.
As long as none of the branches get crushed or pinched against the wood youll be fine.. those clips youre using to hold the panda film down, you could out more of them around the outer edge and tie to them. Or do what most of us do and drill holes along the top edge of the table/buckets


As long as none of the branches get crushed or pinched against the wood youll be fine.. those clips youre using to hold the panda film down, you could out more of them around the outer edge and tie to them. Or do what most of us do and drill holes along the top edge of the table/buckets
Right on. I think i will put them in later. It won't affect the light the plants get will it? From the reflection the plants get up from the bottom bouncing off the panda film? I am going to put it on all sides of my plants.


Right on. I think i will put them in later. It won't affect the light the plants get will it? From the reflection the plants get up from the bottom bouncing off the panda film? I am going to put it on all sides of my plants.
Lights come on in 2 hours. I'm gonna do it then. I'll take pics. My tent seems to be making its own humidity. I have had that humidifier going for about a month in my tent. Some days if i even thought about shutting it off the rh would drop. I have had it shut off for about 8 hours now and the sensors keep turning the fans on and off. So thats a good thing i guess. For now. Till its not. Lol. In flower


I figured out what i am going to do with my height issue in my tent. I am going to build a 5x5 stand for my tent and put my res directly underneath it. I have like an extra 20 inches to play with for ceiling height. Unfortunately Ac infinity only has 70 inch tall tents. But i will be able to put my grow table right on the floor of my tent. Then i think I will sacrifice a couple new holes in the floor of my tent so i can have my pump directly below the tent still. Just like i hae it now. And get a couple rubber grommets or something so it looks clean. Instead of my grow table on a stand i will put the whole tent on the stand.


I figured out what i am going to do with my height issue in my tent. I am going to build a 5x5 stand for my tent and put my res directly underneath it. I have like an extra 20 inches to play with for ceiling height. Unfortunately Ac infinity only has 70 inch tall tents. But i will be able to put my grow table right on the floor of my tent. Then i think I will sacrifice a couple new holes in the floor of my tent so i can have my pump directly below the tent still. Just like i hae it now. And get a couple rubber grommets or something so it looks clean. Instead of my grow table on a stand i will put the whole tent on the stand.
Thats an excellent idea. That ac tent is cool but i need at least 2 4x8 tents just for my personal hydro. 12 5gallon ebb/flow buckets in each tent. 1 for veg and 1 for flower. As soon as i harvest i can just lift the inner buckets out of the veg tent and drop them into my flower tent. Clean up the buckets that were just harvested, pop clones into them and drop them into the veg tent. Continuous cycle. 4 pounds of mind blowing hydro every 12 weeks. 😆 running a perpetual is a lot of work though. I need a constant supply so for me this is better than 8 pounds 2x a year. Instead, in perpetual i collect 4 pounds 4x a year but with indicas i can get 5 cycles a year if they flower fast. Also i cant remember, are you growing autos or not? Autos will flower beautifully under 24hrs of light so i wouldnt worry because autos are not photoperiod dependant. They dont really care if the light is on or off they still do their thing, unless they dont get enough light. Personally i have never grown autos and i dont want to say that i never will grow autos, but yeah....... anyways, good idea about the tent. Looking forward to some pics


Yeah. I just happened to find 2 seeds in what a guy said was purple cheese auto weed. So i planted them. But no. I bought some seeds. Afghani. Ak-47. Grape ape. Herijauna. Planet of the grapes from ethos. And got some freebies from NASC. The Vineyard regulars by ethos. The rest are females. And 3 bruce banner free. I want to grow the real thing myself. Seed to harvest and then i will experiment with clones to see if i can do it. But i thought it would be an easy way yo try my hand at soil. I decided not to put the wood down. It sits up to high. Maybe 1/4 inch square metal garden fencing.


That sounds like an awesome system you have. Pretty quick here i am going to come into some money and my wife and i are going to get some property and i am going to build a couple of grow houses. Preferably with a spring fed pond close by which is where i will get all of my water. About to pretty much go off the grid. 6 kids the wife and the dog out in the woods growing.


