Hempy LED Grow: DP Power Plant

  • Thread starter irishboiii
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Thrips come in different colors, the one I saw at a friend's was beige. The larvae will make leaves look like a horrible mite infestation without a single web to be found.

So its thrips? How do you get rid of them?


Would this "neem repel" stuff get rid of them?

2014 07 28 025334

Heres a list of what it works against, dont know if thrips falls into one of these catagories

2014 07 28 025342


Well Iv searched all morning on google and cant find any pic that resembles the pest I seen, and its definitley not on any list of common cannabis pests.

I guess thats a good thing? Im assuming its a good thing anyway based on that and the fact that it must have been around since I first seen it a few weeks ago, and it doesnt seem to be harming my plants. At least not that I can see.


looks good. should put on all the stretch it needs by 2 weeks or so. they look happy tho. great job


Thanks burn, finally getting the hang of this and learning to just relax and enjoy things. Really having fun now.
thats what its all about. i did the same thing bro. pretty sure all mj farmers have tweeked over shit til they found a comfy spot. there will be problems but its how you deal with em that makes em stressful. glad its smooth right now for ya. ++vibes
Dizzy Farmer

Dizzy Farmer

Well Iv searched all morning on google and cant find any pic that resembles the pest I seen, and its definitley not on any list of common cannabis pests.

I guess thats a good thing? Im assuming its a good thing anyway based on that and the fact that it must have been around since I first seen it a few weeks ago, and it doesnt seem to be harming my plants. At least not that I can see.

Hi mate

Hopefully it was just a random creature that crawled in. I use stockings as a filter over my intake ducting to try and cut back on that. You can buy air filters and/or insect mesh for big set ups, but I find stockings are fine for 6 inch duct. I also deploy sticky traps to help me in this regard, hung at different levels in my gardens. The blue ones attract thrips/leafminers the yellow ones attract aphids and the white ones attract fungus gnats. This will enable you to identify any actual beasts themselves, the numbers in play and also take some of the little buggers out of the game.

Sticky traps are pretty cheap to buy, last a long time and can withstand heat and water, but if you are a DiY/creative type with lots of time on your hands (like me!), you can make your own sticky traps using small wooden boards painted the corresponding colour (white/yellow/blue) with vaseline smeared on it.

You can also use the corresponding positive predators once you know what you are dealing with. Predators like soil dwelling phoretic mites (Mighty Mite) will kill thrips/ fungus gnats, or the phyto or amblyseiulus predators will kill spider mites. I use amblyseiulus in slow release pouches in all my grows as they don't harm plants, release over 6 weeks and die / disappear if there are no mites to eat, they aren't as hardcore as the phyto, but phyto die too quickly if no mites are present and aren't available early in the year although they can take higher temps. Even though our gardens are the same temp all year round, outdoor gardeners/greenhouses obviously aren't..

As for the stretch, mine normally stretch up until about day 21, but depends on the strain. Some hardly stretch, but others go mental. It's most noticably over night, but I imagine an element of that is due to not seeing them for 12 + hours. I try to keep the night temps up (easier in summer than winter) and keep as small a variation as possible between day and night temp. Eg 25 deg day 20 deg night. I normally run at 27-29 deg C days in the summer as I fire my Sodiums over the daytime hours. If I'm using Co2 on a grow I stop using it during the stretch period as I've seen them super stretch with it. Although Co2 is daytime only, it powers up their growth and everything does more when it's being used.

Girls are looking good though mate. Enjoy the bloom; for me, it's the best part watching them transform from weeds into beautiful flowers.


Hi mate

Hopefully it was just a random creature that crawled in. I use stockings as a filter over my intake ducting to try and cut back on that. You can buy air filters and/or insect mesh for big set ups, but I find stockings are fine for 6 inch duct. I also deploy sticky traps to help me in this regard, hung at different levels in my gardens. The blue ones attract thrips/leafminers the yellow ones attract aphids and the white ones attract fungus gnats. This will enable you to identify any actual beasts themselves, the numbers in play and also take some of the little buggers out of the game.

Sticky traps are pretty cheap to buy, last a long time and can withstand heat and water, but if you are a DiY/creative type with lots of time on your hands (like me!), you can make your own sticky traps using small wooden boards painted the corresponding colour (white/yellow/blue) with vaseline smeared on it.

You can also use the corresponding positive predators once you know what you are dealing with. Predators like soil dwelling phoretic mites (Mighty Mite) will kill thrips/ fungus gnats, or the phyto or amblyseiulus predators will kill spider mites. I use amblyseiulus in slow release pouches in all my grows as they don't harm plants, release over 6 weeks and die / disappear if there are no mites to eat, they aren't as hardcore as the phyto, but phyto die too quickly if no mites are present and aren't available early in the year although they can take higher temps. Even though our gardens are the same temp all year round, outdoor gardeners/greenhouses obviously aren't..

