Colorado gathering

  • Thread starter sky high
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true grit

true grit

Right! Feel like I'm goin to a mini festival!! Nice freakin job there Sky!!! Now I'm more stoked than ever- the ganj bushes did it for me! lol. Peace bro, ready for a smokeout!
sky high

sky high

I knew the trees would get to a few of ya. LOL.

I love my digital software. Plaegerism @ it's finest! Cop this, cop that.....voila'!!!

We'll work out the details as the date grows closer...but we had great fun last time doin' a POTLUCK type affair....both of food AND of bud!

Hopefully we'll get a decent size group of folks to show up. Folks can either state here that they are coming....or if you feel more comfortable doing can shoot me a PM and let me know what yer plans are/etc. While we're all on the same vibe here...I understand the want/need fo some folks to remain on the down low...especially until you get to meet your brothers and sisters around the fire and share the herb.

No matter what...I'll be there...ipod plugged into the stereo...ganja burnin'...soakin' up the rays (or dodgin' the drops) and puttin' on a massive buzz....

who wants to join me? C'mon people now....

"It's you that's gonna do it!"



I think my girlfriend & I will be able to stop by one of the days. Most likely the Saturday the 22nd. Wish we could stay the whole time. Sounds like a lot of fun!
sky high

sky high


Saturday will be the day (night) to target, IMO. Sat. night will be the 'main event' to speak. However, my plan is to show up the day before and set up technically... I'll be there starting on Friday the 21st holdin' down the fort.

More enticements.....

for the "let's get Gumby'd" crowd.....Cottonwood Hot Springs and Mt. Princeton Hot Springs are about 1/2 hour drive South of camp should anyone be up for a soak.

For the fisherbudsmen of the group...Twin Lakes is just down the hill...about a 5 minute drive from where we'll be camped....and Mt. Elbert Forebay is a 10 minute or so walk.

Hiking/biking.... the place I'm targeting to camp (a bit deeper in the woods for the folks who came last time) is a 1/4 mile or so off the main road on a 4-WD trail ( should be no problem getting to camp for non-4WD vehicles....or we'll grab the spot closer to the road) If you follow this road on foot/in yer 4WD/on yer'll hit the trailhead for the southern saddle of Mt. Elbert... and from there you can get as HIGH as you possibly can in Colorado! (14,431 ft) Bring yer hiking boots!

of course, you can also do absolutely nothing but sit in camp gettin' stoned to the Bejesus too...LOL.


TyKatcha said:
I don't think dispensaries can be sued under HIPAA as I don't think they fall under it's guidelines.

No, HIPAA does not include dispenaries. HIPAA is a federal law, so you would not be able to use the federal court system to make a marijuana store do something.

TyKatcha said:
The places that have something like 2-4 different so-called HIPAA forms, each basically the same but supposedly different because it references different parties (such DA, LEO, etc..) is just bullshit. I usually just cross out those parties, mark N/A next to each, cross any reference to allowing them to share info with anyone and only allow them to verify my registration.

My pet theory is that monied ganja-penuers hire lawyers that then need to justify thier own existence by creating this bullshit temporary caregiver forms and such.

The amendment is clear and protects transfering, selling, dispensing, and possesing marijuana between card holders - all this bullshit with forms is just that.
sky high

sky high

yo folks!

heya..... while I dig hearing about the latest changes and "what if's?" we are facing with Amendment 20/ HB 1284 / aka >>>>whatever it is<<<< those stupid fuckers in the gold dome on da hill in Denver decide to do....

could we please focus the overall intent of this thread on *get togethers* and general hookin' up so folks can find the info easily if they so choose without wading through "the politica" ??

Unless that is, we can get Chris Romer to show up at "The High" so we can BB-Q his ass on a big pot stalk skewer... snicker, snicker.... "Fire, fire on the mountain...."

many thanks!


I'll be there! It sounds like a great time! I would love to hike mt. elbert and then go soak it up with a doobie. I'll see if I can bring a few heads with me as well. I haven't hiked a 14ner in a minute. We did a 40's and 14ners on mt. bierstat, we climbed to the top and downed a 40 of malt liquor. Sweet! this is going to kick ass!
sky high

sky high

Heeheeeeee..... I was kinda/sorta kiddin' about ascending Elbert, sputink...there's still gonna be LOTS of snow up there the 3rd week of May...

However...if you tried it you could keep the 40's problem!!

my guess is that everybody's gonna be to stoned to do much of anything...LOL.


I figured as much, there was still about 2-3ft at 10,000ft this weekend. I'm still down for a soak!


Is there a mass email list or evite being put together? I'm guessing as we get closing to the time we'll want the details to be a little more covert.
sky high

sky high

Just as we've done this time, on the last gathering we gave out the general location of the area we were targeting so folks could decide if they wanted to make the trek to that part of the State... and then asked folks to PM (me) that they were coming.

Once we were a few days out from the gathering I let those folks who had PM'd me that they were coming know how to find camp. (other than looking for the smoke cloud...LOL)

"Other" details can be hashed out (LOL) here.... but we'll keep the specific camp location under wraps for everyone's security/privacy.

s h
sky high

sky high

I figured as much, there was still about 2-3ft at 10,000ft this weekend. I'm still down for a soak!

10,000, huh? Here's a shot of what Springtime is lookin like up here (7250 ft) this AM...


Simon says "Go Snow!"

