thank you thank you thank you
if you are interested or anybody else in breeding I came across a book called tha cannabis breeders Bible the definitive guide to marijuana genetics,cannabis botany and creating strains for the seed market. I can send you a copy let me knowIm not a breeder either...but im having fun with this...
I took pollen from a Male Himalayan Gold and hit a Female Bubba kush.
I grew the seeds. and there were lots of phenos..and Took pollen from this male...
View attachment 216275
Now I have used it pollenated a couple keeper phenos and the original bubba Kush cut.
pollination porn below
View attachment 216281
when I grow those seeds, will I have F2?...or BX? or none of those?
thanks for your help guys!
thanks for the reply. But I found a pretty good book called the breeders Biblethey wil be f1,s i believe theyll be alot more pheno,s, found amongst them, good luck should find a keeper in a 5 pack peace D.D
if you are interested or anybody else in breeding I came across a book called tha cannabis breeders Bible the definitive guide to marijuana genetics,cannabis botany and creating strains for the seed market. I can send you a copy let me know
Was reading this thread what is your way of pollinating? Thanks Medusaill answere your question right now freind. it depends on how long it takes the female you have to flower. but you usualy want to do it semi early. you want the seeds to be able develop right. you want them on the plant for about a month and a half so they can fully mature. if your crossing not re breeding make sure you grow plenty because alot of them will go hermaphodite. So once you grow the first batch of the cross kill any hermaphs that you have only keep the stable females, and a stable male to pollinate them. dont pollinate them with one of the hermaphs. is what this will do is stabilize the plants good genes then you should have a stable cross breed that you can call your own. hope that helps red dog. ohh yea i have a awesome way to polinate only crtian parts of the plant so you can control your seeding and ruin your whole crop but still get as many seeds as you want. if your intrested hit me up ill let you know how.......
Ya feel the same I have the book but doing it is the way I will learn.Yeah thanks.I bet that's a good one.....But most of that would go right over my head...o_O
well red first you want to make sure the plant has about two months left so the seeds can mature. i take it your male is seperated. you know the pollen sacks on the male, well the day before they open i poke a tooth pick into the center of the pod. move your tooth pick around and you should get some pollen on it,if you dont wait and try agin in a day or two. using this method i can kill my males before they open and release all there pollen. its a very small amount but thats all you need. now hold you tooth pick inside a medicine jar or something like that, dont touch the walls just hold it in there so no excess pollen flies around. just go to your selected female and rub it on the pistols of the desired branch. you dont need much pollen. but repete as desired. after this you should see seeds fourm in a bout a week. if your crossing make plenty because alot will hermaph on you, take the stable females and a stable male if you get one and breed those together, do not pollinate the females with a hermaphodite, doing this will will stableize your cross and you can call it your own.
Was reading this thread what is your way of pollinating? Thanks Medusa