mikegreenthumbs earthbox for flowering perepetual harvest grow

  • Thread starter mikegreenthumb
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Chillin' in the Shade...
dont check my ph of liguids i dont have a great reason why i just monitor the soil and if a prob pops up address it no probs so far as for the earth box the way i keep ph in check i know that it starts out real now and goes a bit high after a week my plants will go throu res in about a week so what i do i estimate so strait water then add the nutes mixed in lil bit of water starts low then rises as being wicked its always a lil different but average is the target so its all works out if that makes sense to you
It makes sense to me as I've heard many traditional soil farmers talk about pH buffers such as dolomite lime and oyster shells... both seem to be ones that buffer over a long period of time. Honestly in my limited soil experience, I say that pH consistency of the mix greatly helps the overall plant health. When I mix stronger teas, the pH is even lower... My plants didn't like it when I started messing around with diff pH ranges for my teas. Everything seemed to be much better when I set a consistent target pH of 6.25 to 6.35. :itwasntme


It makes sense to me as I've heard many traditional soil farmers talk about pH buffers such as dolomite lime and oyster shells... both seem to be ones that buffer over a long period of time. Honestly in my limited soil experience, I say that pH consistency of the mix greatly helps the overall plant health. When I mix stronger teas, the pH is even lower... My plants didn't like it when I started messing around with diff pH ranges for my teas. Everything seemed to be much better when I set a consistent target pH of 6.25 to 6.35. :itwasntme
i know you understand the subject more so meant my back asswards way of explaining lol i have dolomite lime in my soil does great job of maintaining ph


got a couple lights out shots for ya shady ill get more tomorrow right after lights out i had to be real quick i aimed with green light and got quick flash so not a real risk but feel better about doing it right after lights out couple min wont do anything but miniscule chance of disturbing cycle 3 hours after so ima wait till tomorrow for more shots
Lights out 003
Lights out 002


got a couple lights out shots for ya shady ill get more tomorrow right after lights out i had to be real quick i aimed with green light and got quick flash so not a real risk but feel better about doing it right after lights out couple min wont do anything but miniscule chance of disturbing cycle 3 hours after so ima wait till tomorrow for more shots

Ya I usually take lights out pictures right after the light turns off or maybe right before the light turns on(but that gives me less time to take a good shot)

Nice nugs man those lights out shots give me a much better idea of their size and shape. They are looking quite chunky man! Any chance you could snap a close up shot of one of the nugs? Oh ya and I don't know If i asked you before but for some reason I have no idea what the wattage rating of your light is. 600w? 1000w?

It makes sense to me as I've heard many traditional soil farmers talk about pH buffers such as dolomite lime and oyster shells... both seem to be ones that buffer over a long period of time. Honestly in my limited soil experience, I say that pH consistency of the mix greatly helps the overall plant health. When I mix stronger teas, the pH is even lower... My plants didn't like it when I started messing around with diff pH ranges for my teas. Everything seemed to be much better when I set a consistent target pH of 6.25 to 6.35. :itwasntme

I agree that a consistent PH will always provide better results even with organics. Dolomite indeed helps to buffer PH and it adds cal mag to the soil profile. However you must apply the correct amount or you can mess shit up bad.

Back when I was doing Roots Organics tea's for the last crop I would mix up the ingredients in a bucket and aerate it with a few air stones for about 24-48 hours depending on the ratios of ingredients and then I would apply the tea when it hit 6.0-6.5. Sometimes it would raise above 6.5 and I admit(cheating) that I lowered the PH back down to 6.3 with citric acid.

The thing I love about the Roots tea's is that when you mix everything together the PH is at about 4 to maybe 5. After being bubbled for 24-48 hours the fungi and bacteria activate and multiply(more so the bacteria) and that is why the PH steadily raises. Bacteria give off alkaline slimes so increased bacterial life leads to a rise in PH where ass Fungi give off acids so increased fungal life lowers PH. Thus a balanced ratio of bacteria/fungi results in a balanced and stable PH.

So when applying a compost tea that has a PH of about 6.0 you can rest assured that it is extremely stable, and not only are you adding NPK and such your are also adding valuable microbial life to your soil biology.


Ya I usually take lights out pictures right after the light turns off or maybe right before the light turns on(but that gives me less time to take a good shot)

Nice nugs man those lights out shots give me a much better idea of their size and shape. They are looking quite chunky man! Any chance you could snap a close up shot of one of the nugs? Oh ya and I don't know If i asked you before but for some reason I have no idea what the wattage rating of your light is. 600w? 1000w?

I agree that a consistent PH will always provide better results even with organics. Dolomite indeed helps to buffer PH and it adds cal mag to the soil profile. However you must apply the correct amount or you can mess shit up bad.

Back when I was doing Roots Organics tea's for the last crop I would mix up the ingredients in a bucket and aerate it with a few air stones for about 24-48 hours depending on the ratios of ingredients and then I would apply the tea when it hit 6.0-6.5. Sometimes it would raise above 6.5 and I admit(cheating) that I lowered the PH back down to 6.3 with citric acid.

