Man, especially after the time change and the winter greys start setting in! I'm really excited to test what we got. Also really looking into some shorter flower "sativas" for something less heavy, with no crash and no ceiling. Most people have an impression that "sativas" have to be racy and paranoid inducing, but that is because they have been limited to commercial offerings that have literally breed the magic that a true equatorial narrow leaf drug type can be.
Like I mentioned before, the genetics that specifically work for me and my wife are thai, south american, with some afghan. Terpene profiles that work for us is terpinolene,
limonene, citronene, beta-pinene, and ocimeme (most cultivars with ocimeme are lung busters so we dont prefer it in high levels). High levels of Alpha-pinene trigger a hey fever response for us, but the beta-pinene with small amounts can lend to the mentholated or "ice cream" taste. So once we have found our keeper cut of Sundrops, I'll going to be crossing 2 ACE seeds offerings, '79 Oaxaca/Panama Goddess and thier New Caledonia.
The goal is to provide and euphoric mood booster that will give mental stimulation without paranoia and raciness. Certain mexican and African cultivars are too racy, and some asian and south american are too introspective. I am looking for social engaging, a blast of sunshine with no ceiling.
It has been alot of research, so now I'm done with the theoreticals and working on the "doing." Main goal is to help me and my wife, and to help people on thier own journey with cannabis. If our medicine clicks with others, and I hope it does, then it might encourage others to try and explore cannabis and thier own endocannabinoid system more