Expecting a 'knock n talk'- now what?

  • Thread starter ttystikk
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I wouldn't do nothing drastic, I have an active imagination, and have to keep that shit in check...re-connect with reality and the way things is, every time shit like this happens. Always helps to look at all the other assholes growing and say to yourself "Well he isn't in fucking jail." But why, cards?

Stan Garnett knows he can't get a conviction in BoCo.

DA's give the directions bro.
Your sentence would make more sense if you said, 'Dan May knows he can't get a conviction'.

Garnett made it the lowest priority for LEO before medical even hit, then dropped all pending possession cases after 64 was signed.
Remember that people, when it comes to the State AG vote in 2014, lost in 201o to Suthers 40 - 60 (rural win for Suthers).

@OP : If you take Confuten1's advice DON'T USE YOUR PHONE. Counter-intelligence is probably not needed at this point.
Get a card ASAP, extended (remember part of the HBs was getting a statewide structure, and as they reached their hand into the patient side and restricted caregiver numbers, ect. , They also accepted extended plant counts, to bring the rogue PDs inline (so you can now point to HB-1284 when defending your extended plant counts!)). All said and done, should be under $100 to get your ass insured.
But as others have said, they probably asked him a few questions realized you were growing weed and said "Thank you very much sir, but I can't just go in and bust his door down and rob him anymore."
In my progressive run-ins in the 5 years, they get increasingly disenchanted with trying to bust grows.
One thing you mustn't forget, is that the Cartels haven't stopped running DRUGS with real associated societal problems into this country (and cops know this, who do you think gets to deal with all the shit (theft, domestic violence, murder, fraud, ect..).
It's just that busting growers isn't the honey-pot it once was in this state. And 64 made it worse because all sorts of shit they used to try to jack you over in your charges to get you to take a plea, isn't even illegal anymore :)

But if you like to grow pot, I'd get an extended card (or two?).

All it comes down to is, 'How much is a good nights sleep worth to me?'

Always get a warrant (4th Amendment), if push comes to shove (figuratively). Those who don't, don't deserve the rest of the protections their Constitution provides them (however, once their dumbass speaks to their lawyer, they make use of the next one....the Fifth).
Gotta be impressed at the structural redundancy in it.

Not all cops are Nicholas Angel, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425112/, it's kinda a paperwork vs. payoff thing.

As Sput said, having a medical card is not proof that they need to check your shit out (N/Metro famous for that one). Warrant still needed. IMO better to answer the cops than not. Showing card through the window, and talking through the window...not my style, but does solve the open door let me follow you in problem, but I never leave the door when talking to them, and if they aren't but up against it, I step outside (with door knob in locked from inside [keys in pocket]) so it locks behind me.

Do you have filters? Negative air pressure? Fan push or pull through your lights? (if it pulls, you can be taking unfiltered air through the gaps in your hoods, they never seal well enough), also small tears in flexi ducting are rampant, insulated ducting helps, tape at edges/hoods.
Plant some real fragrant shit around your exhaust, let him bitch to the cops of the smell of lavender and lilac :)

If they cops think you're cooking meth (which is rarer now that the Cartels have taken over with 'super-labs' in Mexico)...They will be interested, until they learn you aren't...Which as said, is easy for even the 'most gifted' of the force.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Get rid of any scales, get under your max plant count, flower and veg plants don't really matter cops just count them all....they are lookin for egregious violations...for sure make sure your dry wieght is way under and if have any infused oils or butters they count the total weight as all oil....the one thing about the warrant is that if you force their hand, they will toss your house when the return and that is no fun at all..they find shit you forgot about years ago..bad shit


shit sux..what Tex said is good advice bud for sure. Might not hurt to get that card back..cept your wallet that is.
I try to stay out of neighbors biz..simple politeness and go about my own biz. Definitely consider getting the smells under control. Consider doing some nice landscaping with aromatic flowers..neighbors seem to appreciate a pretty yard. I've had cops at my door for a random bad address..thank God I wasn't in the middle of harvest. Smell control..well in check..they never knew I had a garden 20 feet from their noses!


Lots and lots of sound advice here, well taken guys! To hit the highlights;

To combat the occasional obvious smell issue, I've recently replaced my 4' x 12" carbon filter AND fan.

I will get a card, forthwith.

No weapons, drugs, or pills without a valid prescription on site.

No concentrates. No butter. No hash. No manufacturing of any of it, not even butter.

It might go without saying that there are no methlabs here, but I'm saying it anyway!

A64 allows for unlimited inventory at home, correct? The limit applies only to how much you can carry in public, isn't that correct?

Smell is still an occasional issue, I'm working on it.

Plant count needs to fall somewhat, I need somewhere else to keep babies and veg. I could be A64 legal if I did that...

To help reduce plant count, I'm switching each zone to Trees as it comes due. That's four Trees per zone, boom! Under the limit, baby!

