newbie (2nd grow ever) trying out new hybrid led. please comment

  • Thread starter 40z2fr33dom
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@40z2fr33dom Welcome to the Farm, Nice gear you have running looks dank for sure.

As for the burn on you plants, something similar just happened to me and it was to much water from the spaying I gave her remained on the leaf and burned it.


thanks bro :cool:. lots of luv from everyone. I think I made an educated buy. Im not too sure as why the burn occurred cuz I haven't done any spraying in weeks. I could have had gotten some water on the plant when I was taking it out for pics and a res change though. whatever the cause im glad its only localized to 2 leaves. im getting some silica blast and plain ol' h2o2 coming soon to add to the line up. im currently using flora nova bloom, and a hydrogen peroxide liquid plant feed that has a 1-2-1 ratio, and also ph correcting to about 5.8 after adding nutes.
when watering I use calmag with the liquid plant feed with an occasional floranova + concentrate added.
Daan Janssen

Daan Janssen

thanks bro :cool:. lots of luv from everyone. I think I made an educated buy. Im not too sure as why the burn occurred cuz I haven't done any spraying in weeks. I could have had gotten some water on the plant when I was taking it out for pics and a res change though. whatever the cause im glad its only localized to 2 leaves. im getting some silica blast and plain ol' h2o2 coming soon to add to the line up. im currently using flora nova bloom, and a hydrogen peroxide liquid plant feed that has a 1-2-1 ratio, and also ph correcting to about 5.8 after adding nutes.
when watering I use calmag with the liquid plant feed with an occasional floranova + concentrate added.

40z2fr33dom, I just started using floranov and as much as the final crop turned out ok, the solution was hard to deal with. I found it was too sludgy and left a nasty film on my nutrient tank. And considering I lost a quarter of the product to a hardened state in the bottom of the bottle, I was a little disappointed with gh this time. Do you know of any alternative 1-part nute that you could recommend? Something that's a little easier to deal with and has less of a mess left behind.



40z2fr33dom, I just started using floranov and as much as the final crop turned out ok, the solution was hard to deal with. I found it was too sludgy and left a nasty film on my nutrient tank. And considering I lost a quarter of the product to a hardened state in the bottom of the bottle, I was a little disappointed with gh this time. Do you know of any alternative 1-part nute that you could recommend? Something that's a little easier to deal with and has less of a mess left behind.

sorry bro im still learning myself about all these nutrients. i don't know much about 1 part nutes other than they really make my solution compound simple and pretty straightforward.i haven't had any problems with the floranova bloom, although I physically wash out my dwc bucket wiith every reservoir change and wipe dry with paper towels. that eliminates any build up that occurs, and it does occur. no way I could do that with a scrog net though so if you come across a clean 1 part that works just as well, please let me know as im planning on implementing a scrog net with my next grow (whenever that might be). good luck with your search


ive been slacking BAD on my posts so here are some pics of previous days with dates


sooo....... apparently after my watering I set my air pump to an unfixed timer when I was setting up the new tent and...... the fucker was off for a period of 24 hrs or more!!:facepalm::nailbiting: only way I could tell was the the smell of rot coming from the roots when I opened the tent and also the way the entire plant was wilted. so I made a batch of just plain tap water I let sit for about 10 mins and a pretty strong dose of h2o2 mix in with it and let the plant soak for a period of about 15 mins. then I mixed up a new batch of feeding solution with a stronger mix of h2o2. I was praying like hell that 2 months of growing didn't go down the drain. here's pics of her all wilted. 3/17
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3/20. she still looks a lil beat up but slowly and surely she's recovering
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40z2fr33dom, I just started using floranov and as much as the final crop turned out ok, the solution was hard to deal with. I found it was too sludgy and left a nasty film on my nutrient tank. And considering I lost a quarter of the product to a hardened state in the bottom of the bottle, I was a little disappointed with gh this time. Do you know of any alternative 1-part nute that you could recommend? Something that's a little easier to deal with and has less of a mess left behind.


Yo Daan the man, follow up about the FloraNova.... Like you were saying about the caking up and hardening of nutes I the bottle, it happened to me:inpain:. I didn't even have the bottle for long either :mad:. Biggest and first indications were the entire plant was wilted, had twisted leaf tips, ends started to fray upwards like heat stress, and the ends looked like they were having nute burns all over, lower and older leaves were yellowing and falling off, flowers weren't gettong any bigger... basically, the plant looked like crap and was getting worse and worse :arghh:

Now believe me I swore up and down to myself that it was something else, but process of elimination proved me wrong.

First, I checked the pump again to make sure it wasn't off. its compression wasn't like it used to be so I upgraded to a newer, better one. -- Still no difference
Second, I checked the ph and it was off of course, so I corrected it.
Next, I checked the ppm and made sure it was in line (which it was).
Lastly, made a new batch of solution with the FloraNova Bloom.

This went on for about 5 or 6 days, flushing and making new solution once a day, and on third day I was thinking that reservoir temps were fluxing and causing ph troubles so I bought a 2 to 5 gallon 50 watt aquarium heater, but all to no avail and I was starting to lose hope :wtf:.

A pretty much last resort/desperate move, I went back to the good ol' GH flora trio at a ratio of micro (4ml per gallon), grow (1ml per gallon), and bloom (6 ml per gallon).........BOOOOM! within a few hours she was coming back alive!


First 3 pics are from 4/6...... sorry for the mess, laundry room was packed so I have clothes thrown everywhere, but I had to take some pix since ive been slacking
overall plant was doing pretty damn well...... except for the spider mites that I should have noticed about 2 weeks ago. I didn't tke any close ups of the damaged leaves or of any of the mites or there eggs. ive never had problems with spider mites before, but yet this is ony my 2nd ever grow.

I looked up how to get rid of the lil devils, but they don't seem too easy to be free of. So, I did a simple mix of about 40% tap water and 60% rubbing alcohol ( the alcohol bottle had cannabis stems packed in there and had been soaking for about a year and a half, a simple cannabis rub for my arthritis on bad days, it was the only bottle of alcohol I had lying around :( ). I drenched both of the plants entirely from top to bottom, tops and undersides of all the leaves. I let the plants dry out in from of a big fan after they soaked for a few minutes. After they dried out I shook the hell outta the plants to get the lil buggers that died from the spray off and to get the weak and malnourished leaves to fall off too as not to have any dead or decaying leaves in the grow room. I also cleaned entire grow room once I took both plants out

Next day ---4/9---, I went to my local hydro store and asked the owner about an organic insecticide for mites I can use for my medicinal plants in flower. He told me about a product he recommends called azamax by GH that he sells to our local dispensary. I bought it on good hopes and headed over to the dispensary for a lil 411.
I was told the best way to use it was to start when the plant was small and spray it down once every week for the entire life cycle regardless of an infestation on bugs or not, I would drastically minimize the chance of them even showing up. One of those things u wished u knew about moonths ago :bookworm:.
Anyway, I bought the bottle of azamax and sprayed it later that night before the lights turned out

I removed most of the worst leaves (which filled a plastic solo cup when packed down). I know its not good to remove leaves from autoflowers, but I felt it was more of a necessity. Spider mites are no joke. We'll see how she turns out though, huh? im still very optimistic about the N.L. potential :pompus:
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