Colorado...lets Talk

  • Thread starter xavier7995
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Premium Member
Went to redrocks today. If anyone saw a guy driving a remote control car along the trail with a long haired 3 year old, howdy. I am really kinda bummed, one of my favorite musical artists is apparently performing tonight. Heard the soundcheck and my kid headed for it, he got excited and ran towards it. zombies!!!!!wooo, saw lots of people walking/hiking in costume.

ps. hahahaha, wtf why do people wear camelpacks and have hiking poles at that place. Theres a visitor center for god sakes.


Premium Member
One day was doing the 12 hour wait in line deal for 3rdrow center seats and this group of chicks were doing stair drills, each step they crouched down doing squats, push ups, all fit, sweaty high beams on, we were all enjoying the pre show gawk.


I got a kick out of the people trying to commune with nature that would give us a dirty look when we cruised by with our remote control car. This is not a spiritual mecca people, there is a giftshop and you could hear the soundcheck, not to mention the constant stream of people walking past.

The little kids we walked past though that were super jealous and the glares from their parents...those were totally warranted. Other parents, you can totally steal my idea, i won't be mad.

That is just ridiculous, there are hundreds of places to discreetly step away for a second, the middle of a bunch of kids watching a magic show is not one of them. Just treat it like a cig, walk 10 feet away from people, its just polite. Playgrounds at parks is the other one I see that just baffles and infuriates me, just walk 10 feet away from the monkey bars and its cool, but your vape clouds should not be traveling up the slide like a smokestack.

And with that...damn sitting in a smoke filled bar sounds mighty nice.


Went and tossed somed dry flies in the neighborhood stream yesterday, I caught like 15 rainbows in an hour...all of them under 4". So many tiny little hungry guys the nice fish didn't have a chance or I just don't know how to catch them. I think they must have just stocked it, hope they survive and grow into some nice eaters.

Royals take the crown!!!


Vaping or smoking in obviously public locations is pretty lame. I don't see it too much around here, maybe a Denver thing? I try to be a good stoner and walk into the woods a 100 yards or so...though I'm rarely in the city and haven't had to hide in alleys or anything like that for a long time.


When I was a kid my grandma had a huge farm that she put a pond into and stocked just for the grandkids. I think it ruined all fishing for me. We would throw in a slice of bread to attract all the small guys, drop in a bare hook and pull up a small fish, then use that as our bait to lure the big bass out in the middle. Or we would just shoot them, either or:) This waiting for the fish to bite gets rough.

edit: yeah, people do it all over here and really it is fine most of the time...outside a bar, sounds good, in a park (not playground) no bigs, just good lord wtf is wrong with people blowing clouds into kids faces. just take some edibles if you are concerned about not staying high for your whole 3 hour zoo extravaganza.


Emo lawn
When I was a kid my grandma had a huge farm that she put a pond into and stocked just for the grandkids. I think it ruined all fishing for me. We would throw in a slice of bread to attract all the small guys, drop in a bare hook and pull up a small fish, then use that as our bait to lure the big bass out in the middle. Or we would just shoot them, either or:) This waiting for the fish to bite gets rough.

edit: yeah, people do it all over here and really it is fine most of the time...outside a bar, sounds good, in a park (not playground) no bigs, just good lord wtf is wrong with people blowing clouds into kids faces. just take some edibles if you are concerned about not staying high for your whole 3 hour zoo extravaganza.
I agree about the vaping in public issue. I cringe any time I have to go buy atomizers. Propylene glycol has a sweet taste, which is why (I think anyway) it works for concentrates. Everyone I talk to says it's safe, but I haven't heard or seen anything either way regarding whether it's safe when vaped.

I don't remember which one but a local news station did a poll and a high percentage of people said they see people smoking pot in vehicles on a regular basis. I think anyone with a vape pen would be counted in this category, as the average person is a moron so here we are.

This e-cigarette vaping stuff will go away with time, but those douchey hipsters have adopted this as a replacement for clove cigarettes. That's so emo. I almost feel sorry for them because they all just sit and wait in a circle jerk and as soon as the door opens every single person starts puffing their e-juice, and that shit puts out a lot of vapor so they look so flipping awesome. #SadSausageParty #IDontTwitter


This e-cigarette vaping stuff will go away with time, but those douchey hipsters have adopted this as a replacement for clove cigarettes. That's so emo. I almost feel sorry for them because they all just sit and wait in a circle jerk and as soon as the door opens every single person starts puffing their e-juice, and that shit puts out a lot of vapor so they look so flipping awesome. #SadSausageParty #IDontTwitter


Yeah try unseeing that.

To be honest, I guess I will take vapers over the clove cigarette kids.

This vape/cig talk is making me miss my good friend joe camel, its been so long amigo, but we can't kick it anymore:(


That glycol stuff is kinda wierd and I don't trust it. my brother loves vaping and I will hand it to him that its probably better than the cigs, but who knows what that stuff does to you.


