Obama care for MMJ and DEA & Government Shut Down

  • Thread starter lino
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I have a few friends who quit school very early, can barley read and write and yet kick ass in the "financial" world.

There is something to be said for being street-smart and savvy business entreprenurs. No degrees, no debt, and gettin er' dun'. Smart folks IMO.


I wouldn't take financial advice from someone who is sitting on 100k in student debt…….

no matter what their degree.

Well I technically have about 100K in debt (93 something if I recall correct), but I have a scholarship that will pay out a little more than half of that upon graduation. The rest was really unavoidable, I've been taking the slow road and working a job while going through school specifically to avoid racking up an enormous debt. If I hadn't done that I'd probably have been much closer to 150K even after the scholarship. It's tough to say because it would've taken me less time which with rising costs might have actually saved me a bunch.

Either way I figured the best way to go about it was to work it off while I'm going at it, I didn't like the idea of just borrowing up to my eyeballs and being a full time student with no non-entitlement income coming in.

I could've probably saved a buttload more, but I chose not to apply for welfare or food assistance. Some might call me stupid for that, but I figure if I can hack it why take that money from someone else who might not be able to.

Also, beyond all that, kolah hit on reality which is that you can be in horrible debt and come from really any perspective and be a genius with the markets. Most people who are good with the financial sector just have a great understanding of the types of businesses they invest in. That goes much further than understanding wall street as a whole a lot of times.


Well I technically have about 100K in debt (93 something if I recall correct), but I have a scholarship that will pay out a little more than half of that upon graduation. The rest was really unavoidable, I've been taking the slow road and working a job while going through school specifically to avoid racking up an enormous debt. If I hadn't done that I'd probably have been much closer to 150K even after the scholarship. It's tough to say because it would've taken me less time which with rising costs might have actually saved me a bunch.

Either way I figured the best way to go about it was to work it off while I'm going at it, I didn't like the idea of just borrowing up to my eyeballs and being a full time student with no non-entitlement income coming in.

I could've probably saved a buttload more, but I chose not to apply for welfare or food assistance. Some might call me stupid for that, but I figure if I can hack it why take that money from someone else who might not be able to.

Also, beyond all that, kolah hit on reality which is that you can be in horrible debt and come from really any perspective and be a genius with the markets. Most people who are good with the financial sector just have a great understanding of the types of businesses they invest in. That goes much further than understanding wall street as a whole a lot of times.

well…. my advice is grow a pair while pot's still worth something and drop that debt.


well…. my advice is grow a pair while pot's still worth something and drop that debt.

That's not far off from the plan once I get this degree wrapped up. Truth be told I don't have the time for that right now. I barely have time to wipe my ass properly it feels like sometimes.
sky high

sky high

I wouldn't take financial advice from someone who is sitting on 100k in student debt…….

no matter what their degree.

I hope yer saving like mad right now my friend. 100K doesn't go very far when yer paying for tuition/books/etc.


No I didnt have much $$$ to start with. still dont have much. What I meant is : i'm freakn out and having fun on the investment thing.. A friend showed me his stock profile and showed me his game. I posted what and who we're following and tripled the small amount cash I had , done it 3 times since the start of this blog, and yes squiggs , I do have some Student debt,,, And Squiggs I like your threads, not hating you.

I played stock yrs ago and got caught with pants down and lost $$$ and never touched the shit again till now.... My own idea that is actually working is Alcoa and copper, I feel the penny is a real coin and I gambling that copper might be melted down in the masses soon when the penny and penny value sky rockets in value as the grn back dollar falls and my strategy is working, follow this;;;; cash in big on the scary gamble Obamanomics stock, take what is deemed safe investment in copper and save. Its return is small but steady and has a very good history. A economics professor liked the strategy but said I need to find actual amounts of copper in the Penny per year and went over formulas to Guesstamate a penny value vs paper dollar value . I tried his formula's and screw all that I'm sticking with the idea that copper has been safe.
Since value of copper has came very close to equaling a Penny , MY HOPE for the future (If Obama Disaster Strikes) would be 100 to 500 Pennies will still buy a loaf of bread when it will take 15 paper dollars to get that bread and One gold coin will get a lot of bread, that my investment profile in nutshell. And if I'm wrong copper has average'd a small return for a long time...
$312 was $901 overnite, No work, no lights, no bud to grow. Its addictive! I'm got $900 rite now in scary Obamanomics stocks, Thats a lot for a guy like me to gamble. Put the rest in Copper and my fast food is hitting BIG again today. But this is What is fucked up, I will have a hard time paying bills if Obama fucks me in the next 2 weeks, the more messed up his HC is the more these stocks climb and the dollar falls, Never bet against the USA, How smart is that.?.. Gold prices have just been floating around, nerve breaking, nail biting shit.


are you talking pennies? real pennies? pennies are zinc. They make machines that pick the random copper ones out.


