Cucumber and zucchini but I added trays of Cilantro and Coriander (Cilantro is all leaf, no luck trying to clone and Coriander flowers producing the common round seed pod. Cilantro for salsa, Coriander for soups and Crock Pot cooking) and jalapeno and Serranos, I make a killer fermented green sauce and sunflowers, the mammoth. Can't get the sunset to pop. I had those in a box of soil one year 8-9' tall with 30-40 flowers. Still trying to get cantaloupe and small watermelons to pop and survive. 1 lope and 2 1/2 water, damn slugs and snails. They get into my hot box and somehow into covered trays at night. I use to have some pipe up there but things are expanding. I've got 8 GDP about a week old that need to go into solos and into the garden. I've been threatening to do it the past couple days. Maybe tonight.
Oh yeah, I teansplanted 3 Beefmaster tomato cuts into 3 gal pots earlier. It never ends