My Preference when smoke time

  • Thread starter Hashman925
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I smoke like that and the smoke is good it's funny y'all say y'all smoke a joint an hour when I have said that here in the past y'all just said it was because the smoke wasn't good


not bragging as i really would like to slow down but im pretty much just like @Gmix, pretty much a joint an hour, 2 throughout the night when i wake up,.
.. well you’ll just have to drop over and let me get you stoned,.
that reminds just a week ago, and this has happened to 2 other people in the last 2 years, a buddy was over, gave him a doobie, half hour or so later he’s leaving out the front door and drops to the ground, blacked out,. i’m soo used to it that i sat there reassuring him he’s fine etc etc,..
yes it be coincide with something else going on but that’s 3 different people in 2 years,.
Your statement is not insult but insinuating I'm a weak smoker is
You have made an enemy for life now lol


its like that with every thing to me I could do a line of coke or crank and go to sleep lol lortabs I don't even feel
that’s me with drugs and booze and the thing is i’m 6ft, basically always been around 140 pounds soaking wet, can go for hours and hours on nothing (food/sleep) while stoned all day, though i’ve noticed now getting older when say working hard i almost lose my breath,.. so i’ve slowed down my working habit to keep my smoking habit hahaha


I smoke like that and the smoke is good it's funny y'all say y'all smoke a joint an hour when I have said that here in the past y'all just said it was because the smoke wasn't good
you in canada? i’ll give you some if you are


i do have another friend, it’s been a yr or so since i’ve seen him, but he would tell me my hash and or oil didn’t get him very high,. i believe him,
he said he’s only had weed that got him nice and stoned and for a couple hours from one guy (i don’t know him) but that guy only grew once a year apparently,..


i do have another friend, it’s been a yr or so since i’ve seen him, but he would tell me my hash and or oil didn’t get him very high,. i believe him,
he said he’s only had weed that got him nice and stoned and for a couple hours from one guy (i don’t know him) but that guy only grew once a year apparently,..
We are legend


not bragging as i really would like to slow down but im pretty much just like @Gmix, pretty much a joint an hour, 2 throughout the night when i wake up,.
.. well you’ll just have to drop over and let me get you stoned,.
that reminds just a week ago, and this has happened to 2 other people in the last 2 years, a buddy was over, gave him a doobie, half hour or so later he’s leaving out the front door and drops to the ground, blacked out,. i’m soo used to it that i sat there reassuring him he’s fine etc etc,..
yes it be coincide with something else going on but that’s 3 different people in 2 years,.
Lol when I first started going to Amsterdam you’d get the odd person passing out. The first time I saw it freaked me as I’ve never seen anyone go from being stood up to crashing to the floor after a while I got used to it
If I ever see ya I’ll bring my pillow just in case 😆


Lol when I first started going to Amsterdam you’d get the odd person passing out. The first time I saw it freaked me as I’ve never seen anyone go from being stood up to crashing to the floor after a while I got used to it
If I ever see ya I’ll bring my pillow just in case 😆
it only happened to me in high school while doing squatter tokes,.
that would make most people black out,.. i remember one time watching a friend do one and when he stood up and began to fall we were all stoned also that it looked like he was falling in slow motion and when he hit the ground there was a 2-3 inch diameter stump about a foot high that his arm scrapped,. freaked us out as it could of went right through him,


We are talking bubblehash and not dry ice made hash right

The 25 u bag isn’t the best unless your processing pure sativas witch in this day and age is few and far between

Why did you think that it was

Because it’s the last bag ?

The strongest bag is the 73u with the 90u a close second

The heads in the 25 bag are not even rated as smoke grade there rated as food grade as is the 160u

The heads in the 25u bag are actually smokeable but there a mix of smashed up heads and plant matter.

Indica and sativa doms best heads collect in the 73u bag the heads ( unsmashed ) are to big to go into the lower bags and collect in the bags mentioned.
I disagree.. To each is own.


Jeeps the earths flat then I guess 🤣
Btw each to there own don’t fly when your in disagreement with facts that only works as a preference

If you prefer smoking stalks and such why didn’t you say so

Mind looking at the hash pic i outa of figured


Was at a party when I was 17 I had 4 hits of 4way window pane acid and drove while every one else there had only 2 hits each

Ha ha. I havent touched acid since I was 18 yrs. Had some pretty wild trips in high school. Lucky, all good. At 57 yrs now, I would still jump on some shrooms if the occasion ever arose.

Speaking of tolerance, the last time I did do shrooms, it was a bust. Any time before, I could eat a gram and they would fuck me up pretty good. The last time I tried them, I ate 3.5g and nothing. Did I store them too long? About 3 months in a baggie. Everyone else that tried them got off on them.


Ha ha. I havent touched acid since I was 18 yrs. Had some pretty wild trips in high school. Lucky, all good. At 57 yrs now, I would still jump on some shrooms if the occasion ever arose.

Speaking of tolerance, the last time I did do shrooms, it was a bust. Any time before, I could eat a gram and they would fuck me up pretty good. The last time I tried them, I ate 3.5g and nothing. Did I store them too long? About 3 months in a baggie. Everyone else that tried them got off on them.
They probably gave you mushrooms from the store lol


Ah right the internet lol

I can see why you might of been told the 25u was the best bag with all the bad information I see out there.

1st pic is from a site that gives out bad information as do half the bloggers on the net

The second pic is from bubblemans site a stoner who invented the things

Ask anyone who makes it you’ve been fed bad information.
I could regurgitate info and post clips to "defend" my point but i perfer to go off my own experience. Bubble results vary strain to strain. First off i dont use a 8 bag system. I use 3 bags out of my set. 160, 90, 25. And the 25 yields the best results when done this way. Trich heads range in size and using the 3 bags i use captures a wider range of heads. Its processed using Frenchys method which is why its pressed together and then its cured. I make exceptional hash, its my perfered smoke. Im in the California eastbay and would meet up at any time to prove so. Now that you have some actual information on my methods you can come to an educated conclusion on my final product. I do agree after being filtered through 8 bags by the time you get to the 25 its crap. But thats not the case here...


Only the best..enjoy!
Notice how it bends and not breaks. Its the high THC content that makes it so pliable. Low THC content will crumble and fall apart. And damn sure wont roll into a ball with such a glossy outter texture.
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