Humboldt County afraid of being uprooted from pot perch

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tobor jsut made my day yo

kicking humboldts ass???
this is easily the most ridic statement ive seen on this site yet

name me anyone
outside of PA that will
recognizance it as a good bud state

i say you get 0 votes for that let alone even coming close to beating the emerald trianlge

sorry but theyre beating no one bro
hell im sure as shit that NY state is slaying it harder than you and MD combined bro
get real
true grit

true grit

Yep totally got off topic from discussing the issues facing Cali farmers and legalization... cough cough....


i know people will hate on me but i think that any "legalization" is a step in the right direction. Personally i would love it if dank bud was $100 a pound. sucks you couldnt really support a family on growing anymore but i think it is one of those greater good things. I dont believe in what that wheelchair guy is doing tho. I wouldnt care if tobacco companies started to produce weed, as long as independant growers can still do their thing. No way big tobacco can keep up with us, they may be able to produce something good on a large scale, but look at beer. Mad people still buy Stone brew, or lagunitas and miller or buttwiper is way cheaper. People buy the good stuff tho because they like the more cared for product and giving their money to the people that work hard for it, why wouldnt this follow in marijuana? I think it would lead to danker and safer herbs. shwagg would not be able to sell for any amout of money, not like today where you still get these con men out there that push an inferior product because dank bud may not be available to the person they are trying to pawn off their larf on.


as if we think they can handle this issue
when the clearly cant handle the many many others that they are already dealing it
theyre lookin at this as a cash cow and a way out of the problems they have created

theyve been doing nothing but taking and jailing for years

everything ive seen so far would not get my vote but thats just me...
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

If all the smokers and growers brought themselves and their best weed to the United States of America smoke/grow off IMHO New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey will out smoke the rest of the 47 states COMBINED. We will party hard and so long and consume massive amounts of dope. It is probably because the most colleges per square miles in those 3 states. Hell they might have more than all the other states combined. We get people from every state. They come to schools here, get jobs here and further build our pot growing, pot smoking super team.
The connections in Pa, NY and NJ reach everywhere because they started with Ben Franklin. LOL! Ben was a puffer. Thomas Jefferson was a toker. Half the founding fathers were. Martha Washington made a very potent cannabis Tincture. That was the beginning. Not the West Coast. There was no west coast.
The West Coast is the junior circuit rookie league. Yeah your good but we are the senior league. We have everything there is to have and always have. We just didn't flaunt it. We just grow, smoke and sell it like we always have. Low key under the radar. While we wait patiently hoping the west coast will challenge us to a smoke off.


There are other places that the economy counts on weed. Not just Humboldt. Places like Kentucky also come to mind. Come to think of it those Kentucky boys and Florida boys could be tough to beat.

I say make it totally legal for recreational use. Period! No card needed unless you are under 18 and actually have a real medical reason.


Tobor I wouldn't doubt it.. For sure there is the super kill underground somehwere in the US and it's gonna stay that way most liklely even if MMJ law come into effect. Why fuck a good thing up? Every Dead or Phish show I went to in State College, PA basically they had some of the best nugs in the world by far always. That don't mean the dude I seen was from there but it was a coincidence. Like kid twist says no names no witnesses just the kill. You start asking to many questions on the east coast people think you po's. And crystal meth production is going up either way son I hate to tell you, and when you take that weed bread away something else will fill that void believe it. I know all you got in your head is you galloping on a horse away from the weed store into the sunset smoking a clear wrapper but this law effects more than you think.

The lee initiative claims Mexican drug cartels would be instantly put out of business should Cali choose to regulate cannabis. But the truth is, these cartels will just refocus their products upon different markets. If marijuana no longer becomes profitable for them in Cali, they will simply sell other drugs like meth, heroin and cocaine to make up any lost revenues. Their cannabis products will find their way into middle America, where the demand still exists. The truly powerful and well connected cartels will use California's new cannabis laws against us to open legal cultivation and retail facilities, then funnel the proceeds out of state. In order to put drug cartels out of business, we would have to legalize and control all illegal drug sales, not just cannabis.


