Soldiers Co Op Grow 2015

  • Thread starter papapayne
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I deal with it with a fat spliff!:D

But yeah man, muscle memory doesn't go away. Last year at work a guy came up behind me and grab me like a bear hug i bent at the knees grab a arm and slung him over me on the ground already had my knife to his neck when the other guys pulled me off him. Luckly theres a few Vets that work with me and knew what was up so i kept my job and was looked at in a different way. You just can't help it, you can't just turn it off no matter how many classes you go through.Lol

And the little ones are looking good! My Lemon Skunk and L.S.D are just showing their sex now. Having a little trouble with a few fan leaves stems turing red on the top of them


post a pic here maybe I can help diagnosis it. I've heard great things about lemon slunk


No problem here ya go Im thinking its just the strain ..But I don't know never grown either of them. This is the Lemon Skunk


rust/white patches between the veins of the leaf, twisted fans. Folair spray some epsom salt and add some cal mg to your nutes and u should be golden


Thanks Brother Kinda what I thought I added cal-mag to my Res water sunday.

What Kinda mix should I do for the foliar spray?


If you have a cal mg nute that is safe to foliar spray, you can use that. If not, what I do sometimes is 1 gallon HOT water, 1-2 tablespoons epsom salt. Mix it super good while its hot. When it cools down, the salt should have broken down and be ready to spray. (dont spray hot water on the plants)


Well, the seedlings are now 2 weeks old. They are doing phenomenal, roots are going ape shit, pouring out the bottom of the pot. They are in my mind, officially vegging now. They have 4-5 main nodes, with most of them showing inter-nodes along the stem. Gotta say, they are progressing much faster then I have seen in soil. I gave them their first neem spray as a preventive, going to cycle that every 7 days. I had been running the 600 MH 24/7, cut it down to 20/4 for the remainder of their veg cycle. Planning on running them in veg for 2 more weeks in their 6x6 squares, then the healthiest, largest 8 will be be transplanted into 5 gallon smart pots, vegged 1-2 additional weeks to fill the pot with roots, then flower cycle. I am anticipating starting by the 1st of march. I am going to be purchasing a veg tent, no more closet light leaks for me. The plants that don't make this flower cycle are going to become MONSTERS...going to veg them the full flower cycle, topping and topping and training the whole time. That is the plan anyway!

Here is a pic of them just under standard room lighting, not MH

Natural light


Do you MainLine or SOG, ScrOG?

I got a thread going in Hydroponics of my DWC grow. Its my first Indoor and Hydro setup. Just made a Bubble Cloner gonna try it out on a couple cutting today


post the link in here, I would love to check out what ya got going on.

I have done Everything in my time growing. I will never mainline again...its a waste imo to veg to remove bud sites. Every plant I have mainlined ended up with 2x the veg time and not the correct yield return on that extended veg. Scrog is a great method, especially for low ceilings and or low plant counts. It requires more extensive preventive measures though vs mites/molds because plants in the back corner become inaccessible to inspect up close.

SOG is imo the best commercial system. Have big healthy moms in veg, multiple strains to. Pull clones, root em, veg 1 week to get a nice healthy root system, and flower in 6x6 pots in a large grid. Most efficient method imo, especially to multistrain/perpetual If I had it my way, thats the way I would grow. But my current GF is not cool with it. SO I stay legal and grow large plants, topped and LSTed.


There was a time (with my second wife..the main reason shes my ex wife) when I had a nice over sized 2 car garage and had 12k watts running a SOG and a separate room for vegging moms...2k watts per table, 25 plants per light no veg time, ran mostly purple AK47, super skunk, Silver haze, purple mr nice, grape ape, and green crack, and would nearly always have every table full. Needless to say, it was my only job and was incredibly productive in cash and bud. Not at all low key though or easy. Was high stress. Luckily it was in California where that type of operation is pretty common place so never ended up getting busted there. If i had....lets just say I was always way over 99 plants


Its funny to, IDK if its just because I look back at that grow with such envy, or if its true, or if it was because I was still a rookie in this game, but those strains seemed so easy to run and get top shelf yields, bag appeal and quality. Most of the strains I have run last few years seem to give one or the other. Although, my book keeping then was slim to non existent, so it may just be my high ass didn't really connect the dots properly. Nowadays I have to keep track of all my patients, how much they bought, of what, and accurate yield, expense, and donations. Being legal sure came with a lot of paperwork lol


LOL no problem! Yea, its definitely the most rewarding to be helping veterans out. I have one patient right now whose not a veteran, and sometimes I feel bad for him, but he knows in the hierarchy a vet in need will take priority for meds. I have had decent harvests, but that last one with root aphids really hurt my pateints...not nearly enough yield to go around. I am hoping to get a flower cycle going asap, and hope these are good yielding, and also fairly quick finishers. 9 weeks is about all I like to have flowering plants have in my gardens.


They are doing pretty well. Coco definitely prospers when ya to know how to read plants, as they respond very quick. They all have that amazing "fuzzy thistle" feeling to the leaves which I have come to associate with happy healthy leaves. Sorry if not making sense. The misses and I smoke a good bowl of some perfectly cured (like 3 months in the jar now) Wet dreams (Dream lotus x sensi star done by hemlock) and pretty fuckin lit.

I can't figure out which one it is, but one of the plants has a serious fruity funk to it. I am looking forward to this cycle like I haven't in a long time. This whole coco performance so far has me wishing I had made the leap ages ago. Should be a fun run. I suspect I am going to end up flowering more then I am will be very hard to choose which ones to flower if I had to choose only 8.


Hey all.

Gonna be getting a pic in a minute, just giving a little update on the plants. They are definitely chugging along, no longer really "seedlings" anymore. Most have at least 8 nodes, very lush and green, and loving life. Seems coco is working well for me. I have been treating it like hydro, and giving a little bit of nutes daily, with a weekly 20% runoff to keep salt from building up. They seem to love it :) We are at full strength nutes now as well. They all have roots pouring out the bottom of the their pots, seems the mycos are doing their job! I am a little wondering how I am going to choose which plants are going to make it into the flower cycle and which are going to have to wait.

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