Ethos Seeds "Candy Store" under 2 Gavita Pro 1700e LED's

  • Thread starter sshz
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i have run hundreds of plants with pure blend pro. After a lot of testing i dropped the bloom soil bottle and just used grow all through to the finish.

works great with ocean forest and my well water.

I use the "transition" bloom (2-3-5) mostly in flowering, avoiding the full bloom (1-4-5) until weeks 7-9 approximately. Marijuana loves N and I like to keep it slightly elevated until near the end so the plants don't yellow too early. Just so you know, here the Pure Blend Pro breakdown............

Veg 3-2-4
Transition 2-3-5
bloom 1-4-5
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I use the "transition" bloom (2-3-5) mostly in flowering, avoiding the full bloom (1-4-5) until weeks 7-9 approximately. Marijuana loves N and I like to keep it slightly elevated until near the end so the plants don't yellow too early.
Balancing this so I don't get premature yellowing but also still get a fade at the end is a challenge. I think with a second try at a strain I could do it though...


I find because I don't overload the fertilizer thru the grow, I can get them to yellow within a week at the end pretty easily............ I've seen fully green grows at the end that were amazing, so I'm not too concerned with it actually. So, basically, I don't "push" them to their limit (over fertilize) in flowering which makes it easier to flush out the remaining nutes in the medium. I also use Clearex sometimes the last 2-3 days, if necessary.

One of the worse mistakes newbie growers make is to follow the manufacturers feeding plans, especially in bloom where they load down the plant with too much P and K. I always apply everything at a lower rate except Cal/Mag, which I need more of because of the R.O. device.


Do you guys actually go to 0 on the ppm meter.ive been watering plain water last couple days and ppm is between 150-250 .i plan on going another 4 -5 days then harvest the i going the right way about it..


Even with the r.o. device, my water reads 30-40 ppm but I wouldn’t worry about it, as long as you’re not adding anything additional. You can also buy distilled water and pH that, which will be close to zero but I just wouldn’t worry about it truthfully. You may also consider a flush like Clearex or one of the others but with so much written today about how flushes aren’t necessary, why spend the money.

I’ve talked about one of the reasons I like Botanicare is it doesn’t build up in the soil like GH and many of the others. I tend to be an organic enthusiast anyway, as I was the General Manager of an 800+ acre organic farm in my past life. Although Botanicare isn’t 100% organic, it’s close to 99% which is good enough for me.


Do you guys actually go to 0 on the ppm meter.ive been watering plain water last couple days and ppm is between 150-250 .i plan on going another 4 -5 days then harvest the i going the right way about it..
I final switched to RO and I am getting zero PPM with the growtronics unit. It is a 2 to 1 system as claimed but I believe the use is already at 3 to 1. That is about the only draw back with RO, you have to run 2 to 3 gallons of water thru the filters to get 1 gallon and you have to have a place to store the RO water. I can only make about 200 gallons a day.


Probably the only reason i havnt bought an ro filtration system is because we are on tank water here but i spose i can put the ro waste water back into the tanks..i had my eye on a 2:1 system that wasnt too pricey when i was buying everything at the beginning..was under a couple hundred actually..i need to get a big tank installed then i can get the ro..a 1000ltrs of water from the council only costs 76cents..i have a ute but need to beef up the suspension so i can travel safely with an 1000 ltr container on back..shes abit like a boat lol..


I final switched to RO and I am getting zero PPM with the growtronics unit. It is a 2 to 1 system as claimed but I believe the use is already at 3 to 1. That is about the only draw back with RO, you have to run 2 to 3 gallons of water thru the filters to get 1 gallon and you have to have a place to store the RO water. I can only make about 200 gallons a day.

I'm on a well, so I don't pay for my water but people who do, I could see why an r.o. device isn't ideal. The most efficient systems are expensive, the cheaper ones waste more water so it's a trade off I guess. There are some newer type of devices for the whole house, but not a r.o system, that I'm seeing in my area that do the same thing- but I know nothing about prices, etc.


Two weeks flowering today, here's the "shorter" plant side....... I ended up defoliating a little more yesterday, removing 2-4 of the largest leaves on each plant. Still pretty leafy though............I'm planning on continuing to remove 2-6 leaves each week moving forward. Double click the picture to get a better closeup on the bud sites........

IMG 1376
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Our favorite moderator has asked me to participate in a little experiment, adding GreenPlanet "Massive" to my grow on one side of the room and then compare final yields from both sides. Basically it's a bloom enhancer, with these selling points:

  • Massive is a unique blend of vitamins, minerals and growth stimulants.
  • It is a high performance flowering additive with organic components derived from bee by-products.
  • Massive is enhanced with B vitamins plus all the necessary micro elements, including the naturally occurring hormones, gibbrellic acid and tricantonal from bee by-products.
  • Massive can be used to enhance any nutrient program with definitive and positive results.
  • The benefit of using Massive is that it contains a myriad of ingredients that growers currently use, therefore allowing the consumer to achieve better results using fewer products, leading to less confusion and error.
So it appears you just substitute some of your base formula for this instead, everything else stays the same for the entire grow. I'll let everyone know when it arrives and when I start using it.

