Growing with Gaia Green - Shaded's Method

  • Thread starter Shaded_One
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Thanks CG! How are your gals lookin? Flipped to 12/12 yesterday :) my patience was running thin and we are at a ~2 month veg period so off to flower they go

Top dressed each 7 gallon pot with...

1 cup 444
1 cup 284
4 tbspn each of Gypsum, Epsom, and Azomite

I start my seedlings in just the basic promix with no amendments yet, I don't start adding amendments until the first transplant or around 2-3 weeks old. That mix sounds fine except for the peat acidity which is normally counterbalanced by lime of sorts. EWC comes with its own microbial life so Recharge isn't necessary on top of that, but it wouldn't hurt to add more (I get Myco from the BX, and add more by itself). Don't be too hard on the light right now...only increase or bring closer if you see the seedlings stretching a lot
Thanks bro i think my ppfd app might be off as theres a 30% difference when i tried on another phone, would you say these babies are stretching?
IMG 20230315 110436


So once you get your canopy filled up is that when you flip to flower or do you allow them to stretch up taller once the canopy is filled out? Just trying to see how to judge the flip
So once you get your canopy filled up is that when you flip to flower or do you allow them to stretch up taller once the canopy is filled out? Just trying to see how to judge the flip
I just allow the plant to become at least six inches taller than my table top. This tabletop stands either twenty four or twenty six inches tall. (Can’t remember) These are much taller than normal, avg here being twelve plus inches taller than the table top. Then I lower the top atop of my plants pushing all the limbs below the table top. This was Sunday.
Flipped to 12/12 after “seating”. They will now go through the stretch. All I will do from now to the third week of flowering is selective defoliation.
The second pic you see below
86983AC9 8BC9 4296 BDA9 C96E8019D8E1
was Tuesday morning, after the seating they make their own canopy 🙂
EF30B283 5EF9 44B8 B007 9BC8C7B6E65F


So once you get your canopy filled up is that when you flip to flower or do you allow them to stretch up taller once the canopy is filled out? Just trying to see how to judge the flip

your plants will double, some times triple in height during the stretch phase so I don't mind sending them off to flower before the entire "square" is filled. I'm using the stretch phase to continue filling out the canopy as best I can 🤙 at around week 3 I will crawl around and lollipop the gals removing any branches or nodes that are not reaching the SCROG


My adders to Gaia Green are DE for help with pest control and long term silica media building because I will be reusing my soil and coco. Recharge for microbs. Power SI in plants vegging at hald dose, SI Bloom for plants in flower at half dose. Epson Salt in foliar spray or mixed into water during normal watering. Even throw in a half dose of Calmag here and there. DE gets mixed into my soil or coco when I set up a pot and mix it in with my Gaia Green to start the cook. With DE being added in my Gaia Green feedings. The other stuff is rotated in use as I water. I do keep molasses around and use it as a bump/treat for the plants. Kind of like treats for my dog and the wifes cats.
Hey bro thanks for the info. Do you put DE everytime you feed with GG. Do you need to control any potential high PH from it?
I currently have soil with rock dust & DE (for pests) but my last runoff was 7.9 (7.15 going in) I'm guessing thats just the DE & rock dust leeching right


Hey bro thanks for the info. Do you put DE everytime you feed with GG. Do you need to control any potential high PH from it?
I currently have soil with rock dust & DE (for pests) but my last runoff was 7.9 (7.15 going in) I'm guessing thats just the DE & rock dust leeching right

you're doing coco/soil mix right simon?


No problem BB! Just read my very first post :)

They have the all purpose (veg blend) and power boom (flower blend) that's all you really need/use from the Gaia Green line with my recipe.

The Epsom, Azomite, and Gypsum can be any assorted brand that fits your needs. DM if you have any questions
Sorry I didn't see this sooner...

I did read the first post. My problem, IIRC, was that I didn't see any mention of the soil. I was mixing soil that day and was wondering how your recommendations would work with a mixture of FFOF and FFHF. I didn't know if the amendments would work with any soil. I also was unclear about how to add the amendments. So, I just did a WAG and pressed on. I'm well into the grow now and the plants haven't died yet, so I consider that a win.


Sorry I didn't see this sooner...

I did read the first post. My problem, IIRC, was that I didn't see any mention of the soil. I was mixing soil that day and was wondering how your recommendations would work with a mixture of FFOF and FFHF. I didn't know if the amendments would work with any soil. I also was unclear about how to add the amendments. So, I just did a WAG and pressed on. I'm well into the grow now and the plants haven't died yet, so I consider that a win.

typically I recommend an inert, peat based soil that has some self buffering capability :) I believe FFHF would fit the bill, and there was some other brand of FF that someone was using the other day that looked decent..lucky dog?

The amendments can be added via direct top dress, or pre-mixed with some moist soil and then top dressed (my preferred method)


so that's why I'm a promix junkie :)

they include two types of lime to self buffer the pH (dolomitic lime, calcitic lime)

that post you are referencing from mrsdabfire was a ChatGPT auto-response, I wouldn't put too much value in that even though it is a good base mix
That crazy wish i knew before I used it. I cant get most these brands down here and something like FFHF would cost $55-60 meaning each small run would cost me $120. Not saying i wouldn't buy it but im trying to source as much local as i can so i opted for mexican mushroom compost with local peat etc.
Maybe in the future ffhf will be less stressful 🤷


That crazy wish i knew before I used it. I cant get most these brands down here and something like FFHF would cost $55-60 meaning each small run would cost me $120. Not saying i wouldn't buy it but im trying to source as much local as i can so i opted for mexican mushroom compost with local peat etc.
Maybe in the future ffhf will be less stressful 🤷
I reamend and reuse my FFHF. I only pay 21.99 a bag for it, but Im a tightwad!


I reamend and reuse my FFHF. I only pay 21.99 a bag for it, but Im a tightwad!
I can get it for 16.99 about 2 miles up the street, but I buy new soil every run, old soil goes right into the veggie garden can’t waste that myco I built up! Especially in the no till garden haha.
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