The part that I take issue with is that everyone says it's safe, but I haven't heard anyone say there have been effects on combustion of that substance.



this is going to sound like your Typical Vegan bullshit story. (Reason i felt like sharing is because it worked)
(Just like Nitrous Oxide aka:Laughing Gas works for Migraines. I got that bit of info from one of these sites and it has truly saved my life.) so hoping this helps someone.

If you want high Testosterone Cut out all the Soaps and Shampoos, Conditioners, and Deodorants that contain propylene glycol (PG), Sodium laureth sulfate (SLS), or sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), Aluminum, and triclosan. Big Name Laundry Detergent needs to go..
Don't use Fabric softeners just use Vinegar. Do this for 1 month and see what happens. if you are in Colorado.
Vitamin cottage /Natural Grocers sell only items that are free of the items listed above.

Just do the soaps and see for yourself.. what is 1 month.. Dr Bronners Soap is awesome.

But if you like reading labels go for it. It is an eye opener. I still eat anything i like but its all organic and and i only cook in stainless steel and store every in glass. Avoid BPA, I start with the most basic ingredients and make whatever I feel like.. The Weight Falls off without exercise and Blood work looks incredible. They wanted to dose me with countless medicines and hormone supplements and I tried most of them. But They barely worked and they had me on the come back to keep getting more medicines.. so I decided to take matters into my own hands and here I am.. Making Pepperoni now with no curing salt for this Fridays Pizza.. Grass Fed Beef and Grass Fed Butter are used a lot in my new life style.

You will realize all calories are not the same and you will realize they put fucking Corn in everything. Avoid Corn..
No amount of exercise will correct unhealthy habits.. Especially when they are loaded with Endocrine disruptors.

Thanks to a friend i'm going to do a full plant extract of the R4 and see if it helps with my back pain and head aches.

have I told you how much i love Colorado?

I was going to write a book but the above is all the info you really need.
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(Just like Nitrous Oxide aka:Laughing Gas works for Migraines. I got that bit of info from one of these sites and it has truly saved my life.) so hoping this helps someone.

have I told you how much i love Colorado?
It sure is amazing. Good to know about nitrous, will pass it along. It always gave me headaches after several canisters, but well, worth a shot.


It sure is amazing. Good to know about nitrous, will pass it along. It always gave me headaches after several canisters, but well, worth a shot.

This is from NIH
The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of nitrous oxide in the therapy of acute migraine symptoms in emergency department (ED) patients. This was a prospective, randomized, double blind study of patients presenting to an ED. All eligible patients had a prior diagnosis and symptoms consistent with migraine headache and a normal neurological examination. Patients were randomized to receive either 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen or 100% oxygen over 20 minutes. All patients completed a visual analog pain scale before and immediately after intervention. Initial pain scores and change in pain scores between the two groups were compared. There were 22 patients enrolled, 10 in the nitrous oxide group and 12 in the oxygen group. The groups were similar in age, gender, duration of headache, and initial pain scores. Pain scores decreased significantly in the nitrous oxide group (median change, 69 to 21 mm, P = .02). The oxygen group did not show significant change in pain scores (median change, 78.5 to 72, P = .09). Eighty percent of patients receiving nitrous oxide required no rescue medication at the completion of the intervention, compared with 17% of those receiving 100% oxygen (P = .008). Twenty minutes after termination of intervention, 60% of patients who had received nitrous oxide still required no rescue medication, compared with 8% of those who had received 100% oxygen (P = .02). Nitrous oxide shows efficacy in ED short-term treatment of acute migraine headache.

When my aura get so bad my vision is gone in parts where the aura are running across my vision. or my speech is garbled and screwed up even though my internal dialog is fine and clear. just cant get my mouth to spit out the right words.. it is time for the Nitrous.. if it works it will work in an instant.. maybe two little 8oz Containers (two Balloons full).

if it doesn't work and the headache is going to win.. Then you wont even feel the nitrous.

But 80% is a hell of a success rate. and for me it has worked 95% of the time.
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Warning: this is going to sound like your Typical Vegan bullshit story. (Reason i felt like sharing is because it worked)
(Just like Nitrous Oxide aka:Laughing Gas works for Migraines. I got that bit of info from one of these sites and it has truly saved my life.) so hoping this helps someone.

If you want high Testosterone Cut out all the Soaps and Shampoos, Conditioners, and Deodorants that contain propylene glycol (PG), Sodium laureth sulfate (SLS), or sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), Aluminum, and triclosan. Big Name Laundry Detergent needs to go..
Don't use Fabric softeners just use Vinegar. Do this for 1 month and see what happens. if you are in Colorado.
Vitamin cottage /Natural Grocers sell only items that are free of the items listed above.

