Obama care for MMJ and DEA & Government Shut Down

  • Thread starter lino
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..or maybe you're worried on Fukushima radiation? If that building comes down and causes explosions..be the first to move out of California. Nobody knows the full impact yet...some could ultimately get sick..but if nothing happens except a clean-up/containment the percentages will be nominal.

He's talking Fukishim. The solar field reversal isn't going to cause a problem as far as cosmic rays. Our EM field is still protecting us from cosmic rays as it ever has. Now if the earth's field flipped--we might have some issues.


I would say many things cause mutation, but I feel the fundamentals of evolution, gods outerspace aliens not scalpable Mexican aliens had more to do with evolutions but 2nd place would be radiation as far as mutations and evolution go. meiosis built in mutation have to think about that a while.


I would say many things cause mutation, but I feel the fundamentals of evolution, gods outerspace aliens not scalpable Mexican aliens had more to do with evolutions but 2nd place would be radiation as far as mutations and evolution go. meiosis built in mutation have to think about that a while.
I just hope I get superpowers soon


Natural, go get a sun tan. You;ll get some good radiation/mutation but you'll probably you get a cancerous mutation mistaken for a scalpable Alien or Obama before you get mutated super powers


I would say many things cause mutation, but I feel the fundamentals of evolution, gods outerspace aliens not scalpable Mexican aliens had more to do with evolutions but 2nd place would be radiation as far as mutations and evolution go. meiosis built in mutation have to think about that a while.

Actually there are honestly hundreds if not thousands of built in mechanisms which drive mutation. Crossing over, g-rich DNA, and the enzymes which replicate DNA so that growth may occur do have a discrete error rate. They are not perfect. There are fail safes in the replication process downstream of these enzymes but none of these drive replication to anywhere near 100% accurate. There are honestly many many more that we know about and still others which are being researched and discovered as time goes along.


stress causes mutation. period. those stresses can come in many different forms


stress causes mutation. period. those stresses can come in many different forms

That is essentially correct--a little more nuanced than that in some cases (like the error rate in replication), but this is close enough that it's not worth nitpicking.


Fear Not!
you guys think this is a mutation?


Mutation are leading this conversation back to the point of Aliens, prisons, border jumping and Obama Care and immigtation, follow me;
Introducing TomatoBis. TomatoBis it is one out of many, many experiments that actually mutated. Cannabis has exchange rate in the soil and air that is off the charts. So many times students and myself would think we had a mutation but it was almost always an aroma/fragrance cross over and not an actual mutation. The few mutation that have occurred in my lifetime of experiments have been subtle things but crazy shit happen in labs and Nature happen all the time. This type of mutation happens in aquatic and microscopic life forms often. So without all the convoluted Squiggism , meaning you contradict everyone including yourself, but that makes for dam good threads, this will happen frequent. But life forms Might have started as a single cell so as Squigg also said, life would not exist without Radiation and that means the cell got hit by a strong radiated sun beam or some how transferred DNA by contact and thats how Maybe it started so Squigg is scientifically correct . But Squiggs, I seen guys like YOU just fall apart as they discovered quantum physics , as they realize all their science and math bullshit falls completely apart and was real and fact is now in question. eintstein, sagen, all those guys struggled with this and I say they went bonkers as they discovered they could not prove shit,,, many of these guys while still sane, in their rite mind, started praying to god. quantum physics means were all wrong, I can exist on each side of the universe with action effecting atoms on both sides of the universe and I can exist in the same spot at the same time but happens if my atoms intrude Uranium, MC2. the bomb.. People like you have been known to loose thier minds playing with quantum physics, careful, The kids at MIT creating the next generation Quantum Physics CPU and having real philological problems as they discover it. It just sucks to be wrong and all of sudden nothing makes sense. What is real. HOW can mutations start before a graft has set without hormones? Nature/god cant figure that dude out.
Introducing TomatoBis.
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TomatoBis, Hitler and Obama have 2 thing in common, mutated gene pool with one side hating the other side.
TomatoBis tries to kill Cannabis and take his nutrients.
Hitler Tries to kill jews and take their money.
Obama tries to take rich peoples money, not his money. And he hates 1/2 of himself also.
And they're 1/2 breeds.


Squigg, Immigration laws were put in place to select the cream of the crop, not let criminals, gangs, sick and ill, un-educated into this country to propagate ghettos, crime, gangs, and welfare, Your OUT OF YOUR MIND already! You must have started your Quantum physics study. If we take and empty prison into Mexico what have we just done, Oh, we'll empty all the contagious diseased people in the country also and while were at all the people with out diploma's will go to Mexico, Force them to pay for college education and everything. We'll watch that country go to hell .
Illegals make ghetto's and legal immigrants make American business.


