Arguing vs Debating vs Discussing

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I ♥ fat colas
Ok, what has been your experience, and what factors in your mind have led to that conclusion?
Years of anecdotal experience and some common sense, it's perfect weather indoors constantly, you control EVERYTHING. Outdoors you are at the mercy of mother nature.


Many factors can contribute to a plant's terpene production, including weather conditions, geographical location, plant age, soil type, fertilizer used, and harvesting times and conditions.
Yes, but what would make you choose one cultivar over the other?


Years of anecdotal experience and some common sense, it's perfect weather indoors constantly, you control EVERYTHING. Outdoors you are at the mercy of mother nature.
Ok, but have you grown cultivars side by side to do true comparisons? I generally agree with your sentiment, just curious and being objective


Years of anecdotal experience and some common sense, it's perfect weather indoors constantly, you control EVERYTHING. Outdoors you are at the mercy of mother nature.
What is the greatest benefit to indoors vs outdoors to terpenes and quality? Do you feel like there might be any benefits from natural sunlight where a mixed greenhouse setting would ultimately provide a better product?


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
Yes, but what would make you choose one cultivar over the other?
In generalities the seed Bank selection is like throwing a dart at a globe and saying I'm going "there" so what makes me choose 1 place over the other.... it's about the almighty dollar.... if 1 place offers Bogo and other doesn't.... im going with the bogo sale🤣🤣🤣 im cheap when it comes to spending that cold hard earned cash🤣🤣🤣


Bro, read all of my responses. I left it up to him, opened the door. He would then speak on me or down to me. Never answering any of my questions. You followed his responses instead of reading what I said.

If you can respond to any of my quoted posts, please do. I would love to learn something instead of being TOLD WHAT I think, believe, or have said
I have been so nice and patient with you, repeatedly. Even when you tried to set me up by your help request I was nice. I knew it was a setup so there wasn't any surprises on my end.

Please stop painting me as the bad guy. You offered your opinion, I gave you a reason why I didn't want to include it. Simple. But you got butthurt and turned into a pest trying to battle me. I made a VPD video and why VPD is useless. You go make one praising it, idc, cake. Problem solved. I'm sorry to offend you.

So just stop with me, I feel you're trying to run me off, building a little 'I hate AC Sippi and you should too' fanclub. Well stop building, there's already one, just join them. Nah, maybe do your own fanclub, that other club is full of failures.

Why all this drama tho? A whole thread about me and all I'm trying to do is help, giving my everything like I always have. Giving it for free when I could easily go get a job and be one of those awesome master growers you idolize. Then wut? Do you know how many jobs I've respectably turned down? Not me seeking work but people dropping into my emails of messages wanting me to work for them.

It's an honor to me, to be wanted > seeking out employment myself.

Then other contacts, one spicifically, a poser like yourself comes along with your pitch why you or someone else would be better and negotiations break down with the prospect employer saying 'Nah I don't think you know what you're talking about so I'm going with another guy.' I was literally told that. Where is that guy today? It's been a year and a half, no product yet. I think he ran out of money buying $150k pre-made grow buildings. I told him those were a horrible idea but the poser convinced him otherwise.


In generalities the seed Bank selection is like throwing a dart at a globe and saying I'm going "there" so what makes me choose 1 place over the other.... it's about the almighty dollar.... if 1 place offers Bogo and other doesn't.... im going with the bogo sale🤣🤣🤣 im cheap when it comes to spending that cold hard earned cash🤣🤣🤣
Thank you sir, with regards to commercial seed banks, do you feel like the boom in legalization has helped or hurt the genetic pool and ultimately the seed supply we currently have? I have seen more mutations, failure to germinate and others recently over what was being recorded in the past. Do you think the seed banks play a role in that or is it just a difference in the amount of seeds being grown and recorded?


you should have quoted what others have said also ... not only what you 've said ...
This is why I told him he's not the type of person I mess with. I'm going to be nice and not say what I want to about him.


I have been so nice and patient with you, repeatedly. Even when you tried to set me up by your help request I was nice. I knew it was a setup so there wasn't any surprises on my end.

Please stop painting me as the bad guy. You offered your opinion, I gave you a reason why I didn't want to include it. Simple. But you got butthurt and turned into a pest trying to battle me. I made a VPD video and why VPD is useless. You go make one praising it, idc, cake. Problem solved. I'm sorry to offend you.

So just stop with me, I feel you're trying to run me off, building a little 'I hate AC Sippi and you should too' fanclub. Well stop building, there's already one, just join them. Nah, maybe do your own fanclub, that other club is full of failures.

