Insane in the Membrane

  • Thread starter ProGroWannabe
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Premium Member
Bro thats the the best floro grow I've seen so far:party


WOW thanks man! I'm sure trying to maximize the light as best I can. I think that one can definitely "get by" with less light than most are accustomed to, but you really DO have to manipulate the plants somehow so that they can be as close to that light source as possible. These plants would look like shit if I'd just grown them vertically. But by bending them over, the lower buds aren't suffering from light starvation like they would be if grown in a traditional style.


Premium Member
Everything I grow I LST and I think thats the only way to get the most outta your crop when its in a perfect enviorment


Well you definitely have your grows dialed in, so that's some sage advice right there!


Progro, I just read through this and you are an inspiration to a lot of us. Amazing what you are doing with sativas under a flouro!!!! Definitely taking notes here. great job!!!!


Gee thanks herby! I figured it could be done....whether "I" could pull it off or not, I wasn't so Things are really working out well though.

I may get lucky. These WH's may finish just a tad sooner than I expected.....stay tuned!


Here's a few more shots taken just a few minutes ago for y'all. The single budshot is of the lower buds of the Wonder Haze. This particular plant is the earliest-maturing one in the cabinet, so it will be featured a bit more than the others till it gets the chop. Oh....BTW, I found another spider for you Logic!! I think she's pregnant. Look at how massively swelled her underside is.
Sea of Hazes 9 27
Wonder Haze 9 27


Premium Member
I'm not saying this because you and I are friends but thats the most bad ass floro grow I've seen . I've seen nice floro bud's but I know how hard you had to work to make this set up work and to get those sativas trained to make it happen that makes this awesome fo sho:party:nod:flower



Looking amazing PGW - you are an inspiration....(not the spiders) :)


Zoo...thank you bro...:blush It HAS been a great deal of work. I retie them almost daily because of all the side branches are continually shooting up toward the light. The main stalks have stopped stretching, but these side-shoots are keeping me on my toes. about the spiders. Sorry man, but it looks like I have lots spiders outside here where I live. Ya wanna come for a visit? Just kidding with ya!

As for being an inspiration, thank you for that. I'm really just hoping to prove a little personal hypothesis of mine. It's my belief that floros and LED's can grow bud almost as good as HPS, but the grower HAS TO change his/her grow style. In this grow, it was obvious to me from the start that the lower penetration of the floro fixture made it a necessity to LST these long-stretching sativas if they had any chance of yielding a decent amount of bud. Furthermore, with the use of LST, I was able to fill the space with budsites as opposed to having tall, spindly, sparsely budding plants. Had I grown them "o'naturale" under this floro, they would have looked horrible by now. Not to mention I would have ran out of vertical space a month ago.

We still have a little bit of time left for things to change--for the better or the worse--but I really think that things are gonna turn out alright.

Also, the Wonder Haze pictured above is almost done!! From looking at them last night, I'd say that 20% of the trichs are cloudy. I'm gonna harvest once most of the trichs are cloudy.....afterall this IS haze we're talking about, so I want it to be a wicked head-high.


Premium Member
I'm not saying this because you and I are friends but thats the most bad ass floro grow I've seen.
PGW, I've gotta agree with Zoo on this. Fanfuckingtastic fluoro show. Especially strong results give the seed stock and people's fears about sativas and/or fluoros.

It's my belief that floros and LED's can grow bud almost as good as HPS, but the grower HAS TO change his/her grow style. In this grow, it was obvious to me from the start that the lower penetration of the floro fixture made it a necessity to LST these long-stretching sativas if they had any chance of yielding a decent amount of bud.
A word on this topic, if you don't mind. I had vegged plants under normal t12 shoplights for 12 years before I recently jumped to a doctored up, 4 foot, 4 bulb, t8 fixture that's meant to be hard wired into a drop ceiling. I couldn't believe the difference in growth from t12 to t8, major fucking difference!