I live in Northern Humboldt. I know allot of grower's. From super large warehouse space to a person growing in a tent. Till, they write out some clear guidelines that won't destroy local farmers and growers. I will be voting a big fat "NO".

Big business is going to kill the local grower's no matter what. Mark my words and I will say I told you so. Guidelines have to be written clearly or its over before it begins.

I watched so may grower's this morning loading trucks, trailers, and u-haul trucks with soil this morning. It was crazy and you could see the amount of business these guys bring. If big business takes this over.

All the local business. Ace, grow stores, target, safeway, etc. will take a big hit and maybe go out of business. Without all the cash coming in. The car lots are going to take a major hit also. Businesses will fold.

Till they put a safeguard in for local farmer's. I know a tons of people and growers that are voting no.

Just what I think about this. I live in the middle of allot of big growers and they are freaking. Will see what happens soon enough.

Take care,


Well-Known Farmer
My take is the vote will be close so get the word out everywhere! We may not be able to stop it in the long run but we can make a difference in just how the law will change.I`d rather it be decriminalized myself. When it does come if we are first to pass a law amoung the states biz will just go over the Cali boarder more until to many other states also change there laws.That day will happen also.Get going on making a living with new products such as canna soaps, creams, oils,ect.Get your name established now! But put up the good fight! When the changes do happen lets make the laws fair to everyone,not just corp.America! Write your local papers,spread the news on the internet and everywhere you look! We can cry or we can do what ever we can to slow this down and make sure when it does come that it is written with a great deal of though and discushion.


Even if the bill passes, there will still be a black market.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I am just playing a bit. I don't have any real opinion on what Humboldt county growers should do or want. I don't know what the best scenario is for them.

I myself want legal recreational weed.

Dan K

i would like to see more california genetics available to the public. you know, send them to wherever over the pond so that folks from the states can run them not from the west. i know several people deep in the triangle holding onto sacred genes. it would be nice to see some of these kind folks make a business move and form seed companies, before big business steps in. maybe cut down on all the drama and fakers ripping us off. i respected Soma before making a move on norcal. i think by creating a seed company advertising as if your from the hum, is a slap in the face to the "real" hippies holding it down in a very unfriendly united states. there will be plenty of others profitting from this. it's time to band the fam together and make some moves. i'm just speaking from an outsiders point of view. i love northern california but i don't live there.


I have never heard anybody but myself bring up this important fact.

There is NO INFRASTRUCTURE / MACHINERY / TRAINED WORKFORCE to make this happen. Cannabis for smoking is a very specialized crop, hemp machinery just jams up and breaks down. I really doubt it would happen for at least 1-2 years even after any kind of legalization bill passed.

This would for sure bring humboldt, mendo, trinity counties down in a hurry to something resembling Deliverance.

I don't even believe humboldt and mendo are great spots for growing because of the climate, they are going off because of the political climate and remote location. Inland, and in the sierras is much much better land for growing dense and frosty buds. I grew a crop in shasta last year and took it back to humboldt and it was heads above anything else in town.