Why all this drama tho? A whole thread about me and all I'm trying to do is help, giving my everything like I always have. Giving it for free when I could easily go get a job and be one of those awesome master growers you idolize. Then wut? Do you know how many jobs I've respectably turned down? Not me seeking work but people dropping into my emails of messages wanting me to work for them.

It's an honor to me, to be wanted > seeking out employment myself.

Then other contacts, one spicifically, a poser like yourself comes along with your pitch why you or someone else would be better and negotiations break down with the prospect employer saying 'Nah I don't think you know what you're talking about so I'm going with another guy.' I was literally told that. Where is that guy today? It's been a year and a half, no product yet. I think he ran out of money buying $150k pre-made grow buildings. I told him those were a horrible idea but the poser convinced him otherwise.
I started to read that, but once your assumptions started I just laughed. I have no reason to hate you, I don't know you, but how you have represented yourself I do not respect.

I didn't try to set you up, I was generally excited and thought that could have been an olive branch, but unfortunately you blatantly made it seem like you were closer with people than you are.


It would take an essay to get you to understand and even then you wouldn't get it. I know all about legal grows, the employees, investors, sops, etc.

For all those grows, grown in nearly lab conditions, all the same way because everyone buys the same SOPs whether stolen :snickers: or...stolen. Only to produce isht products. It's an epidemic across America, every legal state except for maybe Michigan.

Most smokers have no clue they're buying isht because they've smoked reggie their whole lives. And they  still complain about quality only to have their worries subdued by salesmen and 'experts,' leaving the customer to think everything's okay. Or the classic 'we're still dialing it it!' Sooths all the customers fears.
The same 'experts' and 'master growers' with their fine tuned SOPs in 'lab 'conditions' still gotta send half their weed to the CRC because it's isht in one way or another e.g mold, mildew, bugs.

I've watched a respected og start a business, he defiantly knows how to grow. I thought he was going to take over the state. Sadly he jumped on the trendy train and people are complaining about his stuff. That's alarming. Somethings wrong somewhere.

Then those Master Growers, who simply follow someone elses SOP, are out browsing forums to learn how to grow. While they're at it they like helping others. 'I'm a master grower at Biggest Buds Farms, this is how we do it. Trends start, who doesn't trust a master grower that actually works at a facility?

Cannabis growing has shifted, no longer are the guys that built this important. Who is important is the rich guys that fought against us, never contributed nor risked their lives so we can have what we have today. 'Let's celebrate former drug prosecuter from his transition from destroying lives to saving lives...because it's legal now!'

So they gather their investors, open a business, change how we grow weed by hiring real live Botenist that's never grew a weed plants before but he's qualified because it's a weed. Who can't grow a weed?

So Mr Botenist and whatever other 'scientists' they hire come together and they're a force. Who doesn't trust guys with PHDs? Right?

Now other businesses are created or ramp up because those facilities need tons of products to start growing. Those products filter down into grow shops and next thing you know homegrowers are growing like the facilities that can't even get it right themselves.

A lot of us experienced non business guys are having no problems with our weed.

The  ONLY reason those big companies didnt fold their first year is because of SCIENCE. Turning the moldiest buds ive ever seen into pure smokable product by any means necessary, including using dangerous stuff. From bug infestations that would make your skin crawl to PM so bad it looked like snow dusted the plants. All of that stuff was sold as medical grade cannabis for top dollar by the unsuspecting patient. The scientists are givin a job, fix this moldy weed so it can be sold...any means necessary. I didn't mention plants so abused they looked like they were hit with a flamethrower. I'd have to dig but I got some pics of facility grows. I deleted some like the one with the bugs...hopefully I didn't.

The government basically supplied that same quality stuff to Glaucoma patients, moldy crappy bud, grown at a University, by scientists and DRs. And as we know, State governments, lawyers and well connected business guys run legal cannabis. They see us as lower than them, they don't care about us, the patients or anything other than the money.

Yall can be impressed with scientists and botanists but I ain't. Then again, if I worked in a facility I'd have to praise my co worker, oh glorious college educated botanist thats never grown cannabis before! Because if I didn't see him as Mr Important I'd be seeing myself in the unemployment line.

Many people are shackled into respecting people, I have integrity's worth more to me than kneeling.

But with that said, maybe I should move on, seems like I really pushed someone with little knowledge off the edge even tho I've been clear about my mission as they came at me for not following what they want me to do. NOT!
Cool. It's all a lie. Farmers using agricultural engineers and botanists are just wasting their money. Big corps that have a lot at stake and depend on these people are doing it all for show. Marijuana is completely different in how it grows and its biology from other plants so that's why all these so called experts are bullshit. Gotcha........
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