View attachment 1100991
I’ve seen this product at my local. Keen to see if it makes a visible difference.


Just a little bit bummed I'll be defoliating again on a larger scale....... probably because I didn't take enough off initially. Still though, I've removed quite a bit so far. Rasta Jeff says week 3 should be another period of deep defoliation so next week some time I'll decide IF I need to rip the room apart again (UGHHHHHH) or can do it while the plants stay in place.

From a side view, it doesn't look like there are a lot of bud sites, but if you click the pic and click it again for a super closeup, you'll see plenty of buds and the rooms full potential. I also suspect to have larger main colas this time as they were not topped. I think the last 2 grows showed everyone no need to worry, looks are deceiving early on and the yield will be there in the end.

I did get my Expert Seeds freebies today and I'm going thru them as I type. But NO Sweet Zombie to those waiting to see if those were included. I think around week 4-5 I'll do a another yield contest as my seeds as getting plentiful again and I'll make an announcement when I have time to think about it some more- maybe something quick and simple- just a 1 time guess on the "Massive" side of the room. LOL


Are you through the worst of your winter sshz.have you had to heat the room with the lights on...cheers just seeing whether id have to run the hps smack bang in winter


Yes, it appears the worst is over........we've been in the 60's almost daily now, but nights are still dropping into the 30's or 40's. Regarding warming the room, 2 things: 1) the exhaust fan is run at 100% (negative room pressure) at night so it's pulling warmer air in from under the door and 2) I have the dehumidifier on set at 55% so that cycles on and off and spits out warm air while running. So, lights on temps run around 80-81 degrees and dark temps are between 64-66 degrees. The humidity fluctuates between 52-58%.

I have been experimenting with lowering the lights again, sometimes down to 12-14 inches. It didn't take long before some of the plants showed the negative affects. Others may be able to run them closer, but not me. I'm done playing with them, they've been placed back to between 18-20 inches and will not be lowered again.


Yes, it appears the worst is over........we've been in the 60's almost daily now, but nights are still dropping into the 30's or 40's. Regarding warming the room, 2 things: 1) the exhaust fan is run at 100% (negative room pressure) at night so it's pulling warmer air in from under the door and 2) I have the dehumidifier on set at 55% so that cycles on and off and spits out warm air while running. So, lights on temps run around 80-81 degrees and dark temps are between 64-66 degrees. The humidity fluctuates between 52-58%.

I have been experimenting with lowering the lights again, sometimes down to 12-14 inches. It didn't take long before some of the plants showed the negative affects. Others may be able to run them closer, but not me. I'm done playing with them, they've been placed back to between 18-20 inches and will not be lowered again.
A sativa maybe. No way those big fat indica leaves could take it.

Those skinny colombian leaves though? Or thai? 🤷‍♂️

Fat chance you will be running anything much more sativa than gasm though and that reacted the same as i remember.


The plants that did poorly showed issues towards the top of the plant, not necessarily where the widest of leaves are located. It’s not a heat issue, just the light is too strong for the newer growth off the main stem up top. I saw it in previous crops too, so I know what to look for. Another example of what works for some, and doesn’t work for others.

I’ll also need to defoliate again, sooner rather than later as things have become super leafy again, these LED’s are just crazy in their ability to generate leaf growth. It’s my fault for not defoliating enough early on, but I wanted more leaves this time and surely got them.
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Im actually glad you didnt.more leaves creates more growth= bigger gals and bigger plants can support themselves better when you do take leaves off.i believe in a gradual defol is better than taking too much at one time..only my 2c..but i do see when space is a limiting factor and creating light to tops and good airflow ..


I'm just concentrating on getting light to the bud tips............ I'm sure if I removed loads of leaves early like I did with the Gasm, the plants would have been shorter at this point. Since the buds are just at the beginning (remember, it's only day 16 in flowering), I don't have to rush to do it as everything is small and has plenty of time to develop. At some point I'll figure it all out, when to do what, and try to keep a uniform method or pattern crop to crop instead of driving myself crazy worrying about it. It will work itself out, cause it always does.


Do you guys actually go to 0 on the ppm meter.ive been watering plain water last couple days and ppm is between 150-250 .i plan on going another 4 -5 days then harvest the i going the right way about it..

I do, but getting to 0 is expensive and I think 5ppm with just RO is totally fine. I had another project that DI water would improve so eating the cost wasnt so bad.


I dont think i have chosen my words correctly..i was meaning when you are just waterinng your plants at the end of their watering plain tank water and ppm of runoff in coir is down to 100 and plan on harvesting in 4 days or you keep going till it says 0 .im just watering the ppm down gradually
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