I wonder how much of the results should be attributed to your use of t5's vs t8 & t12. Obviously, no fluoros can match the light penetration of HPS or even MH and a short profile through LST is a requirement for a decent yield, but the density of the bud is what has to be compared when looking at HPS vs. fluoro. Seems pretty even to me. I look forward to seeing a dried specimen.

I think this is exactly the kind of thread that convinces non-growing visitors to stop and think, I could do that! Kudos man. Great effort in an area where most are scared to tread: sats under fluoros.

Inspirational, +1 fosho


Hey thanks hererisssh! You make a very good point with the difference in T8 vs. T5 statement.

The only notable difference I'm seeing right now is that of internodal length. There "seems" to be a little more distance between the internodes generally speaking. HOWEVER, I have to take that with a grain of salt since this is my first run with any of these strains. So maybe they would appear nearly the same with another lighting source....I dunno.

The density point that you made is another really good point. Again, "what I'm seeing" is what I think to be a smal difference in what I think these might do with HPS. But that difference is very small, if there really is a difference at all.

I'll get some close-ups in a few more hours once the light comes on, in an attempt to give you a better view of these two points....internodal length and bud density. I'm not the best with the camera, but I'll do what I can.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts hererisssh.


Premium Member
Glad to add to a great thread pgw. :yes

I think the hps still yields more and develops a more dense bud, but is the cost worth it? As these light sources advance the answer will soon be no if you're looking to grow for your personal pleasure.

I'm sticking with my hps for now, but if I was starting up right now I would seriously consider a 4/8 bulb 4 foot T5 fluoro as my flowering lamp.


I couldn't agree more h-man. FWIW...I've really been going back and forth trying to decide if I wanna go back to HPS or not. Don't get me wrong, I love my floro fixture. But there have been a few changes in my world lately, and yield has become "more" important than it used to be. No biggie, just a little more important is all.

I'm also considering just adding more floros too. The HPS has many benefits, but the heat is pretty intense near the bulb. The floros generate approx. the same amount of heat, but it is spread out over the length of the fixture so there is no real point of concentration, or hotspot. Ahhhh decisions, decisions. I may just decide to be a rebel and pull some weird shit out of the bag......we'll see.


Here ya go h-man. I hope these pics will help to clarify the points you brought up....for better or worse...
Wonder Haze 9 30
Wonder Haze side branch bud 9 30
Whole Haze Community 9 30
Wonder Haze lower bud 9 30
PP side branch 9 30
Another PP side branch 9 30
And Another PP side branch 9 30


Premium Member
I don't think it's better or worse bro just less or more at this point. I'd be happy to arrive at show and tell those frosty, sat hybrids.


lol @ show and tell! I wish I could show some of you friends in person, but I'm a bit of a recluse. Online is about as close as I get to havin a bunch of friends. I almost envy those that have "grow-friends". I tried that once early on, and apparently I had no REAL friends cuz they were way too mouthy.

Anyhow, pop on in here to the thread anytime bro. Your always welcome.

GDS StonerBoy

HOLY SHIT BRO! Sea of NUGS! Very very nice homie, im taking notes and learning how to LST from your grow. As you know i have some going in a tub similar to yours and need to try this training. Been going good so far but no where near as good as your's is going. I think it'll get better once i pull the males, that should free up some space.

You've been talking alot about hps but man i gotta tell ya those buds look like there gonna have a nice size to them. They are really packing on the weight, i'm sure hps would probably make them a little denser but hell like i said the fluoro's seem to be doing a damn good job as well.

Good shit homie, keep it up!


Thanks bro! Good to see ya in here again.

As far as training goes...I try to ensure that the budsites themselves are getting all the light I can give them. Personally, I place more importance on the buds getting light than I do ANY fan leaves. I bet I've pulled at least 2 oz's of fan leaves from the girls to ensure as much light penetration as possible. If I hadn't, it would be top buds only in there instead of what is actually there.

Also, I don't want to come off wrong here.....I've learned a ton about the finer aspects of LST from this very grow. It's not like I'm the kung-fu-LST I'm just learnin a technique like everyone else. But I sure am enjoying the results of this lil experiment so far!
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