As for the stretch, mine normally stretch up until about day 21, but depends on the strain. Some hardly stretch, but others go mental. It's most noticably over night, but I imagine an element of that is due to not seeing them for 12 + hours. I try to keep the night temps up (easier in summer than winter) and keep as small a variation as possible between day and night temp. Eg 25 deg day 20 deg night. I normally run at 27-29 deg C days in the summer as I fire my Sodiums over the daytime hours. If I'm using Co2 on a grow I stop using it during the stretch period as I've seen them super stretch with it. Although Co2 is daytime only, it powers up their growth and everything does more when it's being used.

Girls are looking good though mate. Enjoy the bloom; for me, it's the best part watching them transform from weeds into beautiful flowers.

Thanks dude, very helpful post! Where would you get those predators from btw, a pet store?

As for this being the best time, Im enjoying it but at the same time Im like a kid on Xmas eve in terms of excitedly and impatiently waiting for the pistils and buds to form lol
Dizzy Farmer

Dizzy Farmer

Thanks dude, very helpful post! Where would you get those predators from btw, a pet store?

As for this being the best time, Im enjoying it but at the same time Im like a kid on Xmas eve in terms of excitedly and impatiently waiting for the pistils and buds to form lol

Hi mate

First time is always the best time as you don't quite know what to expect and the journey is the most intense but I still find it magical each and every time.. It never gets boring imho!

Don't think pet shops will stock predators, but Garden Centres often stock them if you live in a decent or more rural area. I live in the city so I have to buy online. Depending on the time of year and stocks I get mine from four different places: ladybirdplantcentre.co.uk, harrodhorticultural.com, defenders.co.uk and dragonfli.co.uk/ There are loads though, just google "natural predators, cannabis" and read up on them. Ladybird Plant Cenre send a little booklet with all the types of pests when you order from them, which I've found quite a handy visual reference guide.

Many people don't like spraying during bloom, so predators are often the only option. I do spray in bloom sometimes, but usually only up to 3 weeks on the buds / whole plant. Beyond that I only do the undersides of leaves (takes bloomin ages) and the stems as the moisture tends to get trapped in the buds even when they have the whole day to evaporate it off. It does depend on the plant's bud structure though. Just got to read the plants and the situation I guess. If the pesticide I use is particularly thick and looks like it's coated the leaves too much and might burn them, then before lights on, I pressure spray the plant/leaves with filtered water with a few ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) to clean them, it also kills bugs. It's good to wash vegatables in to remove pesticides too as it degrades into water and oxygen. I don't put H2o2 into my root zone though as I use beneficial bacteria/fungi and h202 kills them..

happy growing!


Hi mate

First time is always the best time as you don't quite know what to expect and the journey is the most intense but I still find it magical each and every time.. It never gets boring imho!

Don't think pet shops will stock predators, but Garden Centres often stock them if you live in a decent or more rural area. I live in the city so I have to buy online. Depending on the time of year and stocks I get mine from four different places: ladybirdplantcentre.co.uk, harrodhorticultural.com, defenders.co.uk and dragonfli.co.uk/ There are loads though, just google "natural predators, cannabis" and read up on them. Ladybird Plant Cenre send a little booklet with all the types of pests when you order from them, which I've found quite a handy visual reference guide.

Many people don't like spraying during bloom, so predators are often the only option. I do spray in bloom sometimes, but usually only up to 3 weeks on the buds / whole plant. Beyond that I only do the undersides of leaves (takes bloomin ages) and the stems as the moisture tends to get trapped in the buds even when they have the whole day to evaporate it off. It does depend on the plant's bud structure though. Just got to read the plants and the situation I guess. If the pesticide I use is particularly thick and looks like it's coated the leaves too much and might burn them, then before lights on, I pressure spray the plant/leaves with filtered water with a few ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) to clean them, it also kills bugs. It's good to wash vegatables in to remove pesticides too as it degrades into water and oxygen. I don't put H2o2 into my root zone though as I use beneficial bacteria/fungi and h202 kills them..

happy growing!

Im from Ireland so not sure how easy it would be to get any predators here, especially since Im from a small town. Hope I wont need them anyway, and that the thing I seen is just a random harmless insect.


Day 5 Flowering, and the stretch is becoming VERY noticeable:

2014 07 30 190901

Also, at what stage do you start trimming fan leaves? The fan leaves are blocking some of the tops, and even when I tuck them away they pop back up to where they were within a few short hours.

2014 07 30 192104


I don't know what ate the hole in your leaf but the plants look like they are slightly mag deficient...


Yeah thats what I read somewhere too, only Iv been feeding them 350 PPM of magne cal every second day


trying bumping it up to around 500 and see whats happen the next time...


Day 6 Flowering and BOOM!!!!! Seen a few tiny calyx's and even a few small pistils in some of the lower growth on two plants. Im assuming the two plants at the back are the same, cant really get a look at them though due to the tent being wedged!

Im so happy lol

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