Insane in the Membrane

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Premium Member
WOW!! Man those are some nice nugs on that floro!! I am a believer now!! That is really cool. The LST is soo beneficial and works so well! K+ Good Job


Hey thanks purkle! And yeah LST just makes a good plant so much better.


Premium Member
Man, i was always scared of growing hazes because of height limitations in my tent... :D

Very nice show!


Hey bon!! Thanks for poppin in man. Yeah, I think this lil experiment is showing what I was really only hoping for....that with LST one can grow any plant they want in their usual grow space. I definitely wasn't sure how well this was gonna work when I started it. But I think it's close enough to finishing now, to say that it is a success in terms of the original experimental goal.


pic update

Here's a new update for you guys since you've all been so encouraging..ty..ty..ty.

The first Wonder Haze is getting chopped tonight!! The trichs have been cloudy for several days and when I checked tonight at lights-on, I saw amber, so chop, chop!

The rest of the greenery is doing pretty good as well. See for yourselves and make up your own minds:happy:happy.
One More Overall
Overall SoHs
Overall SoHsSideView
Wonder Haze  10 2
Wonder Haze  lower bud 10 2
PP Main Cola 10 2
OHaze x Sk1 10 2

GDS StonerBoy

Jesus bro thats a fugging tub of bud! When they're all done you might have a couple of ounces there. The rest look like there filling out nicely, those PP's should put on some real weight in the coming weeks.

When you get a chance how about dropping some chop pics?!


Sure thing ma brutha! It'll be later on tonight when I get to snippin, but I'll get the pics up here fo sho.

GDS StonerBoy

I'm gonna hang around to see the shots of the WH chop. I think those fluoro buds might be just as dense if not as dense as hps buds.


Premium Member
Great show pgw. Love the profile shot vs the overhead.


Harvest Shots...

Here's that first WH at harvest. Bet you guys will be glad to see this one done so I'll be posting pics of somethin

She yielded 3 zips should be about a zip dry give or take. I'm very well pleased for a Haze strain under a floro!
Christmas tree
Wonder Haze Top Cola
Another Top

GDS StonerBoy

:surprised 12/12 from seed under fluoro's :lipssealed ! Dude i knew they were nice but i had no clue they were like that! I think your bout to pull of some pretty nice numbers for fluoro's once the rest are chopped.

T5's definitely have my respect now! I cant give all the respect to the lights though, it takes a pretty skilled grower to pull this off!

Great Job Bro! Cant wait to have a nug in my bowl!


Premium Member
T5's definitely have my respect now! I cant give all the respect to the lights though, it takes a pretty skilled grower to pull this off!
That sums it up well GDS. Nice haul there pgw :yes

Is this your first time growing wonder haze? What kind of stink did she have?


Yeah h-man, this my first time with all 3 of these. I think that this pheno has way more potential than I was able to exploit on this first run, so I cut two clones about a week ago (once I knew this was the best WH pheno for yield) and am now waiting for it to root. Since it was so far into flower, it's gonna take it a bit longer, but I expect it will, in fact root OK. We'll see.

I knew someone was gonna ask about the smell and I am terrible at describing But, to me it has a mild smell similar to pine sap. There is definitely no chemical, fruit, or fuel smell. Nothing overpowering at all, just the nice inviting smell of good weed.


:dance take me into insanity:dance

:cool handsome as progrow! and i mean handsome:yes


Thanks for poppin in Monkfish!

I'll try to get some more pics up for you guys tonight when the lights come back on.


Well, I don't know what happened to the pics that I thought I had uploaded, but they appear to be gone...?

Here they are again:
Overall View 10 6
Wonder Haze Tops 10 6

GDS StonerBoy

Wow those WH tops are fuggin Nice PG! Whats the chop date on the rest of the WH's or are you just gonna go off of trich color?


Premium Member
I said it once and I'll say it again and again , this is one badassssssss T5 grow and now you made me wanna do a SOG with a set I have for a spare:yes


Thanks for all the support guys!

GDS...Hey bro, the answer to your question has two sides grasshopper, I'm gonna watch the trich's till 10-18. Whether they are part amber, or just all cloudy, they're gettin the axe. You know my situation. I HAVE TO make room.

Zoo...Yo holmes, I'd love to see you rock a SoG with your floro! I say do it, man. But one word of caution that I learned with this grow, the more stretch they have, the more work will be required to manage them. It seems relatively obvious to say that, but if I had grown low-stretch indicas in there, my workload would have been cut 75%!! There have been times that I spent over an hour parked in front of that little tub just tying, analyzing, then retying, just to keep the maximium amount of light hitting the most budsites. Way more work than a typical HPS grow. But I've been learning the whole way.

Since I've already blabbed this long, I'll continue with the update that was suppose to go in here the other night when my browser took a shit....

As I stated above, I have learned a great deal in this grow. The first thing on the list of things I've learned is that there are too many plants in the tub. I got a little over excited, perhaps I underestimated the lateral branching that would later occur, but the end result is the same....too many plants sharing the same number of lumens. I had envisioned several plants growing horizontally from one end of the tub to the other. I fully anticipated a long stretch period. However, what I hadn't counted on was that all the space between the plants would be absolutely smothered in side branches. Remember, I had already removed two males early on, plus one extremely stretchy O.Haze x Sk1 female that thought the entire cabinet was hers and hers alone. That's three additional plants that were in there......way too many. So if anyone else is trying to pick up tips from this grow about growing under a floro WATCH YOUR PLANT COUNT!

Item number two that I learned in this grow is that I should have waited to start the LST until I'd ran out of vertical space. British Hempire posted in the early pages here, that he had good grows before by letting the plants reach their maximum allowable height before starting LST, but I was already doing LST on these at that time. Obviously what happened was that I inadvertantly made my space limitations worse. By LST'ing so soon, the plants responded with lateral branching-----before the stretch was over---this caused these side branches to explode toward the light. Now, not only was I having to tie down the tops, but the side branches had to be tied down too, further decreasing space under the footprint of the fixture.

This leads me to another issue that floro growers need to be keenly aware of and that is the footprint of the fixture. I had expected this but still didn't fully realize it's impact until plants started to grow outside of the fixture's footprint. The problem with this, is that as stated above, I was already short on room. Now I had to bend plants further inward to keep them from being in "the shade". But, with other bud/budsites already there, I had to choose which ones were gonna get shaded. I DID NOT want to do this since it most definitely had a negative impact on yield. But I had no choice. So I arranged the plants/side branches so that the ones that would finish first would be the ones nearest to the light. This way, when the earlier-finishers were done, the longer-flowering plants still had some time to soak up some unshared light at the most critical time..the last few weeks.

All in all, it's been a great grow so far. I'm well pleased with the fixture's performance. It's not an HPS-yield-creating-monster, but it does what it's suppose to do quite well really....grow healthy plants. There are better strains available to suit the fixture and it's lower intensity. But I really wanted to push the envelope here, and try something with the fixture that most would say was a waste of time--hazes under a floro. But I can tell ya from the small tester bud that I smoked the other night, this grow has been WELL WORTH IT!

Till next time....rock on farmers!

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