MC`s Forest Adventure

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Well-Known Farmer
Well I`m almost broke again. I will conserve the gas I have for fetching water and only run the generator during the hot of the day. I`ll use the mixer to mix soil when it`s on charging batteries. I need to keep enough for the truck to get water and to get to the gas station on payday. One week to go! I`m low on everything and will just scrape by this month. I can charge my phone and computer off the truck like I did last Winter when the generator was out if need be. I got enough soil mixed to transplant about 12 plants from the pop up into 5 gal buckets. I`ll work on that every day as well as watering . I`m going to bag some branches on the males and collect pollen that way.I`ll take off any extra pollen sacks because I`m worried about the other growers plants. If they were clones they are older genetics than my plants and may go into bud sooner than mine. If I run out of other stuff I`ll work on the brush fences.


Take care you don't work yourself down Mark. Us older individuals can do that real easy. We still remember what we could do 10 years ago yet wonder why we are worn out after doing only half as much.

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Well-Known Farmer
Today went well,only thing I did in the garden was to water. But my Son rented a car and picked up my Daughters and Grand Kids for a visit! Got rid of that snow ball from last winter,gave it to the grandkids. We walked down to the creek and we ate fryed chicken and patatoe salid for lunch that they brought. They left me some cokes and extra left overs and $30. I spent it on gas for the generator and truck at the local store. I got a load of water and left a few beers and cokes in the creek for the next water run.


Alien Junkie and bush master
Life sure is a garden when your tending one anyway. What isn`t part of the garden is worked around it and the garden consumes most of your time ,efforts and energies.The mountians and it`s elements are also a task in themselfs. Knowing about the life helps you be prepared for it`s challenges.

One good thing going my way so far is I`ve had no pests or diseases! Everything is from seed and vigirous and pest free,the grow spot is a dry clearing never used before this to grow on.

awesome hope things keep looking up for you brutha stay frosty and keep your head up and grow safe late.
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Well-Known Farmer
Having computer problems ,something whinning maybe the fan or hard drive. Also bad connection all day. Had a bear in camp for the first time. Dog snorted and made low barks. next day I found a 5 gal pot full of soil turned over and an other one with a big paw print in it. Same bear has been messing up the camps of other growers above and below me for some time. Thinking about bear burgers and steaks!


Well-Known Farmer
Lilma passed away this morning. She will be missed. All who knew her were blessed. RIP my friend!
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Moio the13th

Man thats a real bummer. She was one the nicer people I've known. At least we know she is whole again and at peace now. The worlds definitely gonna be a bit more lonely without her though. Chokes me all up. As much as I'm around it n think about my own I hate death. This has been a tough year n even tougher summer. bum bum bum sendin ya some smoke up that way lil'Ma......damn sorry...........May you sail on the wings of your eagles in be FREE ....................................


Well-Known Farmer
Got the puter running for awhile today. Trying to keep busy and not think about Lilma to much.I don`t deal well with death. I`m on my 14th flat tire today in just less than 5 weeks. Can`t seem to get things cought up around here! Between flates and running for water I`m frazled!


Well-Known Farmer
Wow today was great! I started off with a low tire that ended up being yet an other nail in the tread. I went to town and they fixed it and sold me a tire that was set aside at $40 for me for only $20 mounted on my spare rim. Then I went to A grow shop in Oroville called iGro Hydro to get some plant tie and they ended up giving me a package of lady bugs and 5 quarts of HydroPot Grow Juise Grow. Well it was late by then but my auto insurance had laped so stopped by to re-start my insurance. I ended up with the same coverage for half of last years fee! Just got a call from a guy from way out of town and he heard my trash pump is for sale and is driving from 2 hours away to buy it from me tomarrow ! I put it up at a local market`s board a few days ago! I`m thinking Lilma is now my Angle looking after me! She must be in a hury to earn her wings!


Premium Member
Isn't that life, good day- not so good day- good day- not so good day. Not much longer and it will be fall and the snow will be flying and you'll be tired of being indoors, looks like you'll do pretty good this year as well as making some new seed stock. Its always nice to have the family visit, and it sounds like the stream is also a cooler. Its been so dry here all of the smaller streams have been dry for months. Its always something, I hope all is well with you and yours my friend



Well-Known Farmer
Well the stream here is spring fed and seems to be about the same in size all the time.It is dry around here ,more so than last year.It`s also smokey from near by fires. Forcast is for mostly clowdy today with a chance of thunder storms later today. I`d welcome the rain but not the chance of dry lightning strikes! As for snow I`m hoping to have a cover over the trailor and some skirting around the underneath this year ,but yes even if it is warmer it will be a long cramped winter! I need to work on the road a little also so I`ll be able to get in and out better in the winter.


Great story brother. I know them thar hills! Dang fine place to live and mess around. Thank you for sharing.
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Well-Known Farmer
Had a very light rain last night,didn`t even clean the air up any.It was dry by this morning but it feels good to have a little moistess in the air.Won`t last as the sun comes up and dries it all out again.


Well-Known Farmer
Just to let peeps know,the reason I`m not on line as much is because I have so much critical stuff to get done and my computer is developing problems that will need to be fixed soon.It`s an HP and I like it better than my old Dell because it has a wide screen and the pop out cup holder is on the right side on the HP lap top.


Mark, next time you are in the big city stop by Wally world and get a can of Ultra duster. Then when you get home use it to blow all the dust out of that laptop including the fan. Keep the can upright or it blows cold mist. That should clear up you laptop issues. BTW blow out the TV while you are at it.



Well-Known Farmer
Already done that ,TV also ,but the hard drive still whines sometimes and kind of sticks once in awhile. Funny though it still downloads ok when it whines. I`m afraid it will go out before I get a chance to take it in. not sure what it will cost for a new hard drive and info transfer. Mostly don`t want to lose my pics of my Grand children.


Already done that ,TV also ,but the hard drive still whines sometimes and kind of sticks once in awhile. Funny though it still downloads ok when it whines. I`m afraid it will go out before I get a chance to take it in. not sure what it will cost for a new hard drive and info transfer. Mostly don`t want to lose my pics of my Grand children.

if you can get yourself a cheap USB card and saze the pics before theyre too late or upload them to a site like instagram where theyll always be.

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