I doubt tobor lives in any state he mentioned I know I don't and I agree completely. Cheech did time in PA for slangin glass why? Because they get it in there, illadelph is one of the best bong companys out there where are they located at?? Don't forget WV, Kentucky, and Fla and tennesee. Vermont and Mass. Virginia, damn I could go forever but like I said best glass I found out west was in Oregon. They do very good work and have nice nugs. U dudes that never left ca are funny, I've personally seen people from CA in other states smoke bud at a concert and say "Man I wish I could get shit like this out CA". Real talk. The only difference is finding a solid person to get the killer from out of MMJ states. People in non MMJ states are ghosts and damn near impossible to find. Fractal Mt shasta is a beautiful place bro, you ran some ladys there ey? I bet they turned out righteous, watch out for wildfires this year peeps. People don't post for security reason in non med states. Not to mention they don't wanna form a cult like the chemdog and OG did. They just wanna enjoy there chron drama free. Without dickriders msging em like wanna trade!!!! Marinate on that. Also if you CA dudes could be kind enough and tell me just exactly what you contributed to the herb game I'd appreciate it besides 50 OG S1s and don't say bubba kush because as another man who actually was able to source that cut in another thread said "Ya it's kinda obvious there isn't that many people in CA named Bubba" lol so true. Most of those cuts are probrably from other states and renamed, I know when I sent cuts to my CA boy his people renamed em. Gotta have Purp or kush in it or it won't sell lol that's how lame.. Ah well off rant.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I am actually a Pennsylvania Hillbilly. Even in the boondocks I was able to assemble quite a few elite clones over the years thanks to the internet ganja sites and the breeders provided some elite type genetics.

If you really want something and have the balls to make the trades and get the seeds sent to you anybody in any state can have everything they want.


Can this thread please stay on topic....the fact is every state can have the chron and it isnt even native to north america so what are you really arguing about...? The fact is if you not in a med state and well connected or to lazy to do some foot work your prob guna get shwag due to the underground nature....


I live in Cali and at first I was against this vote cause I thought the price of the lb would go down a lot, however after really looking at the market and at this bill I have decided to vote for YES for it! We live in America! not the middle east so whoever doesn't support a free market society with competition needs to move with the rest of the crazy people of the world ! secondly, only the Mountain people of counties like humboldt, mendo and huge farmers will suffer greatly from this bill and they should! I have friends in garberville, ca who make 500,000-$1,000,000 a year on growing outdoor buds, you can easily achieve 2-3lbs per plant and legally grow 99 plants per patient with just $300 of overhead per lb including trimmers, and selling it at $2400-$3000 a lb which personally outdoor should be $1000 lb or cheaper, I live in the bay, I have a legal collective and we grow in a warehouse, yes prices have gone down to the whole seller who middle mans the medication but if you grow og kush or any elite strain indoors prices are still $4000-$4500 lb whole sale and $50-$60 an 1/8 at the medical stores in the bay, the marijuana business is going in the right direction, tax and regulate, I personally as a patient would rather smoke 1 pound of indoor og kush then 10lbs of some outdoor, even if its grown all organic by some southern humbodlt master grower, and the market reflects that also, prices for indoor og kush are still $75 an 1/8 at stores like the farmacy, herbal solutions, and other stores in LA... my point is this bill will make the humboldt growers and massive farmers to start concentrating on quality instead of quantity... does any1 from cali agree? or disagree? and why?

What you have to understand is that i dont think any one in cali is actually against legalization...its the way this bill is written....competion is one thing but what if the restrictions cause only a hand full of corporations to exist in the industry ?

Please answer these questions :
1. Were is it written that the MMJ laws will be in effect in lieu of this bill.
2. Where does it state how you will be able to apply for commercial licenture.
3. what restrictions are placed on comercial growers limits and standards. (chemical pestacides ?Genetic modifications?)
4. as kushpheen stated : what constitutes smoking with a minor present? I mean im sure i can get tilted on some 151 in front of as many children as possible and be scott free. WTF ?
5. can you grow in you lil ccramed as 5x5 if minors live in the same house?
6. what if you live next to a school?
7.will 18 and over patients be able to access medicine?

I can go on and on about the hole in this initiative...the only thing that it does guarantee is that big business can get involved

nor cali farmer

highlander your way off base if it cost 300 a bow to grow i'd be one rich dude im not. try about 1000. if your going to post prices then atleast do some research. peace thc joe
j wizzle

j wizzle

What you have to understand is that i dont think any one in cali is actually against legalization...its the way this bill is written....competion is one thing but what if the restrictions cause only a hand full of corporations to exist in the industry ?

