Accurate Information About Autoflowering Plants

  • Thread starter Seraphim19
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Thanks a lot str8smokn......this...bein my first time, everything i do questioning so it helps tediously to hear from experienced grows thanks ill keep u updated im sure ill have more questions:D


Well, going to pluck these first two of the five blackberry plants. Stout little suckers, and nice looking buds. Snipped a few buds and quite excellent.. I really like a speedier high so cutting these two down with little amber, heavy clouding, and a just a touch of pistol browning. The other three are just days behind. I have read and am applying here, to look at the plant overall, and not go solely by trics. Although these could probably go longer, overall the plants are showing signs of reaching close to their maximum potential.

Here are the first two plucking over the next couple days.

Special thank you to all, and especially Str8.. !




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Quick question for anyone who has to to answer... Please and thank you!

If you've over fed your plants and the next day start seeing the effects, do you flush right away or will that result in obvious over watering which is no good either. I'm sure this is an easy one to answer for a lot of you out there. New grower here and just running into your typical noob Fuck Up's lol


Quick question for anyone who has to to answer... Please and thank you!

If you've over fed your plants and the next day start seeing the effects, do you flush right away or will that result in obvious over watering which is no good either. I'm sure this is an easy one to answer for a lot of you out there. New grower here and just running into your typical noob Fuck Up's lol
U need to leach them quick time bro


Premium Member
The 4 Myths of Auto-flowering Plants

So you are new to growing, or maybe just a seasoned grower looking for something new when you accidentally stumble upon Auto-Flowering cannabis. Thinking to yourself that it is too good to be true, you then search the internet trying to find information about these mythical plants, and find some not too appealing information.

There are a few things out there on the internet being spouted about Auto-Flowering cannabis that simply aren’t true; however at one point in time they were. Thus there are myths circulating that Auto-Flower cannabis is a lower-grade quality of medication, and more.

Now what are the real facts vs the perception that is currently going around on some parts of the web? How do you know what is true and what is not when stories vary so wildly from person to person?

Well, I hope that this will help you answer that question. Below we will be going over the biggest myths on Auto-Flowering cannabis that are being spread right now on the internet. With the facts in hand, you can clearly see the potential benefits of Auto-Flowering plants vs full photosynthesis period plants.

Myth #1: It’s Not As Potent As a Regular Strain

Truth: The Original Lowryder strain, thought to be the parent of the Auto-Flowering strains that exist today, was in fact LESS potent than your average strain. However, this was 10 years ago and a whole lot has changed since then. Since the original Lowryder was crossed with Santa Maria, this has been completely false. Current auto-flowering strains carry an average potency of 15-22% THC.

To top that off, because of their genetics, they are more pre-dispositioned to having a higher CBD ratio than most traditional strains. What this means in a nutshell is not only can it have the same amount of THC as a normal plant, but the medicinal production of CBD is also good for some medical issues. The highest auto-flowering plant has a THC content of 27%…honestly!

Myth #1 is official de-bunked.

Myth #2: It Produces Way Less Weight than a Regular Growing Plant

Truth: This myth can be true in certain situations. Most auto-flowering strains were built with stealth and quickness in mind. As such, they really don’t get too big, or as big as you can get with a 12/12 period plant. However, this isn’t always true, because while you cannot control the size with light, some auto-flowering strains grow just as large as a normal plant. It’s all dependent on the genetics, your light strength, and more. Also, just because it is smaller doesn’t mean it will make less weight – a more accurate statement would be ‘they are generally smaller, and can yield less under similar conditions’.

I’ve seen an auto-flowering yield 8 ounces, and a 12/12 yield an eighth. It’s variable but I would say Myth #2 is Semi-True. But if it was completely true you couldn’t get 370 grams off a single auto, which has been done!

