Opinions? Any Suggestions? Hopefully Help

  • Thread starter Dano110
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I know it's maximum yield, but it's a decent read with areas to cross reference and can even search then for research applications usually I end up finding them online. This one is for chitosan benefits, but there are other links in there for some of the things I mentioned. This is basically where my rabbit hole started and got me digging.


Time to fanboy AN again. Take a look at the ingredients in Iguana Juice, forget about Conoisseur, its like a super soil recipe in liquid form and if you combine them with the full organics line you have most of what you see here. I make my own super soil but I still like to use organic liquids from AN to add more if plants want more, its a good way to not put too much in the soil and give them more if they want more.
Chitosan is present in krill extract (Iguana Juice and Nirvana). Bud Factor X is not certified organic but its made mostly out of crustaceous shells aswell.
Ascorbic acid, citric acid, lactic proteins are present in Big Bud liquid
Mannitol from kelp extract in Nirvana, Bud Ignitor and B-52 (B52 also contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9, B1 which are, respectively, Tiamine, Riboflavine, Niacine, Panthotenic Acid, Pyrixodine and Folic Acid)
Glucose, maltose, ribose, xylose, galactose, policarbonates Bud Candy
Beta-glucanase, cellulose, xylose Sensizym (I use an enzyme product from a spanish brand that has a more complete range, pretty sure you can find one in the US aswell to combine with sensizym or even alone)
Leonardite and potassium sulfate Ancient Earth or Grandma enggy's F1
All the liquids mentioned here except Bud Factor X, Bud Ignitor and B-52 are certified organic, and honestly even those 3 are organic for the most part.
Ingredients of iguana juice (veg and bloom have the same with different npk ratios)

Notice how they dont mention krill extract, they are purposely as vague as possible to keep their formula out of the hands of competitors. You can find ingredients that they dont mention in grows online, because the grows can have acces to a more specific list of ingredients and they will put it in their webpage, happens a lot with spanish online grows, thats how I got the specific ingredients of the previously mentioned liquids.
Props to you for making the effort of digging so deep and sharing with us. Im a deep digger myself and I dont mind long reads. I think, at least for me, that combining my own super soil with AN organics is the perfect way to give all the plants the exact ammount they need individually. Also for people who are not willing to do that much research and buy so many different products AN gives a very solid alternative with their OG Organics liquids.
EDIT: Im gonna need to start getting paid by AN at this rate. There's a reason why I love that brand so much and I think it shows why in this post.
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Sorry ran out of time to edit, for a more accurate list of ingredients of iguana juice without them being so vague:
Krill extract, yeast extract, yuca extract, kelp meal, alfalfa extract, worm castings, volcanic ash, bat and sea birds guano, fish meal. That contains an insane ammount of vitamins, minerals and other things that you wont see in the label.
And in case youre curious, my custom soil is: 20% perlite, 15% expanded clay and clay colloids (microscopic size clay), 45% peat, 20% coco.
With these dry ammendments mixed in: Leonardite, worm castings, bat guano, feather meal, bone meal, volcanic ash, kelp meal, neem meal, dolomite lime. I dont add epsom salts cause they are water soluble and I prefeer to use them while feeding as I see fit.
What I top with: not much really, diatomaceous earth if I see gnats otherwise I feed liquid silica and worm castings if I have extra from the previous mix. Otherwise the liquids Im using from AN have plenty of humic and fulvic acids anyway.
EDIT: Expanded clay is also another great house for your microorganisms, and expanded clay and clay colloids are nutrient buffers aswell. Diatomaceous earth I use only when gnats pressent because it has alumina( 2-4%), if your ph goes below 4,5 (in case of an accident) it will become water soluble and get in the plant, and its toxic for them and for you. I trust my capabilities to not go below 6,0 and closer to 6,5 in late flower but its something to keep in mind.
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Yeah there are a few bottle organic lines I've tried & have.. Advanced, GO, Canna, Earth Juice. They are good but $$. I got tired of paying for liquid then went to dry mixes, roots organics & then finally with DTE Down to Earth products.. I basically have everything they sell. I use some BioAg products & a few BuildaSoil products.. Diatomaceous earth I have is food grade, but I still have some Dynagrow protekt too for Silica. I use that Incredible Bulk dry pk booster.. a cpl guanos , bunny money , big bag of ewc. Then I got mostly just my microbial rhizosphere products & natty pgrs. I have too many products now already 😆.


