Tangerine power and sinmint cookies are unstable

  • Thread starter bongobongo
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lol .......

learn about breeding. ? feming shit / S1's is not breeding lets start with that.

ya i understand when you start frankenstining genetics you get hermie ....

ever notice how they stopped that dna cloning bullshit, all the cloned sheep are fucked up.


speaking of chem that 3-4 elites in 20 bag seeds is total bullshit. the queen mother spitting out elites by every oz sold ..... so ya, maybe that guy got in the selfing/breeding ( wifi )game early ?
Aladeen OG

Aladeen OG

Okay, making seed. Or breeding. You can do the fine line "oh you gotta do this or that to be a breeder' nah, seeds made, breeder made. Regardless if you hate them or not.

I still don't understand your contradictions. You say there needs to be selection and testing, so why don't you pop beans and select and test for your own grow environment and likes for taste and potency? Should the 'breeder' or 'one who made seeds' (if you wanna try and argue over words spoken not meanings meant) wipe your ass for you too? He doesn't know what you want. Sometimes there should be variance in a strain because that's what makes it said strain!!! Bottle necking into a lesser genetic pool does nothing but promote what you speak ill of, so yeah I'll say it again, learn about. BREEDING and read what you said again. Peace
Aladeen OG

Aladeen OG

speaking of chem that 3-4 elites in 20 bag seeds is total bullshit. the queen mother spitting out elites by every oz sold ..... so ya, maybe that guy got in the selfing/breeding ( wifi )game early ?
Yeah but your 9 leafing bodhi Og you try and rename out of a single ten pack is sooooo much different. And unique. LOL
Aladeen OG

Aladeen OG

You edit your posts way after the fact and conversations have started. Not into word bending dudes. Later bro.

As far as SINCITY herms, I have a couple sinmints herm on me. Nature of the game. Doesn't mean I didn't find keepers or find that that much lost with the nature of our product.


my 9 leaf. look again boss leafs throughout nepali / tahoe each one the same size across. ??

ever grow outdoors ? you get different leaf sets. now your counting leaf numbers for determining og cred' ? ok this is gonna be good.

did you notice the grey cast on the finish buds ( like tahoe ), the kushy balls screaming thai / haze ???? grows just like an og lanky .... ? did you notice mom was an " elite " from one of the top breeders ?

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run along little one before it gets good .... but before you do ....

so is the leaf count what we judge OG's ( hybrids from day one ) with ? or is it gotta come from a cali club mid/2000's ? or its tightly held ... by a few on the net ? what's the criteria , does it have to be an S22 or S33 ?


Wow...just wow! When I first read about Tangerine Power I thought yeah I'd rather grow this strain than any OG. After reading this thread my personal hype on this strain is dead; even though, I love the structure of the plants and their vigor. I've never ran female seeds until now and at this point I probably never will again. I was fully aware of the risks and I understand genetics, but of all the breeders and strains on the farm selling female seeds, the variety I'm growing is being called into question. Shit is a huge buzz kill! I'll definitely come to my own conclusions soon enough, but my Tangerine wishes have officially gone down the drain.


In fact I have zero quote zero fem seeds because I thought I'd avoid herms lmao. And the though of a dominant buck was intriguing


The fact that all of yours were regulars is crazy! The two cents of others has changed my perception of female beans back to where it was several years ago. I honestly thought the process had improved. But yeah, your experience has definitely affected whether or not I buy the Sincity regular beans, as well as the guy that got straight herms or males. I'm starting to wonder why all of their beans are still in stock...maybe the issues has something to do with these issues.


i don't want to fuel any fire but i grew 3 tangerine power fems that i got from one of the promotions..1/3 did hermie and it started early into flowering..my grow is completely for the head so i don't sweat it so i just plucked the balls and kept her in the room…i chose to harvest it around day 49-51 due to seeing plenty of lil nanners. With that said, the 3 plants grew extremely uniform and pretty vigorous after a bit of a slow start. The taste/smell is super citrusy tangerine and its delicious. The plants were some of the frostier plants that round also. That grow was very laid back on my part so could have been grower error but it was the only plant out of 10 that hermied that round.


If Ya wanna make sure your buying beans that are consistant!?! then look to buy or make your own f4's, by then the select pheno should be narrowed down enough with proper selection. The first option is nearly impossible as "i" only see one breeder moving beyond f1's.


If Ya wanna make sure your buying beans that are consistant!?! then look to buy or make your own f4's, by then the select pheno should be narrowed down enough with proper selection. The first option is nearly impossible as "i" only see one breeder moving beyond f1's.

