Colorado outdoor activities.

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Premium Member
Hey pute ever fished the Gunnie over by Gunnison. Hit a spot called No sink area a little hike to the river awesome water.
did well on pats rubber legs copper john
Differen than over here awesome. May hit it end of week Friday nice bows,,,browns as well fight good...

The Gunnison gorge suffered a washout about 1/2 way between chucker trail and confluence. Water was flowing red yesterday looked a little clearer today but will be a few days before it runs clear again Don't know what the effect on the fish will be...


Hey pute ever fished the Gunnie over by Gunnison. Hit a spot called No sink area a little hike to the river awesome water.
did well on pats rubber legs copper john
Differen than over here awesome. May hit it end of week Friday nice bows,,,browns as well fight good...

The Gunnison gorge suffered a washout about 1/2 way between chucker trail and confluence. Water was flowing red yesterday looked a little clearer today but will be a few days before it runs clear again Don't know what the effect on the fish will be...
No, but gonna hit the Colorado this week. Figure the caddis will last a couple of weeks more then switch to trico spinners. Been slow here, haven't caught a fish over 20 since I last fished with cannarado. Have a harvest coming up and that is going to screw thing up even more. Been a good year though...can still do it. Gonna hit my secret spot this time and hope to stick a pig.


Ok enough on GZ and TM. Gonna put the problems of the world behind and find running water. Pipe is loaded and fish are hungry. (I hope) Old lady will keep the home fires burning and I am going outside and play. Got the back pack out and ready for an new adventure. No nymphs or streamers for me, will wait for a fish to rise. Will be somewhere over 10,000 feet in elevation looking down on the world below. Wild flowers are in full bloom now and can't wait to take in all the sound and sights that nature provides. So long farmers.


Just a few pics of the Yampa and the area....
Gti 194
Gti 198
Gti 106
Gti 199


Premium Member
working on another day tomorrow on the gunnie...


Premium Member
Fishing report...Another banner day over at Never sink area on the world famous
Gunnison river. I see now why it is considered some of the best trout fishing in the world and fisherman from all over dream of the day I just had. Started kinda slow but around 11am the fish were on the copper john and Pats rubber leg combo nymphs. Must have caught and released 30 fish easy. The river is just plain awesome over there and I totally love that area. was really getting into some real nice Browns and rainbows in the soft slow rippled waters usually flowing at the top of the rapid water. also like the way I was catching fish after fish in the same pool, some really nice fish up to 20 inches and they fight like hell. Cant wait to go hit it again, totally awesome...
sky high

sky high

I missed out on the fishing gene (and the hunting gene, and the sports gene, and the car gene).....but glad to see you enjoying it so much my friend. Looks like ya got more rain last did we (came from the east...unusual stuff). Been some serious downpours here/there the last week, for sure. Washed the road out/filled the ditches in at my place near Headville. Never seen that happen in 20 years of owning that it was a hell of a rain.

gotta love that monsoon........saves our asses time and time again....


Premium Member
Yea rain here every night. 2 days ago hurricane like winds and rain..Plants were getting bashed, alls well think it makes em tougher...


Back in town. Fishing sucked. Water temps have skyrocketed on the Colorado. Hiked in to a secret place only to find the temp approaching 70. Didn't even wet a line....didn't want to stress the fish further. Hiked back out and into another spot on the Williams fork. Better but no fish looking up. Glad you had another good trip C-Man. Wild flowers are beautiful this year in this part of the woods. Recent rains have made them go crazy.
Gotta go down stairs and flush this afternoon among other things to catch up on after a trip up the hill.
Gonna do and overnighter in the Walden area at the end of the month. Hope fishing is better there.
Nice pics toker, good looking dry fly water.


Premium Member
Damn farm helper left his wallet over in Gunnison. no choice but to drive him over there to retrieve.
Will have to get up early head over get wallet, he should not drive without license, and fish the day away...
Damn him making me drive over there and fish......Twisting my arm... Pure torture...


He left it there on purpose. I do shit like that all the time. lmfao


Premium Member
Off we go bright and early, bringing cAMERA
sky high

sky high

Gonna be interesting to hear your report today after those storms and Flood Warnings down that way last night. Gonna guess it's a turbid mess out there......with more on the way...or so they say.


Premium Member
Water was fine, just a little stained. Rained on way home, no rain on farm tonight but last night we got hammered by heavy wind and rain...
Fishing was good. Slower than the last 2 trips , 15 or so nice fish..
Had a real battler. Hooked into a nice rainbow who ran down stream and I chased it and lost footing and was swept away in current for about 50 yards or so.. Was up to neck in water legs and feet bashing into rocks, kept rod up, tossed it to my fishing buddy and I floated the Eddy current to bank. Sopping wet. wifes camera gat a little wet Opps, at least its not my 1000 buck Nikon, happended before rice in sack dried it out...
So no pics...


Premium Member
Addicted to fly fishing...So blessed to live in fishing heaven. Been on the water at least 3 full days weekly last few weeks. Been catching some amazing browns and rainbows on the Gunnison river above Blue Mesa Res. 30 fish daily has been common, all in very nice shape. Pats rubber leg, copper johns, san juan worm, skuds, all working great. Iam 57 years old and am in the best physical and mental shape ive ever been in. My farm, that produces amazingly nutrient dense food, my wife, my fishing, my health all have made me a very happy camper. Will continue this lifestyle till I drop beside my plow and I will make myself a bed by the water side and listen to the river roll roll roll, and forever I will listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul....
sky high

sky high

Life here these days is no fishing trip.....although it does seems like all I've been doing is baiting fuckin hooks...

Dunno why I set myself up with so many chores and looming projects all the time. I don't have time to fish even if I was addicted to it. LOL. Spent all day yesterday at my loggie hunkered over a bank of kitchen cabinets bracing things up and carving out space (log) with a hammer and chisel for slab granite in the kitchen. Wow...what a fuckin shitload of work this house has been. LOL...and here I'm gonna try to sell it before I even really enjoy it. Unfortunately..."shit happens". Just too many fuckin memories/plans gone to shit there.....time to finish the dream and move on....

not like the NEXT dream is gonna be any easier....but I WILL have a bed by the creek when I'm finished, dammit. (without dyin first, I hope!)


No out door activities for me this week end except the veggie garden out back. Has a B-Day party at the house. Everybody loves coming to ol pute's house. Plenty to drink and smoke. Served fillets and shrimp cooked on the grill. Steaks are a lot better now since C-Man showed me the proper way to cook a nice cut of meat.
After dinner all men go down to the man cave for a game of pool and a smoke out. We get so fucked up....vape, bong, vape exc... One thing about growing your own....there is always more than you can smoke. By the time the women call us up for desert all have a good case of the munchies.
Anyway, will be looking to get outside in a day or so but right now trying to get over the night before.

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