Myth #3: You Can Not Clone an Auto-flowering Strain

Truth: Wrong. You CAN clone an auto-flower. However, the clone will remain the same age as the plant you cut it from, meaning if you were already in full flower – the most you can expect is a bud or two to grow and not much vertical height. I’ve seen success stories of people who cloned prior to sex showing and it worked great, but that’s a small window of period. So you CAN clone, but the clones will not grow into a new plant as they will just go into flower mode.

Myth #4 : Auto-flowers Taste Worse than Mid-grade!

Truth: This one is laughable when I hear it. FALSE. Extremely false. Whoever would make a statement like this obviously didn’t grow their plant right. Auto-flowering strains these days are bred just for Taste properties. Take for example Auto Moscow from Seedsman – I have personally grown this strain. It has one of the best tastes that I’ve ever gotten from cannabis period, so much so that I am trying to keep that flavour going in some nice offspring. Don’t let anyone pull one over on you by telling you these myths, it’s an outright lie.

So now that the myths are out of the way, when and why should you grow an auto-flower strain?

Simply put any time and because you can! Some 12/12 period plants can take up to 20 weeks to finish – meanwhile some autos take as little as 35 days to finish. What does this mean for you? In the period of growing 1 20 week plant, or heck even two 10 week plants you can grow TRIPLE the amount of auto-flowers, FROM SEED. This means while you are waiting for your big plant to finish up you can have multiple harvests from auto flowering strains ensuring that you will always have the medication that you need. It’s really a win-win situation.

And unlike regular plants, almost anyone can grow an Auto-flower, nearly anywhere. What this means is that if you have never grown before and simply want to throw a seed in a cup in the window to get a small grow going you can! There is no reason to NOT grow an Auto-flowering strain alongside any other plants in your garden and have great success. So stop worrying about the lies, and try it for yourself. Feminized auto-flowering plants are almost guaranteed to return some sort of results no matter what the grow style, and you really have nothing to lose.


How often do you water? As in will you have to water in two days or like four days?if four days ,I would flush now while it's still wet.
I'm watering every 3-4. Watered them yesterday. So flush them out today while it's still wet?


Flushed them and even though they looked droopy at first today they are showing signs of recovery and I'm sure will be back to happy in just a few days Thanks to those who gave advice!✌


Hello all. Getting pretty close to starting my 1st grow ever. Over the past few days I've read this entire thread and gained tons of valuable knowledge. I think I've got my ducks in a row all I'm missing is the auto seeds . I live in Colorado and I am a medical card holder, my question is what is the best way to obtain the auto seeds. I bookmarked a few pages that had recommended companies, I'm just wondering about shipping to the u.s. is there anywhere in the states to source quality auto seeds? Any forum members that may be able to help me get my hands on some? Sounded like a few of you were pollinating to get your own. help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Hello all. Getting pretty close to starting my 1st grow ever. Over the past few days I've read this entire thread and gained tons of valuable knowledge. I think I've got my ducks in a row all I'm missing is the auto seeds . I live in Colorado and I am a medical card holder, my question is what is the best way to obtain the auto seeds. I bookmarked a few pages that had recommended companies, I'm just wondering about shipping to the u.s. is there anywhere in the states to source quality auto seeds? Any forum members that may be able to help me get my hands on some? Sounded like a few of you were pollinating to get your own. help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


There's Herbies, Gorillaseeds who is a sponsor look at the bottom of page.
Attitude seeds ,there's quit a few of them out there my friend.


LOL. I've went that route already. I have a few places on my list that were suggested to other members earlier in this thread. I'm justrying hoping to hear from someone firsthand that they had no issues receiving them in the U.S.

Gorilla seeds !
There's even a thread on here for them..



There's Herbies, Gorillaseeds who is a sponsor look at the bottom of page.
Attitude seeds ,there's quit a few of them out there my friend.
Thanks. Any specific strains you would recommend that are pretty beginner friendly?


I ordered from and they came to the us just fine. Now would be the best time to order from any seedbank. Increased holiday shipping makes it harder for customs to confiscate seeds.

Very true. How long do they typically take to clear customs? Much risk in using personal card to purchase?
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