I can think of a few but not many and they arent working with the latest trends usually since they take years on selection


I wonder what would be the standards on breedibg cannabis when and if it all goes legal? The ? Is in regards to the standards an not the "if" for those devils advocates out there, lol!


anyone can buy or make what they want & if there is a market, thats cool. my point in all of this is you have known herm plants or you make self'd plants thats great, but using those plants further in breeding is just crazy IMO, your gonna get herm' passed on.


Imo The herm trait is in all cannabis, its how well you can bury it! Some not soo deep and all it takes is a simple drag of the feet to bring it to the surface, others are soo deep youll need chemicals to unearth!


........ " Attempts to breed offspring of only one sexual type have led to more misunderstanding than any other
facet of Cannabis genetics. The discoveries of McPhee (1925) and Schaffner (1928) showed that pure
sexual type and hermaphrodite conditions are inherited and that the percentage of sexual types could be
altered by crossing with certain hermaphrodites. Since then it has generally been assumed by researchers
and breeders that a cross be- tween ANY unselected hermaphrodite plant and a pistillate seed-parent
should result in a population of all pistillate offspring. This is not the case. In most cases, the offspring
of hermaphrodite parents tend toward hermaphrodism, which is largely unfavorable for the production
of Cannabis other than fiber hemp. This is not to say that there is no tendency for hermaphrodite crosses
to alter sex ratios in the offspring. The accidental release of some pollen fro predominantly pistillate
hermaphrodites, along with the complete eradication of nearly every staminate and stami- nate
hermaphrodite plant may have led to a shift in sexual ratio in domestic populations of sinsemilla drug
Cannabis. It is commonly observed that these strains tend toward 60% to 80% pistillate plants and a few
pistillate hermaph- rodites are not uncommon in these populations.

However, a cross can be made which will produce nearly all pistillate or staminate individuals. If the
proper pistillate hermaphrodite plant is selected as the pollen- parent and a pure pistillate plant is
selected as the seed- parent it is possible to produce an F1, and subsequent generations, of nearly all
pistillate offspring. The proper pistillate hermaphrodite pollen-parent is one which has grown as a pure
pistillate plant and at the end of the sea- son, or under artificial environmental stress, begins to develop a
very few staminate flowers. If pollen from these few staminate flowers forming on a pistillate plant is
applied to a pure pistillate seed parent, the resulting F1 generation should be almost all pistillate with
only a few pistillate hermaphrodites. This will also be the case if the selected pistillate hermaphrodite
pollen source is selfed and bears its own seeds. Remember that a selfed hermaphrodite gives rise to more
hermaphrodites, but a selfed pistillate plant that has given rise to a limited number of staminate flowers
in response to environmental stresses should give rise to nearly all pistillate offspring. The F1 offspring
may have a slight tendency to produce a few staminate flowers under further environmental stress and
these are used to produce F2 seed. A monoecious strain produces 95+% plants with many pistillate and
staminate flowers, but a dioecious strain produces 95+% pure pistillate or staminate plants. A plant from
a dioecious strain with a few inter- sexual flowers is a pistillate or staminate hermaphrodite. Therefore,
the difference between monoecism and her- maphrodism is one of degree, determined by genetics and

Crosses may also be performed to produce nearly all staminate offspring. This is accomplished by
crossing a pure staminate plant with a staminate plant that has pro- duced a few pistillate flowers due to
environmental stress, or selfing the latter plant. It is readily apparent that in the wild this is not a likely
possibility. Very few staminate plants live long enough to produce pistillate flowers, and when this does
happen the number of seeds produced is limited to the few pistillate flowers that occur. In the case of a
pistillate hermaphrodite, it may produce only a few staminate flowers, but each of these may produce
thou- sands of pollen grains, any one of which may fertilize one of the plentiful pistillate flowers,
producing a seed. This is another reason that natural Cannabis populations tend toward predominantly
pistillate and pistillate hermaphro- dite plants. Artificial hermaphrodites can be produced by hormone
sprays, mutilation, and altered light cycles. These should prove most useful for fixing traits and sexual
" ........... Robert C Clarke


Imo If you can reverse it chemically it has the capabilities to herm given unknown environmental issues. Maybe not with the factors aware but more of a freak environmental occurance whatever it may be, silver nitrate deposits in the soil or a spring misting infused silver colloids from a reaction within the earth(if possible). Even if it takes 100yrs for the factors to align, what could go wrong will! So where did the first herm come from or were they asexual and evolved with seperate sexes. so was it the chicken or the egg, that is the question!
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