That bud factor x I have no idea what all is in it.. but it does induce SAR so there are a few ingredients that could cause that.. that price is outrageous so I basically just make my own version. my version of it is basically just a natty pgr cocktail that induces SAR/JAR.


That bud factor x I have no idea what all is in it.. but it does induce SAR so there are a few ingredients that could cause that.. that price is outrageous so I basically just make my own version. my version of it is basically just a natty pgr cocktail that induces SAR/JAR.
Now my curiosity is going bonkers. What’s in this cocktail of yours? Or is it a family secret lol 😁


Fulvic acid, water soluble chitosan oligosaccharide, harpin protein, vitazyme which has brass & triacontanol, greengro aminos 0.5-0-2., aloe and a kelp/seaweed product.. sometimes I'll use aloe & salicylic acid.


My aloe is in the fridge, but here's the ingredients. If I'm out of aloe or wanna rotate I'll use yucca. No secrets here, I don't gatekeep info. Granted the stuff is potent & not really to be sprayed in a dosage to feed but just a super light mist as a message.. I just add nutrients to it to make it a lil less intense? Somethings I'll use some of this stuff as soil drench & others are more effective as a foliar.. I don't spray after week 2 of flower and even then it's the larf at the base & stem.
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This is the zeolite I use. I posted a link where they show it increases CEC & K uptake by 30%
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Here are those quartz bio rings I add in my soil too. It has a neutral ph 6.5-7.
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That bud factor x I have no idea what all is in it.. but it does induce SAR so there are a few ingredients that could cause that.. that price is outrageous so I basically just make my own version. my version of it is basically just a natty pgr cocktail that induces SAR/JAR.
You are right and here is why Bud Factor X is so expensive compared to other AN liquids or bloom stimulators:
"Formulated with biologically active ingredients; Axiom Harpin Protein, Salicylic Acid, and Chitosan"
Another thing that Big Bud, Nirvana, B-52 and Iguana have is a shitton of aminoacids. Just Big Bud alone contains all the 20 L-form aminoacids, but since big bud is for flowering they also include them in the other liquids, including the base Iguana Juice.
As for bud ignitor it has nothing too special, its mostly the kelp extract and since I already have kelp meal and its cheaper I dont use it, other OG organic liquids also have kelp extract like Nirvana. That said I wanna try it some day, sometimes is not just one ingredient but the mix of them, the ratios and the form they come in, and people swear by it. Talking about price, those green aminos cost more than buying more than half of the OG organic line, and they come with all the necessary aminoacids aswell its just that most people dont know what really is in OG organic line because even AN doesnt make it easy for you to know. Its true that buying the dry ammendments yourself you can save some money, you can also design your formula the way you want and have fun with it, but I honestly think that AN has it figured out better than I do and its a pain in the ass for me to try to give every plant their maxium capability with dry ammendments because unlike liquids (even organic) you have to wait to see the results and by that time you wont be able to correct it if you used too little or too much, you can add more but your plant already lost time that could have used with more nutes, or less. AN also runs tests in their liquids so I dont have to, they give me a perfect aproximation of what ammounts I need to use (I use half and go from there since I have dry ammendments, I increase until I reach the plant max capabilities). Thats why I prefeer to use both methods, with dry ammendments I ensure a constant slow release of nutrients and with liquids I can add and wait 1 day to see the results and adjust accordingly (more dose or less dose). Honestly, I have not seen an organic line of liquids even close to what AN has to offer but as I said, I dont have as much variety here as you guys have in the US. I do have canna liquids here but they pale in comparison with AN, its not even fair to compare them. Canna offers a cheaper alternative but also very basic. Another thing to note is that when you buy dry ammendments, you have to use way bigger quantities. Liquids come in a concentrated form and with most of them you only need 1-2ml per liter of water so they are really not that expensive. Iguana Juice asks for 4ml/l in big plants but its also not expensive, specially considering the high quality and variety of ingredients.
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Another thing to note. Bud Factor X you only use during bloom, same as Big Bud. Bud ignitor is only used in the first 2 weeks of flower, so is not really that expensive either per grow, a 250ml bottle will be enough for a long time. Another very important thing to consider is in what form do these nutrients come (There are many forms of, for example, potassium, and not all of them are equally good), what ratios they have and when you should use them. Bud ignitor doesnt have any special ingredient, but the form they come in and the ratio is mixed at is specially designed for the 2 weeks of flower and only for that, in that frame of time. All these things AN has been calculating for you for years to come with formulas secially made for weed that make it one of, if not the most, prestigious brand (Maybe alongside Fox Farm, but sadly I dont have it available in Spain so I never tried it, its based on what people say). Their liquids do work and accomplish what they say, they are fully organic with the OG line and mostly organic for the rest, they respect and feed your microbes and your plants because Iguana Juice is basically the dry ammendments you would use for super soil in liquid form. That said, for big operations it might not be an option, it would be too expensive, but for a small operation like I have its perfect.