Nono 061


yay, those plants in the pic have a fucking mag deficiency. stupid asses go for anything with the name "kush" in it. Well, I'm naming my kush "perplexed kush" just because of shit like this. Next year I'll enter the wizards dick, just so I can show up and watch a bunch of bribed judges smoke some wizards dick and debate the outcome.

Don't fool yourselves, a dirt grow should have won that for sure. I'm sure someone paid a pretty penny for the "award" and the press that comes along with it. The westword does the same thing for their "best of" issue.

I should have known, a generic kush was my second guess.

The scene is getting very depressing if people think that's the best herb on the western slope. It used to be "overgrow the government", now it's "outgrow the douchebags".

I bet they're from cali...

Ahhhhhhhhh Sputnik .... you rock my world! You make me laugh so hard, dude! I just wanna hug your neck sometimes! Uh oh ... better watch out ... the Southern is coming out in me! LOL



hell fuckin yeah! That's what I'm talking about right there. That's the real deal. PTO is what debilitated people need. The fact that you're donating it is awesome.

It's an honor to blog with compassionate folks like altitude. that picture speaks for itself. You're looking at someone being saved from cancer. I can't say enough good things about that altitude, you're the man.

Yes he is ... and these lovely little tubes of oil were on my kitchen counter! ;) We had a blast, we did ... so now all y'all know where to bring that trim if you want to get half of it back in oil form! :) And one of the prettiest things of all is that no need to trim. Just bring the whole, dried plant! :) No muss, no fuss ... curative meds for all! :) I just put a guy w/fibro on it and, within 24 hours, it changed his life. I have another guy I put on it (and we're only talking 1/16 gm 2 x day) who was so emaciated they thought he might have cancer. Couldn't find anything wrong with him so figured it was psychological ... whatever. Enter PTO. In a mere month, he has put on 12 ... count 'em ... 12 pounds!!!!! AND quit smoking cigarettes!!! :fixed:



Gettin' 'r back on track.....

With May fast's HIGH time :rasta2: to start getting yer campin' shit together :mysterymachine: and curing up those headies :harvest: fo' the 2010 Rocky Mountain Smokeout!

:sun2: :party: :rauch08: :sun2:

Bring your Freak Flag and Waive it HIGH!!!!

OMG, that's freakin AWESOME!!!!! So tell me .... I am WAY too old for tents/sleeping bags. Can I get my big camper rig to that place? Cuz if so, we got the luxury works! :)

sky high

sky high

We'll make it work for you, melizzard. The place we camped last time was adjacent to a paved that is always a possibility again. However, if the road is AOK for all attendees, regardless of what they are driving.... I'm hoping to snag a spot off a small spur road in the same general area that is farther back in the trees and far more private.

I have a truck camper and a bad I know what ya mean about tentin' it. LOL. Gimme a heater and a queen bed, please!

yup..should be fun stuff!

s h


Yeah, I have a rig that's prolly about 42' on the truck ... Dodge dually and a living quarters horse trailer ... so for you guys who just need a place to pass out with a roof over your head, there's always the back end!!! ROFLMAO! ;) Seriously, we WILL have a CD player w/both indoor and outdoor speakers and a DVD player w/LCD TV! ;) And my Magic Flight Launch Box! :) I don't have much to share for genetics ... ESPECIALLY compared with you guys, but I might have a pleasant surprise for you with my little autoflowers. AltFarmer was impressed with how frosty they were ... so I could bring some Hindu Kush and Lowryder 2 (though that's nothing NEAR the genetics you guys are used to). On the other hand, I might just get embarrassed .... ;) But I KNOW I have some ass-kickin' PTO anyway! :) No shame THERE! It'll knock ALL Y'ALL on your asses! ;)


PS - if any of you bring anything that has been 'enhanced' for the pot luck, please let me know cuz I'm a huge lightweight and edibles hurt me badly ... especially with me ingesting 1gm of that oil every day! LOL
sky high

sky high

We'll see how it shakes out, melizzard. It's a good sized clearing.... much more room than the last place we camped. Like I say.... we'll make it work and we'll accomodate as best we way or another.

not much on edibles here. Gimme a fatty or the >hash bullet< (aka, Sneak-a-Toke) and a lighter and I'm a happy camper!

s h


This is all so cool and so very ironic for me. Back in the day, I did NOT like pot as my party substance of choice. Didn't like the way it made me feel one bit. Then, by medical necessity, and after much digging in of the heels (since I didn't like the way it made me feel), I rediscovered it. I no longer need to vape for appetite .... but I DO! Cuz guess what? I LIKE the way it makes me feel now! Guess cuz I'm older, I'm vaping (not smoking) and you botanists have been hard at work in my absence! :)

So now, I can't think of a cooler way to spend a weekend is out in the mountains, by the water, with a bunch of marijuana lovers! Isn't it funny how life brings us full circle? How when I was an angry, hurting teenager and young adult, it was not the substance I needed to take me away from that existence. But now that I'm older and in need of medical assistance, it helps me in SO many ways ... and isn't it funny how hard it is to hate someone when you're stoned? Wonder what would happen to the world, in general, if we all stayed stoned? ;)

BTW, my hubby doesn't get high .... yet. I was joking with AltFarm and saying that as soon as we finish his USAF retirement ceremony, we'll come home and have his "welcome to civilian life" ceremony! ;) He wasn't a stoner back in the day ... but I bet he will be now! His whole head has been revamped thru watching how many benefits it has brought me! So, while he won't be partaking, he's way cool ... y'all will like him!

Hey, any other girly "Farmers" out there (no, I don't mean the girly men in the bunch .... LOL)?

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