Dirtbag is poopin in a tent!! ⛺ Adventures with the Spiderfarmer SF4000

  • Thread starter Dirtbag
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Wow, I got stuck in town because of a ferry delay so picked up a gram of weed from the legal dispensary.

Never again. First and last legal purchase.

Look at this garbage. And the packaging..🤢View attachment 1178629

It takes all this schwag to make up a gram? Wtf...
View attachment 1178630Look at this nonsense..View attachment 1178631

Soo thankful I grow my own. This is some bullshit .
What are you complaining about? It came with a handle! We pay extra for that here in Michigan.


Hey Dirt,

just read through your whole grow thread you linked me. Absolutely killer grow and results.

That is the goal for my grow just on a smaller scale. Did you happen to see my drawing and idea for setting up the grow?

just curious what your input would be.


Hey Dirt,

just read through your whole grow thread you linked me. Absolutely killer grow and results.

That is the goal for my grow just on a smaller scale. Did you happen to see my drawing and idea for setting up the grow?

just curious what your input would be.
I'll be honest with ya, and don't take this the wrong way but I don't really understand the point of the tote and removing the unislabs from the bags. I think that could cause the roots to grow out of the rockwool in the high humidity environment inside the tote and dangle down looking for water.
Why reinvent the wheel. I don't know, I'm just a fan of simplifying things if anything, not making them more complex and unorthodox.


wtf i thought you quit dude?!
I did. Then I started again a month or so ago. I quit about twice a year it seems. Binge and purge.
All started when my wife's friend came to visit, she had cigarettes and I had a big chunk of Afghani hash.. joints were rolled.. that's all it took. Week later I was puffing captain blacks, week after that I was buying packs of darts. Again it started with mostly smoking it all in hash joints, but then I started smoking too much hash so I cut back on that.. and here I am. Planning to quit again soon lol.


I did. Then I started again a month or so ago. I quit about twice a year it seems. Binge and purge.
All started when my wife's friend came to visit, she had cigarettes and I had a big chunk of Afghani hash.. joints were rolled.. that's all it took. Week later I was puffing captain blacks, week after that I was buying packs of darts. Again it started with mostly smoking it all in hash joints, but then I started smoking too much hash so I cut back on that.. and here I am. Planning to quit again soon lol.
time for another boat sojourn? haha


I'll be honest with ya, and don't take this the wrong way but I don't really understand the point of the tote and removing the unislabs from the bags. I think that could cause the roots to grow out of the rockwool in the high humidity environment inside the tote and dangle down looking for water.
Why reinvent the wheel. I don't know, I'm just a fan of simplifying things if anything, not making them more complex and unorthodox.
Thank you very much for the input. I did not think about the roots potentially going out the rockwool on the sides due to such high humidity in the totes.

With the Uni-Slab do you just cut the corners off the bottom side of the bags, or do you rather just make slits in the bottom side of the slab?


Thank you very much for the input. I did not think about the roots potentially going out the rockwool on the sides due to such high humidity in the totes.

With the Uni-Slab do you just cut the corners off the bottom side of the bags, or do you rather just make slits in the bottom side of the slab?
Just 4 slits on the bottom edge of the bag is all it needs


That's what happens when you let govt and big business grow your weed.

I mean in some ways sure, but in others it just goes to show the absolute shitshow of inept skullduggery that passes for Canadian politics and lawmaking.

The French government is all over the production of Champagne, down to the pruning techniques allowed, and it's some of the best wine in the world year in and year out because of it. All Canada had to do is look at French wine laws for an intelligent way to categorize, market, and ensure the quality of cannabis. God Bud from a great small producer on Denman should be viewed with the same prestige as Gamay from a great small producer in Beaujolais.

Instead they chose to write the laws as a organized crime-esque predatory cash grab for the government to the direct detriment of the quality of medicine that people get because Canadian beaurocracy is so bloated and ridiculous that the people that wrote the laws will never see consequences for how terrible the laws are.

The government here has spent the last 50 years trying to convince people that cannabis is addictive and cancer causing and as dangerous as heroin and meth, and now they should be trusted to regulate and sell it without making amends to the people and communities that were damaged by cannabis being illegal? No. Fuck that. Canadians need to learn when to riot, and it's not after hockey teams lose.
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Just 4 slits on the bottom edge of the bag is all it needs
4 inch Delta blocks and 16 Uni-Blocks ordered.

I am excited to give this grow a go. Now I just need to do some reading up on your nutrient schedule and start to plan that side. I will hopefully get everything in next week, or at least the rockwool and therefore can get some new beans in the water. I am a little worried my veg space is not big enough is I start seedlings here in 1-2 weeks that means they will have to veg for 5-6 weeks before I can move them to my flower tent. I guess good problems to have.

Thank you and I will start my own grow journal to document this grow.


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
I see it more like growers thrive here more so than cannabis. Weed really prefers to live below the 47th parallel.
But the type of people this environment attracts are the naturally born renegades. Dope growers.
Well there's that part, yes. I think the best weed grows in a marine environment between 43-45 degrees.

That's were the very best weed I've ever smoked came from; and I've spent plenty of time up and down the coastline, from here all the way to Tijuana, and all points in between.

Far as I can determine, the very best spots are right above Salem, around Eugene. (and west toward the coast) Certainly the best SK1 I've ever had the pleasure of tasting comes from that region. I suppose I'm old school, and have a special affinity for this cultivar, and the Blueberry.

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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
Getting expensive for heating whatever your source is. Natural Gas has been so affordable for so long. Wood heat rocks if you live somewhere to harvest your own. But at 300$us a cord. Ouch. Hope La Niña isn’t what it could be, could be in for a cold winter. Makes sense after record heat in the summer to have extreme cold in the winter.
clones look really good db👌👍
Yea, chicken or egg thing. No doubt in my mind it's going to be cold winter here. We had some hot weather here this year that was unprecedented in modern times. I think we hit 109 f one day this year, and prior to that, I don't think I've ever seen a day over 95 here, in over a decade.


Well there's that part, yes. I think the best weed grows in a marine environment between 43-45 degrees.

That's were the very best weed I've ever smoked came from; and I've spent plenty of time up and down the coastline, from here all the way to Tijuana, and all points in between.

Far as I can determine, the very best spots are right above Salem, around Eugene. (and west toward the coast) Certainly the best SK1 I've ever had the pleasure of tasting comes from that region. I suppose I'm old school, and have a special affinity for this cultivar, and the Blueberry.

View attachment 1178680
Can confirm, some of the absolute best pot I've ever encountered has come out of Salem. One of the guys I used to buy from back ~2013 had an insane cut of some local strain. Shit made my brother puke then pass out after one hit lol. Miss that guy, and his weed.

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