I think that the proof is in the pudding so why not share some of our girls grown under our methods?
These have been grown with my super soil and AN organics light feedings under 2x75W LED bulbs and additional 50W on the sides for late flowering with LED sticks (I can afford AN liquids but a decent LED panel is another story... but they are not doing bad at all even tho Id like more Watts). Here is my last harvest, toped auto matanuska:
Big pheno (This one is missing 1 cola and the tip of another, empty stash so I did cut a little bit to keep me going before harvest time 😅)


Small pheno (This one is missing half a cola)


Now my current grow, 4 Skywalker OG Runtz XL autos in day 36, cant wait til they show the buds. Internodal space is big, to be expected from a XL strain, I didnt buy it because of that but because of the 2 strains it comes from, I wanted photo but I could only find auto. The advantage of more internodal space is that the leaves dont make as much shade as in small bushy plants, which is perfect for a short lived auto since I dont wanna stress them (defoliating). This strain is 2 months from seed to harvest so unlike with the auto matanuska, which is 3 months from seed to harvest, I wont be doing any LST or HST and I will avoid defoliating as muh as possible (so far I didnt defoliate but I did cut 2 small branches in the first node of 1 plant because they were not gonna make any good bud since they didnt stretch upwards like the others did)

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Yes, I don't know how I read that as pounds. I'm on my phone but...I think I need glasses :(

Please, nobody use 3 pounds of this stuff on your plants.....ha!

Thank you
😂 had to do an up pot today, here is my mix for 3x 1 gallon pots all together this is a 2 week mix approx, they’ll up pot to a 3 gallon after that then veg till time for up pot to flower

Added a pic at the end of what the roots look like at transplant to the 1 gals and another after the 2 weeks going into the 3 gal
IMG 5366
IMG 5368
IMG 5369
IMG 5370
IMG 4606


Yes heavy metals are one of the reasons I try the natural approach. This is all relatively new to me as well. I grew up learning with Synthetics & parking lot lighting. When I started growing outdoors is when I slowly started researching and transitioning away from Synthetics because of the soil life & making the soil system self sufficient. Heavy metals are in alot of different things, in my belief letting the plants decide what they want to eat is better than force feeding them.. even tho the results are so complex that we humans can't differentiate the difference in farming methods without a test involved. But thats where personal opinions get involved & we all have our own. Me I'm really into knf & microbes & rhizosphere life network etc. I find it fascinating to watch them under a microscope and feel safer knowing they are in my substrate hard at work. Others are into minerals or salts and make killer bud too. I don't send my product for testing but I grow in a method that hopefully will prevent heavy metal uptake but am still learning the complexities. Hell soil microbiologist are still learning new things about the soil life & Rhizosphere. This is a amazing process - nature itself & I like reading research papers of those white coats experiments and attempts to streamline the process or hack the Rhizosphere.. maybe in 15 years we will be growing bud with 60% thc instead of 20-30%. It really has come a long way.
I shoulda took a pic of my mix bin before I started adding the new soil and amendments the stuff left in there is still dry from the previous mix but when ya open up the bin and see that bit of fuzz growing on your soil, ya just know it’s gunna be a good grow 😁

I use great white as well mixed in with lucky dog peat moss that is already loaded with myco lol


Suggestions? I made the mistake of watering with ph3 water, 2 water cycles. I've noticed changes in growth since. I've continued with ph 6.3 water since. Did I lock it up? No nutes yet. Fox farm ocean forest soil. Not 100% sure of age, probably 6 to 8 weeks.
Soil ph takes time to severly flunctuate you need a teater theyre the game changer
Around 8 week
Lower your light its stretching and lst the outsise branches a different direction each and the or two tall ones i would FIM them rathervthan top maybe even twice to let the outside come arou d from the outside and catch up itll be ready to flip by then temember 1/3 of its height at flip is what will roughly b added go hydro and that plants is that big half the time
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