Lets see your 2020 Outdoor Plants!

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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
I think there's benefits to be obtained from both philosophy, and if the dirt has excellent drainage, and you can keep your microorganism counts high, and the pH stable though to the end, your in an excellent position to have massive harvest.

I've never seen a 20 foot hydro setup, nor a 20 footer growing out from a bucket, not once. (not to say it's not possible). But I've seen them growing out of the ground this way on several occasions.

That in itself, speaks for end results. Call me (over) analytical all you want, if that's meant to be an insult of some type, but I don't think organic methods are over "Hyped"
Big tree main small for web
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One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
G'day farmers it's spring here in Tassie and I'm right on schedule for my outdoor grow 2020/2021 still a little chilly out so there under my skylight in the grow shed getting started , running my Strawberry Lights and my Guiding Lights #1's . Let's see what the summer grow op brings please give me a male .....
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Don't plagiarize someone else's farm with your own. I'm familiar with the grows posted. None are yours I'm sure.
People have their methods organic or not.


Heya farmer one thing to keep in mind for next year is Bigger pots= Bigger roots= Bigger fruits!! Take care!

Not necessarily true always! I am using 1 gallon pots (half filled with local top soil and miracle grow mix) and I have 7ft tall plants!

I’m a first time grower making a million newbie mistakes and I am still doing “ok” I think.
C9A68128 DD4F 4F72 80A8 FCD225E79FAA
2BBE3D4B AE0D 4FF7 8558 DAEB20D6D681


I would hit that first plant with a bit of potassium if you haven't done so already. They all look really good.
Thank you so much for all the information Frankster! I'd love to be able to hit that first plant with some potassium but unfortunately I'm broke and can't afford anything. I have panic disorder and GAD and i absolutely hate using it as an 'excuse' for this but I've never been able to work because of it, it's not that I haven't wanted to whatsoever because boy do I want to and thankfully I've found the right medication such as cannabis and a few other pharmaceutical medications. I've actually applied for Walmart a few weeks ago and that would be my first job, so hopefully I get it!
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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
Thank you so much for all the information Frankster! I'd love to be able to hit that first plant with some potassium but unfortunately I'm broke and can't afford anything. I have panic disorder and GAD and i absolutely hate using it as an 'excuse' for this but I've never been able to work because of it, it's not that I haven't wanted to whatsoever because boy do I want to and thankfully I've found the right medication such as cannabis and a few other pharmaceutical medications. I've actually applied for Walmart a few weeks ago and that would be my first job, so hopefully I get it!
Don't feel badly about that. Lot's of people are in the same boat, except they might not have come to terms with it, or are simply in denial about stuff like that. I've worked most of my younger life, served in the military, went to school and was "functional" for 20 years after tjat, but have since developed a very similar situation in my own life. (PTSD) and Bipolar disorder. People get isolated, bad things happen in the world and life can be a constant uphill battle, it's a crap shoot.

I get panicked now days for the craziest reasons, just try and make it one day at a time, that's all that matters for me anymore. My wife depends on me (she has refractory epilepsy that's intractable, or drug-resistant epilepsy). Lot's of people even struggle with all sorts of problems. When my mom died a few years back, that hit me especially hard, because she worked really hard for her entire life, was a great person, kind, thoughtful, considerate, intelligent, productive. She finally made it into retirement, built her dream home in Florida, along the coast. Then died the very next year... Life doesn't always make sense, and I've seen a ton of good people die over the years, while scumbags thrive and seem to trip into good fortune. (some of them my family members). It makes entirely no sense whatsoever.

That said, In particular, banana peels are very high in potassium. Wood ash can also be used, but make sure that you apply wood ash only lightly, as too much can burn your plants.
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I am a first time grower but am no dummy. Growing is easy. It’s a damn weed. Problem is all these bs chemical ferts and big bloom crap and people overthinking things. Water it and listen to the plant. Screw all that man made fake ass shit. Never needed that bs in the wild. Defeciences come from fake bs ferts


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
I am a first time grower but am no dummy. Growing is easy. It’s a damn weed. Problem is all these bs chemical ferts and big bloom crap and people overthinking things. Water it and listen to the plant. Screw all that man made fake ass shit. Never needed that bs in the wild. Defeciences come from fake bs ferts
I agree with the watch the plant part for sure. Lot's of people have opinions, (that's where the problems start) and that's were all the crazy fert regimes come from, everyone's got there own way of doing things. Simple is good, no question. But, Growing can be easy if one learns something from their mistakes, (uses good judgement, listen to others, evaluate), and we tend to make the same mistakes over and over, either that, or we stay the same and get stuck in a rut, never learning something new.