The thing I love about the Roots tea's is that when you mix everything together the PH is at about 4 to maybe 5. After being bubbled for 24-48 hours the fungi and bacteria activate and multiply(more so the bacteria) and that is why the PH steadily raises. Bacteria give off alkaline slimes so increased bacterial life leads to a rise in PH where ass Fungi give off acids so increased fungal life lowers PH. Thus a balanced ratio of bacteria/fungi results in a balanced and stable PH.

So when applying a compost tea that has a PH of about 6.0 you can rest assured that it is extremely stable, and not only are you adding NPK and such your are also adding valuable microbial life to your soil biology.

i forgot to answer about wattage two 400's mh n hps in flowering room 1 and 600 i flowering room 2 400 mh in veg

the lime i have in soil is already added this is soil i use i love it best shit out there imho


sweet seeds sweet moham ram (bud shots) day 49 flowering

so shady i got some flash shots that kinda look like lights off lemme know what you think
buds are getting so massive most are falling over leaning like tower of piza i had to tie to base stem to prevent from breaking and the walls are holding the rest up lol and their gonna bulk even more damn im lovin it bud are looking sooo nice drippin resin nice n bulky gonna be some nice smoke :boogie::friday:
May 19th 001
May 19th 002
May 19th 003
May 19th 004
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May 19th 006
May 19th 007
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May 19th 010
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May 19th 029
May 19th 030
May 19th 031
May 19th 033


as you might be able to tell from the tabs i started to flower some cheese and the blue dot kind of a test run to see if i wanna keep the mothers and run more of the strains


Chillin' in the Shade...
Great bud shots Mike! I'm really diggin' the lights out shots... Now I can see the colors better and those colas look dense and heavy... Gonna need some support pretty soon. Forgive me if I've already asked, but if you have a white meter on your camera, it's pretty easy to set a custom setting for use under the HPS. :itwasntme


Great bud shots Mike! I'm really diggin' the lights out shots... Now I can see the colors better and those colas look dense and heavy... Gonna need some support pretty soon. Forgive me if I've already asked, but if you have a white meter on your camera, it's pretty easy to set a custom setting for use under the HPS. :itwasntme

yeah it only has three generic pre settings sunny floro etc

yeah they do already need support the walls some bamboo scewers and different branches are holding em up only another week left so dont feel like doing much more unless needed


Looks like you have some nice chunky nugs coming in soon for sure. It is always a good sign when you have to think about how to support the buds haha.

Ah so your camera does not have a custom evaluate white balance function?


nope sure doesn't and yeah they are falling all over evn lower nugs are falling over its crazy in there right now pretty fucking awesome thing when they got that much weight on em i went in there today trying to clear out some dead leafs and had to stop buds were falling everywhere so i tangled the branches back into each other and hoping thell make it another week if it werent for the walls being so close they would prob up root no bullshit im loving it lol great problem to have


falling over

some shots of the buds being held up by the wall ie falling over
May 26th 001
May 26th 002
May 26th 003
May 26th 004
May 26th 005
May 26th 006
May 26th 007
May 26th 008
May 26th 009


HAHA some people complain about the walls closing in on them. It seems however in your case that it is an advantage.:bubblez:


HAHA some people complain about the walls closing in on them. It seems however in your case that it is an advantage.:bubblez:
thanks for swingin by

yeah def advatage in this case im look into those tomato cages for the next run either that a screen im def seeing the advatages to those screens now


i think the wall works great as support :)

scrog netting would b a good investment for support. even if u dont do a true scrog and weave the bitches thru it (takes a longer veg time)

only real downside is gettin in the canopy to clean shit up, inspection, etc.
plus idk if u have auto watering but if its by hand thats rough. i have my tables so they roll out away from the wall. just an option.

tomato cages are cheap to buy, work fine, and easier to get around. just depends wat ure lookin to do.


Hey Mike, nice harvest coming your way man. Cheers.

On the other note, it is also great to see boomer from RIU swing by the Farm.


i think the wall works great as support :)

scrog netting would b a good investment for support. even if u dont do a true scrog and weave the bitches thru it (takes a longer veg time)

only real downside is gettin in the canopy to clean shit up, inspection, etc.
plus idk if u have auto watering but if its by hand thats rough. i have my tables so they roll out away from the wall. just an option.

tomato cages are cheap to buy, work fine, and easier to get around. just depends wat ure lookin to do.

yeah i have auto watering in that flowering room and pretty much leave em alone other than feeding/watering idk ill give it a lil more thought thou


Hey Mike, nice harvest coming your way man. Cheers.

On the other note, it is also great to see boomer from RIU swing by the Farm.
always good to see boomer and get his valued imput as well as yours ht and shady kinda the mout rushmore of the farm we got here lol
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