Just do the soaps and see for yourself.. what is 1 month.. Dr Bronners Soap is awesome.

But if you like reading labels go for it. It is an eye opener. I still eat anything i like but its all organic and and i only cook in stainless steel and store every in glass. Avoid BPA, I start with the most basic ingredients and make whatever I feel like.. The Weight Falls off without exercise and Blood work looks incredible. They wanted to dose me with countless medicines and hormone supplements and I tried most of them. But They barely worked and they had me on the come back to keep getting more medicines.. so I decided to take matters into my own hands and here I am.. Making Pepperoni now with no curing salt for this Fridays Pizza.. Grass Fed Beef and Grass Fed Butter are used a lot in my new life style.

You will realize all calories are not the same and you will realize they put fucking Corn in everything. Avoid Corn..
No amount of exercise will correct unhealthy habits.. Especially when they are loaded with Endocrine disruptors.

Thanks to a friend i'm going to do a full plant extract of the R4 and see if it helps with my back pain and head aches.

have I told you how much i love Colorado?

I was going to write a book but the above is all the info you really need.
This post is fucking fantastic, and I appreciate it. Thank you.


This is from NIH

if it doesn't work and the headache is going to win.. Then you wont even feel the nitrous.

But 80% is a hell of a success rate. and for me it has worked 95% of the time.
It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good. They've done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.


I saw a commercial tonight for 9 news i think. Saying people arrest for High Driving are getting off. They are showing No Impairment. This High driving shit is going to fall apart.. back in the day you could lock me up for 3 days without any marijuana and i would still test too high to drive. Tolerance is real.. and the propaganda from the drug war is even more real... When it is all said and done people are going to wonder why it was ever illegal.


The driving high thing is...complicated. I have been smoking weed for a long long time and don't really buy the argument that I am impaired after a few hits (towards the end of the night I am pretty damn tired though). It is sort of like an old drunk, .08 really isn't quite the same for them as it is a normal person. Now there is the great big HOWEVER, I can't think of no possible way to distinguish between that from a legal perspective and prefer roads with safe drivers so meh, they gotta do what they gotta do.

I did have a goofy time watching a stoned driver at the carwash. It was one of the manual ones and when the car in front of stoned driver (SD) was in there it apparently quit working. This blew SD's mind, he couldn't comprehend that it stopped working and the attendant put a cone in the bay. The guy just kept on vacuuming his car, then he would get out and go look at the cone, then put some more quarters in and vacuum some more, then go look at the cone and just walk around his car. The whole time cars are jst getting backed up worse and worse. People start yelling and the guy is just like "CONE I DON"T OH GOD NO!@!." And continuing to go look at the cone then go back and vacuum, this went on for a good 20-30 minutes. Finally the attendant came over and got the guy in his car and removed the dreaded cone for him so he could erratically veer into thats why stoned driving isn't good kids. I was pretty high myself, i just went with the automatic car wash once SD got out of the way.


I saw a commercial tonight for 9 news i think. Saying people arrest for High Driving are getting off. They are showing No Impairment. This High driving shit is going to fall apart.. back in the day you could lock me up for 3 days without any marijuana and i would still test too high to drive. Tolerance is real.. and the propaganda from the drug war is even more real... When it is all said and done people are going to wonder why it was ever illegal.
If you have your blood tested and it's over 5 nanograms it's exactly like blowing over .08 BAC. That's the limit, that's the law and it won't change.
I saw a study recently and the number they figured impairment occurs is over 30ng, not 5. If you refuse a chemical test, you lose your license for a year, and you only have 7 days to appeal for a hearing. You might not get a DUID(drugs) if you refuse but you still lose your license. Not worth it.

Most of the drug illegality in the US are rooted in racism from back in the day. Opiates to control the chinese railroad workers, marijuana to control the mexicans and the caribbeans, peyote, mushrooms and mescaline for Indians (feather not dot), and of course crack for blacks. Moonshine for the rednecks. Figure in the crack/cocaine sentencing rules and it's right there. I'm pretty jaded. /rant


Well Ohio, have fun with that:
Pot sold commercially would have to come from 10 authorized growing sites that are already spoken for. Those facilities have attracted some famous investors, including basketball Hall of Famer Oscar Robertson, former boy band star Nick Lachey, fashion designer Nanette Lepore and Woody Taft, a descendant of President William Howard Taft.

Why can't we legal states have the wonder that is the BS CA medical market. My fault for not fully researching, but man I sure expected some legal avenue to sell "overage" to the market given the legal nature vs. medical. Will bet I can grow better than 90% of the commercial producers, such is life. Eh, maybe OH hemp production is in my, just kidding, I like to get high and get others high!:) I had a relative that grew out literal fields in the 80's in that area, thank goodness that land be fertile:) But then I would have to ask you want to live in ohio. NOPE
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