Then make them legal and tax them. Case closed.

Offer a solution or you're just bitching.
Tax them?, Illegals are taxed the hardest, they get no IRS tax return. While maybe you're rite, Obama care will hit em for $75,, but we'll loose that deal if they get sick one time. legalize criminals , That a ludicrous suggestion.
Solution to economic and immigration problems:
Immigration reform (Bounty's) ,a peaceful gathering of illegals, would resolve 60% economic and 95% of immigration problems. Get rid of Obama and Obama Care and this country is back to 1.25 /gall gasoline and everyone making $30 or more and hour again and low college tuition's.


. Get rid of Obama and Obama Care and this country is back to 1.25 /gall gasoline and everyone making $30 or more and hour again and low college tuition's.
In a thread full of ignorant statements- this one wins the prize for most ludicrous


End the wars and use that money to rebuild...but that will never happen as war is good for the big corps...and keeps the people in constant fear.


Tax them?, Illegals are taxed the hardest, they get no IRS tax return. While maybe you're rite, Obama care will hit em for $75,, but we'll loose that deal if they get sick one time. legalize criminals , That a ludicrous suggestion.
Solution to economic and immigration problems:
Immigration reform (Bounty's) ,a peaceful gathering of illegals, would resolve 60% economic and 95% of immigration problems. Get rid of Obama and Obama Care and this country is back to 1.25 /gall gasoline and everyone making $30 or more and hour again and low college tuition's.

You really must be high as hell if you think getting rid of illegals will end 60% of our economic problems.

Your perspective is just way off man.

I also really can't believe you said dumping Obamacare would fix gas prices, bring the minimum wage up to $30, and lower college tuitions.

I think that demonstrates what I've been saying. With as little offense intended as possible: When it comes to economics, you are clueless. You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


Squiggs, Am I supposed submit and admit the USA is in good economic standings.?
Cali and detroit collapse havnt happened, its all our imagination?
Many states are not on the verge of bankruptcy.
Spending more Obama money will make more economic growth.
Turn Mexico criminals in to the USA is your answer?
Colo went bankrupt without MMJ $$$ and this is good economics.

I just dont see your Spending and turning criminals in USA citizens is a good budget plan. That wont work in my home.

NATURAL, Kolah fantasizes bout ending wars , I fantasize bout a perfect world, with $30hr/ and low gas, dont hate me for that... And for my threads ; 100% accurate predictions thus far, it frustrated many as they said I was wrong bout Obama Care, they got taxed hard like I told them they would , they went away from this thread. I'm predicting further collapse of the Gov after Jan 14th by the end of first quarter 2014 you'll not be coming to this thread either cause my economic predictions MIGHT come true if Obama wont negotiate.... I'm guessing a single "A" credit rating. I'll predict its out come in more detail later. I've invested in Obama -nomics, I've been banking but not everyone is doing that good who working and thinks Obama is going to take care of them, but invest on the bet of Obama fuck ups and you'll make some cash, fast food stocks and precious metals, insurance bonds are going thru the roof at all time highs! dude dont sell, buy more, he is going to fuck up big time,,, gold could increase 2-5 times... If Im wrong I hope I can sell before a sharp decrease but how could that happen, Clinton was the only one who made these type of investments go south.

So Squiggs I many be clueless about economics but I had some good trips to my bank lately from Obama-nomic investments. Wanna compare bank statements?


If you've followed my investor model on this thread you've tripled or quadrupled your $$$, but I dont know shit, but I listen to guys who do and there on this thread if want to follow my poor economics.... but we're all banking on Obama fuck ups. like you said not a good idea to follow investment experts, correct?.


Actually, I invest in the stock market pretty heavily. I wouldn't compare bank statements with you, but then again you probably don't have 100K worth of student loan debt or any degrees.

Investors have a name for folks like you. Folks who don't really understand the system but whom invest in it anyway--typically on the advice of people whom they cannot properly judge the expertise of (because they do not possess the requisite expertise--again back to the surgeon argument, but with investing this time). They call you the "dumb money".


Actually, I invest in the stock market pretty heavily. I wouldn't compare bank statements with you, but then again you probably don't have 100K worth of student loan debt or any degrees.

Investors have a name for folks like you. Folks who don't really understand the system but whom invest in it anyway--typically on the advice of people whom they cannot properly judge the expertise of (because they do not possess the requisite expertise--again back to the surgeon argument, but with investing this time). They call you the "dumb money".

I wouldn't take financial advice from someone who is sitting on 100k in student debt…….

no matter what their degree.

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