Legit experienced growers enter here.

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i will repeat what i have said in another thread:

if i show you some plants that had 20%rh and some other plants that had 70%rh you won't really notice any difference in growth rate.

like gnick said vpd is about optimization , it's nothing critical when it to come to have a vigorous and healthy growth when some other factor like proper watering pratice and proper wet dry cycle for roots are dialed in.
For more experienced growers, yes, but new growers should really have an understanding of environmental factors and setups because it will give them a foundation to build on moving forward


Watering properly is probably considered the toughest thing for new growers to learn, and takes time and practice. Environmental setup can be learned ahead of time and implemented to limit the possible problems when they arrive and make it easier to diagnose.

Just my opinion, like I said before, I'm just a novice🤷‍♂️


LOL.....science deniers. Very good. Carry on.
it’s not science deniers as i tend to side with science,. though over history science has changed its outcomes many times, over the years changing the results,. but than there’s experience,..
my pet peeve or beef is with all these modern strains since 1990 ish, with that came a different high/stone that wasn’t no where near as good as the stuff we were getting since starting which was basically all landrace strains, since 1990 ish it’s all been indoor breeding based on someone else’s opinion of what’s good,. no fucking way,
never smoked weed again and since than just imported hashish and oil,. until recent law changes,..
i believe (hahaha) that government had already corrupted the future of breeding by 1990,. that’s why we all need to have true landraces collections before they are all destroyed,.. when you breed something there is a gain and a loss, no way around it,.


I ♥ fat colas
Watering properly is probably considered the toughest thing for new growers to learn, and takes time and practice. Environmental setup can be learned ahead of time and implemented to limit the possible problems when they arrive and make it easier to diagnose.

Just my opinion, like I said before, I'm just a novice🤷‍♂️
I think that and lighting as well


I'm going to just leave one more thought and then leave this thread to the legit growers.

I learned and studied for 2 years to catch up on all of the current information in growing before germinating my first seed. But I have been around growers since high school, we had an aquaponics with HPS setup. I have argued these same things with my buddies that grow because I'm all about simplicity. I wanted an easy, just water way to grow.

I had 1 thing to learn properly because I researched and educated myself, how to water correctly. I've then worked on dialing in my setup and environment. Maybe I'm the exception to the rule, but it made my experience so much easier.


How about, if you really want to compare, you (the master grower) provide the genetic and we can have a comparison grow. I'm down, are you.
Nah, you're the type of grower I try to avoid.


Everyone jumped on the trigger word "VPD" and negated that I was only advocating for educating new growers over "that's too much information." Go back read every post I made in this thread. I asked questions that were answered by attacking the questioner rather than the question.

Now he is implying I'm sort of grower he avoids, figure it would be nice for the other growers that are like me to know so they can avoid him🤷‍♂️


Wow! What a thread! I just caught up from page 8 and saved some quotes along the way. Overall, in my opinion, I'd say it's important to separate opinion from knowledge.

Kinda four really, soil, no till, Hydro/coco.
Need to separate organic soil and synthetic soil growing.

I gotta say majority of the people that I help usually it’s through PM, normally they are getting too many mixed suggestions and just go and message me instead, which I’m fine with
Understood. Basically, it means letting one person provide the help. I suppose we would call that mentoring. It doesn't need to be done via PMs, though.

Pro tip, chloramine does not evaporate,
Vitamin C can neutralize chlorine and chloramine.

A NG could grow their whole veg without monitoring their humidity and be just fine.
Or, they could have problems. Such statements are often misleading. Universal truths are rare.

Remember, we're talking about New Growers. They don't know anything.
Seriously! Have you assessed the capabilities of every new grower on the planet?

no one's going to grow those like a scientist
I do.

academia is a very corrupt institution
That's insulting. I spent most of my working life in academia. You won't find any human endeavor that lacks corruption, but to condemn so many people in a single statement saddens me. I wasn't corrupt.

I think everyone can agree that growing comes down to 4 basic elements: lighting, watering, nutrients, and environment.
Well... Just a slight correction... The word "environment" can be all-encompassing. Lighting is part of the plant's environment. So, too, are temperature and humidity.

when you breed something there is a gain and a loss, no way around it
I've thought about that occasionally over the years. My conclusion is breeding other species (and occasionally our own species) is a fundamental part of being human. Just stop and consider all the plants and animals humans have bred for their own purposes: cats, dogs, cattle, corn (and many other vegetables), etc. Is it a surprise that cannabis is included in that group? Lamenting the loss of nature in its purest form is quite understandable, but, at the same time, unavoidable. Indeed, space travel may require specialized breeds of plants, but it may also require breeding specialized humans.

Go back in history and look at the number of time Science was wrong, so I look at it with a critical eye, i agree with a lot and disagree with a lot but I go my own road
Go back in history and look at the number of times science has been correct. Science is "the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained." (Oxford) Basically, science is a disciplined process for the accumulation of knowledge. It cannot be an immutable body of knowledge until everything that can be known is known, and we're a long way away from that being the case. I have pondered, however, what it would be like to know everything that is knowable. I suspect it would be boring.

Ah! The conversation continued as I wrote this.


@LoveGrowingIt , I agree about lighting being part of environment, I separated because of the emphasis new growers and the industry put on it. Far too many people have fallen for the "more light means more buds" sales programming🤣


@LoveGrowingIt , I agree about lighting being part of environment, I separated because of the emphasis new growers and the industry put on it. Far too many people have fallen for the "more light means more buds" sales programming🤣
That's where DLI comes into play but it has three letters in its acronym and it sounds sciency...must be bullshit......🤣


Think this all just boils down to a difference of approach on teaching "new growers"

Some "new growers" research on their own and it can help them tremendously and they are almost instantly "intermediate" because of their efforts/ability to sift through all the information and make it work for them

Other "new growers" are overwhelmed by the same information and need 👌 reassurance that things will be okay.

Agree that all resources should be available as that personally worked better for me to figure things out

Simultaneously I understand that not everyone is the same. Different strokes for different folks.

Maybe come to an agreement that you are both right in your own way and use your powers for the greater good?


Think this all just boils down to a difference of approach on teaching "new growers"

Some "new growers" research on their own and it can help them tremendously and they are almost instantly "intermediate" because of their efforts/ability to sift through all the information and make it work for them

Other "new growers" are overwhelmed by the same information and need 👌 reassurance that things will be okay.

Agree that all resources should be available as that personally worked better for me to figure things out

Simultaneously I understand that not everyone is the same. Different strokes for different folks.

Maybe come to an agreement that you are both right in your own way and use your powers for the greater good?
I fully stand behind this


@LoveGrowingIt , I agree about lighting being part of environment, I separated because of the emphasis new growers and the industry put on it. Far too many people have fallen for the "more light means more buds" sales programming🤣
Yep! I agree.

That's where DLI comes into play but it has three letters in its acronym and it sounds sciency...must be bullshit......🤣
That got a good laugh out of me! Thanks for that. 😍
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