I've got the lights set up this way because both the manufacturer and many of the channels I follow on You Tube say this is what you should do with this light at this stage. I'm not naïve enough to think that that makes it conclusive but with the greatest respect your opinion with the light seems contrary to what I'm being told? I have seen videos where growers keep the light up much higher but most seem to have at a similar distance to me at 50% power? I have turned it down to 25% this evening though to see if it makes any difference so thanks for your advice.
I really appreciate your advice but you need to understand I am a novice and therefore don't understand some of what you've said. The water for my last two feeds was adjusted to 6.6 and 6.4 respectively. Are you trying to tell me that I can't mix the way that I have been feeding so far with the nutrients that I am yet to receive because one method (molasses and seaweed) is organic, and the
Fox Farm nutrients are synthetic? I'm showing my ignorance here because I really had no idea that was true! As for nutrients and NPK ratios, do I have to look for a product that is already 5-15-5 or can I make this up myself? That may sound like a really dumb question but I am a newbie. I live in a country where it is difficult to get nutrients and I can't find any on the Internet here with that ration.
Also, I don't understand some of your directions?
Could you explain the above in more detail please because I don't understand this bit? I'm waiting for the
Fox Farm trio to arrive but you're saying they're no good to me right now?