There simply are so MANY effective techniques, and someone can spend many, many years just perfecting one of them really well. No two grows are the same either, there's almost always going to be some variance, except in that rare instance that someone has inexhaustible, time, money, resources to produce a "perfect" climate much like a commercial server (computer) room, regulating temp, humidity, light. (ie. indoor grows)
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G'day farmers it's spring here in Tassie and I'm right on schedule for my outdoor grow 2020/2021 still a little chilly out so there under my skylight in the grow shed getting started , running my Strawberry Lights and my Guiding Lights #1's . Let's see what the summer grow op brings please give me a male .....
A great farmer gets there crop in early..that extra month helps big time..you going in the ground bro..


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
A great farmer gets there crop in early..that extra month helps big time..you going in the ground bro..
I"m jealous your spring has sprung. I"m going big-time autos next year, so I can get them finished a few month early, actually. Probably in aussie land, there's not much problem with rain and mold (I would have no clue) but here in the pacific northwest, rain becomes an big issue later in the year, and mold. This year is surprisingly good, (except it's currently raining ashes) I wish I would have planted some outside.


We average around 500mm rainfall a year in tasmania.absolute perfect conditions to grow weed.our climate is temperate and being on an island our weather can change quickly .its really good right now but still have a couple frosts to go.its even snowed here in summer in highlands(christmas) lol.at the end of the long season which goes to around halfway through april we are into middle of autumn and do have to keep our eye on the rains and wind...


Since you seem to be so well informed about my grow perhaps you can clarify for us. Which of these are inorganic and with are organic. The "black" things are worm casings if you've never seen them before.
I am far from informed that why I’m here. I know nothin about Organics I just grow indoor trees. Hey at least I’m honest. Haha. Is this considered organic or inorganic?


Your not wrong there mate I’ll be in 15 lt air pots with Dr earth from the compost heap just a rain water n worm tea grow brow . Hows your grow going max
At snail pace atm..was making the mistake of putting seedlings under light before they come up and was buggering them..ive got them away from light now and sitting on top of the 315 light in same room not getting used just yet .its working very well there..not putting any outside this yr had some bastard try and pinch the ladys couple yrs back and fucked me up..so i gotta find another spot..pretty hard to find these days when you aint got your own land ..but ill be back 😃


Yeah mycorrhizae facilitate the relationship between your plant and the bacteria that ionize the nutrition in your soil. They are in constant communication through chemical signals, working to supply the plant's exact needs. They also facilitate the relationship between plants and other plants. Young redwood trees are not tall enough to get much light in a redwood forest, and survive almost entirely off of the sugars donated by other redwoods through the mycorrhizal network. Some plants, that do not form mycorrhizal associations such as brassica's will release anti-fungal root exudates to give them a competitive advantage. So its best to keep your brassicas (kale, broccoli, cabbage etc) away from crops like pumpkins or cannabis that rely mycorrhizae.
And simply, outdoor, no till, Is a living system. Basically plants talk to each other, in nature. And even more, like said above, they help each other! If you look outside, in nature trees have families. There is a whole living system going on in the soil, that can only be done without tilling.


🤔🤔 Ive seen your collection of nutrients and insecticides. Prettt sure they are not organic. Over thinking and over analyzing situations is what leads to issues. Just grow the plant. It really isn’t that hard
Not necessarily true always! I am using 1 gallon pots (half filled with local top soil and miracle grow mix) and I have 7ft tall plants!

I’m a first time grower making a million newbie mistakes and I am still doing “ok” I think.
heya farmer, just imagine how big your plants could be in larger pots if you can grow a 7 ft in one gallon pots !! You must enjoy having to feed/ water very often to keep her thriving???

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