Lino- If you want a good trade, look into oil stocks. They just pulled back as oil prices dropped, and several technical indicators now show strong bullish signals from here till the end of the year.. Check out the volatility index (VIX) as well....now is the time to get in for huge gains. Once the talks start up again in a couple weeks, volatility will spike as it always does.....easy money.


are you talking pennies? real pennies? pennies are zinc. They make machines that pick the random copper ones out.
Stock is Alcoa - Copper is a safe bet. Ironic you mention Oil, my partner is playing Oil stock also and based on his return/ Ya muir, he did well had large grip of cash riding in the market. Not investing Penny (commodity), if shit hit the fan and dollar falls in value, Penny still worth a Penny i hope. Might not be a good thought scheme but I read about a guy who built a fortune in the last depression based on Pennies.


Lino- If you want a good trade, look into oil stocks. ------ volatility will spike as it always does.....easy money.
No negotiations and if the country economy doesnt completely dump I hope to cash in,,, I know I could loose my cash... My partner loves to try and predict Oil stock and like you said that stock can hit BIG! I've been kicking it around, this unCharter territory for me so I dont swim to far from shore. still learning about this stock game.
sky high

sky high

It is important to be diversified. I always laff when folks talk about how they are investors....yet when the chips hit the table you see that they are invested >only< in ONE thing. Mistake. Big mistake.

Scary biz, for sure. If any of you were investing/invested in the game in 2001 you know how fast it can disappear. Likewise, if you've stayed in, you know how it can recover..and then some...to say the least. Crazy shit.


Never played the stocks and never will. It's a rigged game. I know a shitload of more people that lost their asses to the stockmarket than anyone "getting rich" from dabbling in banker bullshit. I think everyone knows someone who lost their ass by stockmarket rippers.

I do know one guy (a chiropractor) who literally made a few million investing in foreign currency (USD for Yens). This was in the late 90's. The guy told me he had a good lead on an investment deal and wanted me to come along (pitch in). Me, being a cautious guy with my money, declined. DOH!

Anyway, the poor guy got divorced a year later and his ex got almost all the dough...and his house. Easy come, easy go.
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sky high

sky high

We don't play the game >by choice<....we are invested in a pension fund that...like most funds.... is linked to the game at hand. Over time, we have lost and we have gained...with gain winning out...as history shows it is more likely to do than lose.

yeah...that stayin married thing is also key. Talk about losses..... Wow.

And folks talk of the stock market bein' scary.....LOFL. Suckers.


Sky, invest buddies just laugh hard at me cause I want it all at once and had beginners luck, And keep cashing little bits in and they say stay in.... For my knowledge I just copy cat someone who is doing well, but I learning quickly "again" that they can afford to take Temporary losses while I freak out and they warned me not to get addicted. I could loose my ass and really wished I hadnt invested so much recently. Wanting to take a small hit again this morning and get out of some it,, they telling me NO ride it out, its not even noon on the exchange


Fear Not!
Metal prices are down right now but copper pennies (pre 1982 ) contain 2 cents worth of copper today

1971 called, it wants its reality back.

In 1971 the USA left the gold standard, and most nations followed suit immediately. Your greenbacks are no longer tied to the gold standard, and you may not exchange them for gold bullion. USD is a fiat currency, as are most others.

The purpose for restricting ownership of gold is that investing in and hoarding gold significantly reduces liquidity in the market, which is extremely extremely bad for the economy. For the same reason gold ownership was outlawed in the 30's (and it, for the most part, worked).

You need to do some reading up on the financial system, clearly you're working with some errant and/or outdated information currently.

Leaveing the gold standard was a way to Rob the people...
in 1976 gold was 100 bucks and ounce...its over 12oo now..and was hovering at 1700 for a while..
That means Our US Dollar should buy 12 times more than it does!

in 1964 you could easily buy a loaf of bread for a quarter (25cents)
If you still had that same 1964 silver quarter....You could still get a nice loaf of bread!
melt value of a beat up 25 piece is now $3.73 and it was and will again be much higher

What I am trying to explain is...