Thats an excellent idea. That ac tent is cool but i need at least 2 4x8 tents just for my personal hydro. 12 5gallon ebb/flow buckets in each tent. 1 for veg and 1 for flower. As soon as i harvest i can just lift the inner buckets out of the veg tent and drop them into my flower tent. Clean up the buckets that were just harvested, pop clones into them and drop them into the veg tent. Continuous cycle. 4 pounds of mind blowing hydro every 12 weeks. 😆 running a perpetual is a lot of work though. I need a constant supply so for me this is better than 8 pounds 2x a year. Instead, in perpetual i collect 4 pounds 4x a year but with indicas i can get 5 cycles a year if they flower fast. Also i cant remember, are you growing autos or not? Autos will flower beautifully under 24hrs of light so i wouldnt worry because autos are not photoperiod dependant. They dont really care if the light is on or off they still do their thing, unless they dont get enough light. Personally i have never grown autos and i dont want to say that i never will grow autos, but yeah....... anyways, good idea about the tent. Looking forward to some pics
I keep trying to talk the wife into ebb and flow buckets. I could don6 of those probably. But i think my idea of just raising the whole tent is perfect. I measured for sure and i have 16 more inches till the ceiling. My res is 13 inches. And i will give myself a couple inches so i can get the cover off if i need to. So the tops of my 6 inch rockwool blocks will pretty much be 6 inches off the floor of my tent. Which gives me 50-60 inches of grow height.


That sounds like an awesome system you have. Pretty quick here i am going to come into some money and my wife and i are going to get some property and i am going to build a couple of grow houses. Preferably with a spring fed pond close by which is where i will get all of my water. About to pretty much go off the grid. 6 kids the wife and the dog out in the woods growing.
If you like the pond idea look into aquaponics. I have a buddy that turned his swimming pool into a fish tank that feeds his hydro plants and the waste from the system feeds the fishes that in turn feed the plants. Its kinda neat. But yeah starting with soil is the way to go. thats awesone going off the grid. Youve got the right idea. Speaking of which, if you come into A LOT of money, a new rayonled 720 UV would be an excellent way to show your appreciation to a fellow grower that tries to help..... just saying 😂😂😂😂😂😂 thays awesome though man, my mind is soinning with all the possibilites you have for growing in a situation like that... kinda jealous LOL. 👍


If you like the pond idea look into aquaponics. I have a buddy that turned his swimming pool into a fish tank that feeds his hydro plants and the waste from the system feeds the fishes that in turn feed the plants. Its kinda neat. But yeah starting with soil is the way to go. thats awesone going off the grid. Youve got the right idea. Speaking of which, if you come into A LOT of money, a new rayonled 720 UV would be an excellent way to show your appreciation to a fellow grower that tries to help..... just saying 😂😂😂😂😂😂 thays awesome though man, my mind is soinning with all the possibilites you have for growing in a situation like that... kinda jealous LOL. 👍
Lol. I got you! ✉ 📦🤪😜🤣
I have heard about that aquaponics thing. A guy i read about has an underground drainage tank and uses his left over nutes water to water his lawn.


Lol. I got you! ✉ 📦🤪😜🤣
I have heard about that aquaponics thing. A guy i read about has an underground drainage tank and uses his left over nutes water to water his lawn.
I would highly recommend growing soil for a year before doing anything else, to give you a feel for what the plants want, how they respond, ect... in soil, the soil acts as a buffer, so you have a much wider tolerance for screw ups.

Hydro is great because the grower has complete control over every aspect. And due to the nature of hydro, nutrient changes have a MUCH faster affect of the plant, which can be a good thing if you know what you are doing (or at least you have a friend that does and is willing to help. You're welcome 😂😂😂😂) or it can be a bad thing if you are inexperienced with hydro as you can poison the plants with nutes before they even show toxicities. Liquid nutes are absorbed much faster and dont need to be broken down to be used.


@DreamwalkerJ These are 4 of my plants. Is this from light? Or nitrogen? Or something else? My lights were on sorry. You can kind of see the yellow in the leaves
20210517 095552
20210517 095603
20210517 095607
20210517 095611


No not light burn. Gimme a sec.... looks like too much phosphorus. Remind me, what are you feeding them and how often. P problems can happen from pH issues too.
Ok so gimme your feeding schedule. Nutes, ppm, how often flood/drain.


Pretty sure its a calcium deficiency. Its at the new growth first, which means its an immobile nute, so that narrows it down a lot. Of the immobile nutes, it looks like a calcium deficiency to me. Its not phosphorus because P is mobile and shows symptoms at the bottom leaves first. Plus the petioles are purple but thay could be genetic. Anyways, im pretty sure thats what it is. I still want to see your nute feeding schedule is like as well as ppm/pH levels. I want to be certain before i tell you how to fix it, i dont want to tell you to do something that will make things worse 🤣

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