Lets face it, the bigot prohibitionnists are still in control and winning, slow & steady, one generation after the next. Just think of cigarette packaging covered with caricatural doomsday zombies-like propaganda associated to insane over-billing + over-taxation... Their legacy is already on every "legal" product while this many years later all they managed to accomplish about smoking was to collect more "science", pretending there was enough to make them the only "expert$"/"spe¢ia£i$ts" and yet ask for more delays with CBD remains "scheduled" in the meantime. In my province today an ideology equating cannabis to sickness continues to get perpetuated between 2 alcohol TV ads, it doesn't matter much to resort to justice challenges up to the Supreme Court knowing *ALL* of our politicians got unanimous in front of cameras anyway. Governments are free to behave as the worse predators ever, erasing an emerging culture for the purpose of some "healthy" re-appropriation, still never doing what's required to fix consumption methods - quite on the contrary. The "community" could have used this short opportunity window to find ways of seducing hard-core smokers but this would have to be genuinely fair, starting with substitution of the characteristic smell of a burning "joint"/cigarette that is lost with vaporization - so far. The "medical" against the "criminals" strategy worked wonders in putting predators in power, then "legal" as long as the persecution can go on, because bigotry is a full-time job and it's never been about setting a moral example.
Too bad Harper was succesful fragmenting cannabis consumers and Trudeau pushing additional socio-economic stress with tools as the language barrier and constitutional fights that could easily avoid public attention. Satisfied to condemn youth, including the unborn, to an irrational ideologic utopia causing more "harm" than good: cannabis users being free to fight each other until the year 2050 when UN's "Smoke-Free"/"Drug-Free" world is ready to occur, eventually...
It doesn't matter what party Québekers will support next, even the Marijuana party (federal) and/or Bloc Pot (provincial) have got some non-inclusive agenda. Thanks to mutual exclusion we do the job while bigots nail the rest for us; don't forget the Cannabis Act was an experiment intended for a 5-year revision and that's coming fast while everyone denies the needs of everyone else, just because it's popular to mock the other camp with graphic homophobia... Way to go junior!
Good day, have fun!!