Please answer these questions :
1. Were is it written that the MMJ laws will be in effect in lieu of this bill.
2. Where does it state how you will be able to apply for commercial licenture.
3. what restrictions are placed on comercial growers limits and standards. (chemical pestacides ?Genetic modifications?)
4. as kushpheen stated : what constitutes smoking with a minor present? I mean im sure i can get tilted on some 151 in front of as many children as possible and be scott free. WTF ?
5. can you grow in you lil ccramed as 5x5 if minors live in the same house?
6. what if you live next to a school?
7.will 18 and over patients be able to access medicine?

I can go on and on about the hole in this initiative...the only thing that it does guarantee is that big business can get involved

anyone have a link to the exact bill? the house bill that was voted on wasnt that bad, but everyone here hated that too. im sure its somewhat similar. but alot of people dont even read the bill, they hear richard lee and big biz and get scared to death.

if you are a good grower, you will still thrive. there is always going to be a connoisseur market. the only people who are going to get hurt are the ones growing outdoor-whatever buds.

the answers below are from the house bill, but im sure if i read through the actual bill, i could answer those questions as well.

1. Were is it written that the MMJ laws will be in effect in lieu of this bill.

doesnt make sense. maybe you meant WHAT and not THAT

2. Where does it state how you will be able to apply for commercial licenture.

$5000 for license, $2500 for renewal each year...seems very fair to me

3. what restrictions are placed on comercial growers limits and standards. (chemical pestacides ?Genetic modifications?)

not sure
4. as kushpheen stated : what constitutes smoking with a minor present? I mean im sure i can get tilted on some 151 in front of as many children as possible and be scott free. WTF ?

you shouldnt be able to smoke anything in front of children, this is the same for cigs. unless youre taking that 151 & spitting it at the children, it has no effect on them. 2nd hand smoke kills....thats a fact

5. can you grow in you lil ccramed as 5x5 if minors live in the same house?

not sure about this one either, but commerical growers have to provide security of some type.

6. what if you live next to a school?

as long as its inside your residence, you are OK

7.will 18 and over patients be able to access medicine?

i think it was 21....could be wrong though

all i know is this, i havent read the bill, so im not sure how im voting just yet.

but prohibition made the bootleggers rich. sure they made a fortune when it was illegal, but the ones who did it correctly made even more money.

i dont even think this will pass, its going to take 3-4 more bills before we actually legalize it. i think its a good thing to have it legalized, its a step in the right direction at least


I live in Cali and at first I was against this vote cause I thought the price of the lb would go down a lot, however after really looking at the market and at this bill I have decided to vote for YES for it! We live in America! not the middle east so whoever doesn't support a free market society with competition needs to move with the rest of the crazy people of the world ! secondly, only the Mountain people of counties like humboldt, mendo and huge farmers will suffer greatly from this bill and they should! I have friends in garberville, ca who make 500,000-$1,000,000 a year on growing outdoor buds, you can easily achieve 2-3lbs per plant and legally grow 99 plants per patient with just $300 of overhead per lb including trimmers, and selling it at $2400-$3000 a lb which personally outdoor should be $1000 lb or cheaper, I live in the bay, I have a legal collective and we grow in a warehouse, yes prices have gone down to the whole seller who middle mans the medication but if you grow og kush or any elite strain indoors prices are still $4000-$4500 lb whole sale and $50-$60 an 1/8 at the medical stores in the bay, the marijuana business is going in the right direction, tax and regulate, I personally as a patient would rather smoke 1 pound of indoor og kush then 10lbs of some outdoor, even if its grown all organic by some southern humbodlt master grower, and the market reflects that also, prices for indoor og kush are still $75 an 1/8 at stores like the farmacy, herbal solutions, and other stores in LA... my point is this bill will make the humboldt growers and massive farmers to start concentrating on quality instead of quantity... does any1 from cali agree? or disagree? and why?

I read the bill briefly and believe if your not a dispensary
ur only allowed to grow 5x5 area
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