Rockstar In The House!!!

  • Thread starter MitchyNugz
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I really appreciate your flowery garden, is very busy. I wonder how you set the ventilation during the day and in the dark period?


i can to do stuff to ur crazy amazing looking herb.......

like blaze the shit out of it.

oh we will my friend we will.....that sess we smoked the other day was insanity like 7 hours of roor bowl after roor bowl my chest is feeling her today!!!!

that outdoor L.O.G is so damn nice you did a good job on that bro we are gonna miss her dearly......R.I.P L.O.G


I really appreciate your flowery garden, is very busy. I wonder how you set the ventilation during the day and in the dark period?

all fans stay on 24 hours a day on full speed so ventilation is same during dark and light periods!

thx again!


got a lil surprise in the mail...thx to sebastian420 for hooking her up....she is super basic and a great size can put it anywhere....callin it the Oxyclown with all these colors!



Unknown farmer
looks like a air injection mod is needed to the one i have.. not sure tho. will check it out in the morning :) thanks for the pics brother
Darth Fader

Darth Fader

Looking sooooo dank Mitch, makes me wanna take a trip to Canada! If you REALLY want to prevent your filter from falling inside your tent and crushing your girls ... put it outside. Works just fine and frees up space inside. ;-)


Cool as hell Mitchy I bet it works great cant wait to see it in action your bud shots are sick you always kill it homie everything looks great but I dont think ive ever seen a bad pic from you man I hope things are going good my brotha



Looking sooooo dank Mitch, makes me wanna take a trip to Canada! If you REALLY want to prevent your filter from falling inside your tent and crushing your girls ... put it outside. Works just fine and frees up space inside. ;-)

Whats up DF......thx alot for the vibes and if yah ever canada bound drop me a line for sure and we will get some of that Rockstar into your lungs A.s.a.p.......really wish I could toss yah a nug or two.....and good idea on the filter for sure Im just really paranoid about smell and keep it inside so there isn't a cjance of the smell getting sure other way works just as well too but I got them chained now so no more fuck ups happen......this is by far the stinkiest crop I have grown when I open tent the smell gets everywhere...trimming will be a bitch!

stay tuned for some final updates!!

Cool as hell Mitchy I bet it works great cant wait to see it in action your bud shots are sick you always kill it homie everything looks great but I dont think ive ever seen a bad pic from you man I hope things are going good my brotha


yo chef my man whats shaking and baking......really appreciate the props coming from you I always love your threads and garden shots...and keif ooooooo man......the cloner is pretty cool for sure and funny to look at with all the color.....this crop is doing nicely but the thrips are really fucking my veg up the spinosad doesen't seem to be working so I had to hot them with something a lil more toxic and Im pretty sure it did the trick......but man I swear I can't sleep at night when my plants look like shit becoming a lil to much of a perfectionist and nothing I do is near perfect lol.......really want to test my socal gear got clones of all the phenos but the thrips loved them dearly so I dunno might be a back to back rockstar run and Ill just continue this thread!

your dry sift looks so amazing mind me asking again just how you get such large amounts of piles always seem so small.......fuck all those lil containers you had made me drool all over comp screen......and the buds looked famtastic too.....but damn those piles would have Keifer Sutherland jealous!!!!


Lmoa thanks Mitchy sorry about thrips I hope the burn in hell i just got rid of my last RA infested plant so now its bomb, bleach, bomb, bleach and then round 2 it will be the same 2 strains the white and the apollo 11 except this time 6 of each instead of 5 and ill be running amended coco on a drip anyway as for the dry sift thank you thank you all all I do brother is use dry trim i freeze and then i use 1 gal bubble bags and shake away but this time I used dry ice usually i put a couple bent credit cards in to help sift it arounf but this time I didnt because I had the chunks of dry ice to help pulverize I also start with the the smaller micron size and work up to the largest which is a bit counter intuitive but its how ive had the best yield and end product also I will be using dry ice from noe on helped up the yield a little I hope that helps brother much respect



Lmoa thanks Mitchy sorry about thrips I hope the burn in hell i just got rid of my last RA infested plant so now its bomb, bleach, bomb, bleach and then round 2 it will be the same 2 strains the white and the apollo 11 except this time 6 of each instead of 5 and ill be running amended coco on a drip anyway as for the dry sift thank you thank you all all I do brother is use dry trim i freeze and then i use 1 gal bubble bags and shake away but this time I used dry ice usually i put a couple bent credit cards in to help sift it arounf but this time I didnt because I had the chunks of dry ice to help pulverize I also start with the the smaller micron size and work up to the largest which is a bit counter intuitive but its how ive had the best yield and end product also I will be using dry ice from noe on helped up the yield a little I hope that helps brother much respect


sup chef.....yah that is an awesome way of making it saw it on youtube awhile ago with the dry ice and the yield was insane....I did the old 1 gal bag before with the trim in a jar and a couple quarters to move it around and got some full melt keif that was un real......broke my one gals but gonna try the dry ice with my 5 gals with the rocky trim........thx for the info much appreciated bro!

Sorry to hear, Mitchy. I hear they're pretty evil. They might like that.o_O Hope veg shapes up for you. Be well.

LOL yah they might enjoy it haven't met anyone yet who hasn't lmao......thx for stopping by GC your thread is looking off the hook!


i feel like the rockies flew threw these 50 something days, way to go rockies and mnugz for another amazing thread thats almost coming to an end now.


i feel like the rockies flew threw these 50 something days, way to go rockies and mnugz for another amazing thread thats almost coming to an end now.

yes my friend she is coming to a near end and I can't wait for the smoke out when she is ready gonna be a big one....appreciate you tagging along the whole way and some samplers will be delivered!

your buds only have a week or so to go //right??? surely they can't hurt them too bad??
if they're in veg, throw the book at "em. lavender mix, spinosad, iso alcohol, might wash.. attack them with something different every so many days... had 'em this August.. above regiment kicked their leave sucking asses...
peace bro...

YOOOOO Mo whats up bro,......glad you stopped back in and appreciate the info....I hot them with some new shit the other day and I can already see the difference so its working but your right you gotta hit them with some new shit and mix it up...I swear they are getting immune to spinosad!

cheers Mo!


This will be my next run of clones......thrips have been reaking havoc on the veg but these ones are shaping up....just topped them all once and gonna transfer to one gallons shortly just have to get rid of my old soil in my tuppaware and make a new batch to be sure there are no thrips in that shit......just relized Im out of perlite so won't be transfering till tommorow!

this run will consist of 8 Rockstar my bread n butter now and then I will be testing some Socal Seeds gear......I have three dawg-goo (Afgoo x Chemdog D) phenos #1....#2 and # 4 all females from seeds......I gave my buddy the big moms and he is flowering them right now but he only has pheno 2 and 4 and they are looking very lush and great branching!

I have Socal's Southern comfort to run as well 2 phenos from seed but the one that I have sexed got thrip damage really bad so Im not running it this round hopefully the clone comes back....and the other pheno is unknown so if it turns into a male I will be replacing it with a chem valley kush or a jack the ripper!

might just keep this thread going....or start a new one for the socal strains!


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