As if I didn't have anything else going on this summer... my eye is doing better, thank goodness! My second chiller is due back in a week, for a repair bill of only $1865- and remember, the tech broke it. When I get a med card, that motherfucker's gettin' sued.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

tyys -

get your card renenwed! Knew a girl who had 200+ in a house, no card, and got the knock, let them enter (stupid). by the time her case came around she had doctor's rec and a card as well as patients to back her numbers. (back when caregivers were totally fine.) her case got dropped and she was reimbursed for the product they seized and "lost"...

but ya... there's no way to prove your doing anything illegal and at worst you'll get a card with a phone number to call with questions...but the best defence you have if you don't want to lose your hair is a renewed redcard. it would take the same amount of time as switching to trees, and you can find a doc out there who is understanding in your personal need for 99 plants.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
You can only use the A64 rule if you stay within the 6 plant limit, you can not have and extended plant count rec and use the a64 unlimited weight loop hole.....wieght is the issue, plant count is easy to dance around and they don't really care, but if they can whack you with a few lbs or so, they foam at the mouth and if ya have 100 they look like rabid zombies with ski mask on moshin in your livin room......get your card renewed but I would go 99, they have already generated and exception list of high plant count guys....75 and 25 oz's seems to be the max to avoid to much scrutiny...if they do come say as little as possible, they try and engage you and ask alot of questions, deflect deflect deflect cuz they are just taken notes


If the real limit is under 75 plants and 25oz of finished product laying around then I'm already under that. Going to Trees is as much about a natural progression in growing styles as it is in response to a plant count imperative; I'm thinking I can get 2 lbs/ tree with 4 trees in an 8 x 8' space, 5kW of bare bulb vertical style? I'm about to double my cooling plant- the hard way, Lol- so I'm thinking this is both made possible by and is getting the most out of my increased chiller capacity.

Stick them trees in your plant count pipe and smoke 'em...


Can you tell me more about not having concentrates? I hadn't heard that was an issue.


Y'all have become my peeps. I tell you guys shit I don't tell my... never mind. Lol
lol,I'm the same way man. its like i got a second secret life i live that i can't tell anyone about. kinda cool but kinda sucks at times. but i can tell all my farm friends secrets lol. one time cops came to pick me up for a warrant (not drug related). i was about 7 weeks into flowering, as i was being walked out in cuffs one of the sheriffs asked me what that smell was. i made up a somewhat quick response " we got a new puppy and he keeps pissing on my porch". the other cop was like " i thought maybe you had ferrets my sister has ferrets". man u get lucky sometimes


Can you tell me more about not having concentrates? I hadn't heard that was an issue.

I think there is an issue if you don't have a med card. There is also a big ass safety issue with bho and I think that has cops on edge- so, I do my thing and I let others specialize in stuff like that.


One more thing to consider in this mix; I've been actively growing here for over three years- most of that time with a valid med card- and this is the first time there has ever even been a whiff of trouble. I keep my life here quiet. Really quiet. Traffic is not an issue and isn't going to be, because I wouldn't put up with that shit, either!
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Concentrates aren't bad if your med but keep in mind if you put some oil in an 8oz bottle of agave or karo syrup, they count the full 8oz as concentrate, it is tough ass sell to argue only the oil content should count...the bigger problem is if you make a bunch of concentrates your goin to some poundage around and thats where they get you, mid stream before you process a big pile into a tiny vial...


I sure as hell wouldn't answer the door if I couldn't. ..but I am certain I would if it wouldn't be a problem at the time..I would at the least come out and talk to them..closing the door behind me. I wouldn't act like I have kidnapped someone and have tied them up in the other room like old Barry here...geez talk about raising suspicion.


One more thing to consider in this mix; I've been actively growing here for over three years- most of that time with a valid med card- and this is the first time there has ever even been a whiff of trouble. I keep my life here quiet. Really quiet. Traffic is not an issue and isn't going to be, because I wouldn't put up with that shit, either!
Its sometimes nice to move every few years. Keep the neighbors fresh. If they do come I highly advise speaking for way too much experience do not say a word to them if they come with a warrant. If they don't have a warrant and you want to talk to them instead of just not answering, walk outside shut and lock your door behind you. Answer questions with questions and tell them you don't feel comfortable talking to them without your lawyer present. Don't let them intimidate you and say shit like, "if you don't have anything to hide......." they are just trying to get you to tell on yourself ALWAYS.


They are just trying to get you to give them 'probable cause' or 'consent to search'...Easiest way is by establishing rapport (good cop) or by intimidation (bad cop).
That is it, as soon as they get neither, they either leave, or sit your ass outside while they get a warrant (so you can't destroy evidence).

It's good its just you. I had a roommate give consent to search one time (neighbor accused us of stealing his phone), I only had one plant, but it was before medical. Nothing happened, don't know if they saw it and laughed (city cops = city problems) or just didn't see it. We had a bong on the table...Westmethster, they had bigger problems.
But always easier when you don't have to worry about Jackass saying 'abc'. Cops love divide and conquer techniques and the Prisoner's Dilemma works to their advantage in such situations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner's_dilemma

If expecting a talk, doesn't hurt to beef up on your A&E 'The First 48'. http://www.aetv.com/the-first-48/

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