The money changers have ripped us all off!!..

Invest in real money, Not paper,
Silver is a bargain right now!
so is copper


Metal prices are down right now but copper pennies (pre 1982 ) contain 2 cents worth of copper today

Leaveing the gold standard was a way to Rob the people...

Actually, they had already robbed folks by printing too much money. They were trying to right the wrong by leaving the gold standard--they flat out didn't have the gold to back what they had printed. It's a wonder the US dollar didn't disappear.

in 1976 gold was 100 bucks and ounce...its over 12oo now..and was hovering at 1700 for a while..
That means Our US Dollar should buy 12 times more than it does!

If you'll notice, the price you quoted in 1976 came 5 years after the gold standard was left behind in 1971. It wasn't leaving the standard which caused gold to skyrocket in price. It was the deluge of electronic devices which did this. Gold is the primary conductive component in virtually every circuit board on the planet. It's part of the reason why electronics are so expensive. For once people were using gold for something other than looking nice and shiny. This caused the price to go way way up.

in 1964 you could easily buy a loaf of bread for a quarter (25cents)
If you still had that same 1964 silver quarter....You could still get a nice loaf of bread!
melt value of a beat up 25 piece is now $3.73 and it was and will again be much higher

This is a result of inflation, which has a great deal more to do with the average amount of money each person has than the instantaneous worth of that money. Inflation occurred at pace both before and after the federal reserve came into existence.

What I am trying to explain is...

The money changers have ripped us all off!!..
You won't have any argument from me there, it's just they've done it in much more clever ways than what you're describing.

Invest in real money, Not paper..

It's worth understanding that precious metals will be as worthless as dollars if the economy collapses. If you really are afraid of something like that happening, you'd be better off investing in food, water, armament, and other home security. Things that will ACTUALLY be worth something under those circumstances.

Hoarding gold as an investment doesn't make a huge amount of sense unless you're just trying to slowly grow the value of a reasonably sized lump of cash.


Get rid of Obama and Obama Care and this country is back to 1.25 /gall gasoline and everyone making $30 or more and hour again and low college tuition's.
In a thread full of ignorant statements- this one wins the prize for most ludicrous

May I ask why you disagree with this or why it isn't correct, or at least on the right track considering the poster?

Why would rolling back Healthcare Reform be ludicrous?


Fear Not!
Hoarding gold as an investment doesn't make a huge amount of sense unless you're just trying to slowly grow the value of a reasonably sized lump of cash.
It makes more sense than buying stocks squigg. That shit isn't even real
the Market could and probaply will crash ...its being Propped up..has been for years
Of course buying non perishable food and lead is a good idea,.. because thats going to cost more soon too

Gold has Value..like you said they use it to make stuff..same with silver...and copper
Metal always has had value....and always will.
and Paper money will always buy less of it as time passes
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It makes more sense than buying stocks squigg. That shit isn't even real

That's just not true if we're being real about it. Stocks are certainly real. They can really make you boatloads of money. You're right that it doesn't make sense to buy stocks if you don't understand that system, though. Even though it seems intangible, if you own enough stock in a company--you actually get to help that company make business decisions, that's part of what buying a stake gets you. So yes, it does give you something very real. It's just that buying 10 shares here and 20 shares there doesn't really compare with things on that larger scale.

the Market could and probaply will crash ...its being Propped up..has been for years
Of course buying non perishable food and lead is a good idea,.. because thats going to cost more soon too

The stock market isn't being propped up strictly speaking. The strength of the US economy as a whole is being propped up, and if that bottoms out it will take Wall Stree with it. Same result, same scary consequences--but slightly different reason.

Gold has Value..like you said they use it to make stuff..same with silver...and copper
Metal always has had value....and always will.
and Paper money will always buy less of it as time passes

Yes but the type of stuff they make with gold silver and copper is not the type of stuff that you're going to need a lot of if everything hits the fan. If you invest in gold at the high price its at now, if shit hits the fan you'll lose like 85% of the value of whatever gold you have. That money would be better spent on stuff that will keep you safe and breathing.


Get rid of Obama and Obama Care and this country is back to 1.25 /gall gasoline and everyone making $30 or more and hour again and low college tuition's.

May I ask why you disagree with this or why it isn't correct, or at least on the right track considering the poster?

Why would rolling back Healthcare Reform be ludicrous?

Because we were paying $3.00 for gas, making $8.50 an hour, and paying through the nose for college well before the man took office. Were you in a coma from 2000-2008?
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